Download Application Form for National Groups

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ELSA Development Foundation
Application Form for National Groups
The Application Form has to be sent to the Board of Directors of the
ELSA Development Foundation (EDF) no later than 3 weeks before the
start (opening, first day) of the event or activity* that the grant is applied
for. In case of applying for mode B.1., the deadline is one week*.
*The Board of Directors may, should they find the application exceptionally well
written, agree to accept a late submission up to two days.
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Read these instructions carefully before filling in the application.
The purpose of the ELSA Development Foundation (EDF) is to financially support measures
and activities within the Association that further the vision, purpose and means of ELSA. The
EDF is regulated in the FM Part of the Council Meeting Decision Book of ELSA under The
ELSA Development Foundation Section. Link to the respective regulations can be found here:
< >.
This application form is used to apply for an EDF Grant. Please only fill in the fields in blue.
Also, in case of a Local Group (Beneficiary ELSA Group) organising the event, the respective
National Group (Applicant ELSA Group) shall apply on behalf of the Beneficiary ELSA Group
using this form. In such case, the Applicant ELSA Group shall inform about the financial and
overall situation of both the Applicant ELSA Group and the Beneficiary ELSA Group.
The process of applying for EDF Grant is the following:
1. Submitting the application to [email protected] no later than 3 weeks before the start
of the event or activity (one week in case of applying for mode B.1.).
2. A decision of the Board of Directors of EDF shall be made within two weeks after their
successful receival of the application, and communicated to the applicant within two days
of the date of the decision. The Board of Directors can also, before taking a decision, ask
the applicant to re-write a part of the application, or the application as a whole.
3. Submitting a detailed Activity Report and a Financial Report (template shall be provided)
of the event or activity, along with all the receipts (numbered and attached to the types of
incomes/expenses within the Financial Report) within four weeks of the conclusion of
the event / activity. (For other reporting requirements, please see the EDF Decision!!!)
4. Receiving the payment of the Grant within four weeks after the Board of Directors has
accepted the Activity Report, Financial Report and receipts to the bank account specified
in the application.
When considering an Application, the Board of Directors of the EDF will take into account:
the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria of the applicant;
the quality of the submitted application form;
the quality of the action plan and draft budget;
the quality of the event / activity itself;
the multiplier effect that financing the event or activity would have on the Network;
the resources currently available in the EDF.
The financial resources of the EDF are limited to several thousand EUR a year, and thus it is
unlikely ANY event or activity will be granted over EUR 1.000,00.
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Basic Information
Applicant ELSA Group
Applicant ELSA Group:
Correspondence address:
Postcode / Town:
Phone number:
Email address:
Beneficiary ELSA Group
Beneficiary ELSA Group:
Benefitting individual (s)
and their email address (es)
Only in case of Mode of
Support C.3 or D.2
Person responsible for handling the application
Name, surname:
Email address:
Phone number:
Bank details for the transferring the grant
Bank name:
Bank address:
Account number:
Account owner:
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Grant Details
Amount of Grant applied for
EUR 0,00
Mode of Support
Please choose one Mode of Support from the following list and insert its code to the box above.
(A) Project Support
Financial assistance for [organizing] events constituting a core activity of ELSA**.
(B) Internal Meeting Support
International Presidents Meeting, Key Area Meeting or Supporting Area Meeting
(C) Training Support (only granted only to events and sessions delivered in English)
Financial assistance for [organizing] international and national training events, or events
incorporating training sessions, organised to increase awareness of ELSA, or dealing in
specific ELSA areas, which is catered towards an audience at least half of whom are not
from the country of the organising National or Local Group.
Travel and/or accommodation expenses of trainers for training events or sessions
organised by ELSA International, National Groups or Local Groups
Travel and/or accommodation expenses of National Board members for training
sessions organised by ELSA International, National Groups or Local Groups.
(D) Network Support
Financial assistance for established cooperation between National Groups within the
Network Support System (NSS).
Travel and/or accommodation expenses of National Board member to Statutory
Financial assistance for [organizing] events constituting an activity for officers of ELSA.
**For inspiration, the Council Meeting Decision Book used to specify the following “ELSA offers two kinds of
activities: core activities and activities for officers. A core activity is everything organised within a key area
(e.g. STEP, seminar, conference, moot court competition, study visit, L@W, legal writing). Activities for
officers include International, National and Local Council Meetings, Transition, Trainings and Area Meetings.”
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Description of the measure or activity
Please describe the measure or activity. In the description pay attention to the benefits
this particular measure or activity will have for the participants, organising ELSA Group
and the ELSA Network in general.
Should you organize a relatively common event, aim for particularities that bring something
innovative and fresh to the network – try to make it unique and competitive in comparison with,
for example, other hundreds of other study visits. Describe what multiplication effect the event
or activity will have within the ELSA Network
Name of the activity
Number of participants
Dates of the event
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Description of the situation of the Applicant
Please also describe the financial situation of the Beneficiary Group, should it be
different than the Applicant group
It is mandatory to describe the financial situation of the Applicant group and explain why the
group is in need of financial support. If possible, also describe the overall situation of the
Applicant Group. Pay special attention to possible lack of human resources; knowledge and
know-how or low level of activity within the Group. Explain how the applied grant would help
the Group to tackle these challenges. Ideally, projects should not be funded exclusively by the
EDF - describe what other means of fundraising have been undertaken and what were their
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Budget of the Event or Activity
Please fill in the budget of the measure or activity for which you are seeking EDF support. The
budget should always contain the amount of EDF Grant applied for and the contribution the
Applicant Group is making for the measure or activity.
Income and expenses of an event should always balance after the contribution of the Applicant.
If applicable, breakdown of income should contain a minimum of one line for:
every type of participation fee collected (regular daily fee, extra nights, social program etc.), one
line for partnership income and one line for other grants.
If applicable, breakdown of expenses should contain a minimum of one line for:
accommodation, meals (including breakfast, lunch and dinner), transportation, rent of premises
(academic program), speakers/panelists/trainers, marketing, Social Programme (including rent of
premises, entrance fees etc.), Gala Ball and Miscellaneous (t-shirts etc.).
Applied Grant
Applicant Group Contribution
Total Income
0,00 Total Expenses
Albania • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany
• Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxemburg • Malta • Montenegro • The Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Republic of Macedonia • Romania • Serbia
• Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom