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Design repackaging - Before
Product Classifications Consumer Products
Convenience products
Buy frequently & immediately
Low priced
Mass advertising
Many purchase locations i.e Candy, newspapers
Shoping products
But less frequently
Higher price
Fewer purchase locations
Comparison shop i.e Clothing, cars, appliances
Specialty products
Special purchase efforts
High price
Unique characteristics
Brand identification
Few purchase locations i.e Mercedes, Relox
Unsought products
New innovations
Consumers don’t want to think about
Require much advertising & personal selling i.e Life insurance,
blood donation
Design repackaging - After
Product Classifications Consumer Products
Convenience products
Shopping products
Buy frequently & immediately
Low priced
Mass advertising
Many purchase locations
i.e Candy, newspapers
But less frequently
Higher price
Fewer purchase locations
Comparison shop
i.e Clothing, cars, appliances
Specialty products
Unsought products
 New innovations
 Consumers don’t want to think about
 Require much advertising &
personal selling
i.e Life insurance, blood donation
High price
Unique characteristics
Brand identification
Few purchase locations
i.e Mercedes, Relox
Design repackaging - Before
Difference in approach
Fragmented Strategy with Ad-hoc spending
Minimal attention to cost drivers and rogue buying
Poor demand planning and unleveraged spend
Limited market insight and supplier management
Poorly written contracts and overly complex specs
Focus approach to Category Management
• Deep understanding of spend areas and suppliers identifies targeted opportunities
Comprehensive market knowledge improves negotiation capabilities
• Access to broader supply base facilitates competition
• Collaboration with internal customers creates alignment for selected buying strategies
Design repackaging - After
Difference in approach
Fragmented Strategy with
Ad-hoc spending
 Minimal attention to cost drivers and
rogue buying
 Poor demand planning and
unleveraged spend
 Limited market insight and
supplier management
 Poorly written contracts and overly
complex specs
Focus approach to Category Management
 Minimal attention to cost drivers and
rogue buying
 Poor demand planning and
unleveraged spend
 Limited market insight and
supplier management
 Poorly written contracts and overly
complex specs
Design repackaging - Before
Segmentation Marketing:
New Methods for Capturing Business Markets
• A definition of segmentation and discussion of its benefits.
• Guidelines for conducting the market research necessary for
identifying needs.
• The strategic applications of needs-based segmentation.
• A working description of tactical applications relating to the
marketing mix.
• The design and implementation of a market information system.
• A framework and guidelines for implementing this approach.
Design repackaging - After
Segmentation Marketing:
New Methods for Capturing Business Markets
 A definition of segmentation and
discussion of its benefits.
 A working description of tactical
applications relating to the
marketing mix.
 Guidelines for conducting the
market research necessary for
identifying needs.
 The design and implementation of
a market information system.
 The strategic applications of needsbased segmentation.
 A framework and guidelines for
implementing this approach.
Design repackaging - Before
Stock Market
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of
economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may
include securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.
Size of the market
Stocks can also be categorized in various ways.
One common way is by the country where the
company is domiciled.
Stock exchange
A stock exchange is a place or organization by
which stock traders (people and companies) can
trade stocks. Companies may want to get their
stock listed on a stock exchange.
Participation by head of household race and gender
The racial composition of stock market ownership shows
households headed by whites are nearly four and six times
as likely to directly own stocks than households headed by
blacks and Hispanics.
Market participant
Market participants include individual retail
investors, institutional investors such as mutual
funds, banks, insurance companies and hedge
funds, and also publicly traded corporations
trading in their own shares.
Design repackaging - After
Stock Market
A stock market,
equity market or share
market is the aggregation of
buyers and sellers (a loose
network of economic
transactions, not a physical
facility or discrete entity)
of stocks (also called shares);
these may include securities
listed on a stock exchange as
well as those only traded
Size of the market
 Stocks can also be categorized in various ways.
One common way is by the country where the
company is domiciled.
Stock exchange
 A stock exchange is a place or organization by
which stock traders (people and companies) can
trade stocks. Companies may want to get their
stock listed on a stock exchange
Participation by head of household race and gender
 The racial composition of stock market ownership
shows households headed by whites are nearly
four and six times as likely to directly own stocks
than households headed by blacks and Hispanics.
Market participant
 Market participants include individual retail
investors, institutional investors such as mutual
funds, banks, insurance companies and hedge
funds, and also publicly traded corporations
trading in their own shares.
Design repackaging - Before
OPA Concerns
Processing, controlling, confirming and settling the firms and client's
transactions to a high quality standard
Researching and troubleshooting problems within
the area of expertise
Documenting process flows and creating procedure manuals for the
functions performed
Contributing to the development of re-engineering methods to improve
processes, reduce risks, increase controls and/or increase customer
Sharing knowledge of processes and systems with new analysts
Assisting with client service initiatives for firm's clients
Design repackaging - After
Operations Analyst
Processing, controlling, confirming and settling the firms and client's
transactions to a high quality standard
Researching and troubleshooting problems within the area of expertise
Documenting process flows and creating procedure manuals for the functions
Contributing to the development of re-engineering methods to improve
processes, reduce risks, increase controls and/or increase customer satisfaction
Sharing knowledge of processes and systems with new analysts
Assisting with client service initiatives for firm's clients
Design repackaging - Before
Automotive Packaging
Brand and packaging is most important for purchasing decisions.
During any shopping experience a distinctive, well designed and functional packaging
adds considerable value in influencing shopper perceptions and purchasing decisions.
It increases the incentive to the product and helps to navigate in the variety of products.
One-third of consumer decision-making is based on packaging.
At the point of sale, the product and the packaging are perceived
as a unit and most remembered, more than price and advertising.
Design repackaging - After
Automotive Packaging
Brand and packaging is most important for purchasing decisions.
 During any shopping experience a distinctive, well designed and functional packaging adds
considerable value in influencing shopper perceptions and purchasing decisions.
 It increases the incentive to the product and helps to navigate in the variety of products.
 One-third of consumer decision-making is based on packaging.
 At the point of sale, the product and the packaging are perceived as a unit and most
remembered, more than price and advertising.
Design repackaging - Before
ISF functions
ISF has global presence. It is present in Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe,
Australia and the Middle East. Experts in achieving targets and it
serves various industries like
Aerospace & Defense
2) Automotive
3) Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance
4) Media & Entertainment
5) Consumer Products
6) Energy
7) Healthcare, Life Sciences
8) Retail etc
Revenue: 10580 Million $
Profit: 402 Million $
Design repackaging - After
ISF functions
ISF has global presence. It is present in Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the
Middle East. Experts in achieving targets and it serves various industries like
Aerospace & Defense
Consumer Products
Banking &
Capital Markets,
Media &
Life Sciences
10,580 Million $
402 Million $
Design repackaging - Before
Online retail business details
It gives customers the chance to experience
instant gratification at home
It lets new customers find you even if you’re not a
local business
It is a way to test niche products in a safe,
affordable way
It allows you to run lower inventory levels
You get the chance to compete globally while still
staying local
It’s fun!
1. It takes a lot of time to operate. 2.
Chargebacks are more common than in
person. 3. You must be accurate with your
shipping costs. 4. Search engine penalties
can dramatically reduce the amount of
natural traffic you receive. 5. There’s no way
to accept cash. 6. It requires overhead costs
that can be equal to a physical store.
Design repackaging - After
Online retail business details
It gives customers the chance to experience
instant gratification at home
It takes a lot of time to operate.
It lets new customers find you even if you’re not a
local business
Chargebacks are more common than in person.
It is a way to test niche products in a safe,
affordable way
You must be accurate with your shipping costs.
It allows you to run lower inventory levels
Search engine penalties can dramatically reduce
the amount of natural traffic you receive.
You get the chance to compete globally while still
staying local
There’s no way to accept cash.
It’s fun!
It requires overhead costs that can be equal to a
physical store.
Design repackaging - Before
Target Market
Market: Provider
500+ MA: SAP, Microsoft AX, Sage X3
Gr. middle class 101 – 499 MA: Comarch, Applus Microsoft AX, Sage X3, Infor, Sage Baeurer Pro Alpha, Netsuite,
Small middle class 11-100 MA:
Target market 6- 100 MA: Sage OfficeLine, Mesonic, SoftENGINE, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Selecline, SAP
Business ONE, Alphaplan, eNVenta, acumatica, Abacus, Actindo, Solvaxis
Micro company 1 - 10 ma: Lexware, WISO, Sage 50, PC merchant, Sage One, Collmex, HS, SilverP, ScopeVisio,
Sage Office Online
Design repackaging - After
Target Market
SAP, Microsoft AX, Sage X3
Comarch, Applus Microsoft AX, Sage X3, Infor, Sage Baeurer Pro
Alpha, Netsuite, Plex
Sage OfficeLine, Mesonic, SoftENGINE, Microsoft Dynamics NAV,
Selecline, SAP Business ONE, Alphaplan, eNVenta, acumatica,
Abacus, Actindo, Solvaxis
Lexware, WISO, Sage 50, PC merchant, Sage One, Collmex, HS,
SilverP, ScopeVisio, Sage Office Online
500+ MA:
Gr. middle class
101 – 499 MA:
Small middle class 11-100 MA:
Target market 6- 100 MA:
Micro company 1 - 10 MA:
Design repackaging - Before
Inspiring Customers Together
With Our Partners
No. 1 Automotive Business
Competence & Innovative
Products Quality
Shift from
Inspire Customers
Best Brand
Design repackaging - After
Inspiring Customers Together
With Our Partners
No. 1 Automotive Business
Competence & Innovative
Products Quality
Shift from
Inspire Customers
Best Brand Experience