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Cellulose Hydrolysis into Glucose in
3-methyl-1-butyl-imidazolium chloride ([Bmim][Cl])
Shiho Matsuda1, M. Watanabe2, T. M. Aida1, R. L. Smith Jr.1, 2
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, 2Research Center of Supercritical
Fluid Technology; Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Saccharides such as glucose can be converted into many petrochemicals and are
key compounds for sustainable society. One of the most likely new materials for
glucose is cellulose. The literature reports that some ionic liquids are able to
dissolve cellulose1). Cellulose can be selectivity hydrolyzed into glucose in
[Bmim][Cl] by adding water sequentially in the presence of an ion exchange resin
such as Dowex1), as a catalyst. To improve the hydrolysis process, we focused on
selection of better catalysts for the sequential water addition process. In this work,
we synthesized a carbon catalyst from glucose, of which the surface was modified
with fuming sulfuric acid to enhance its acidity and compared the catalytic activity
with Amberlyst-15.
Carbon catalyst was prepared by hydrothermal carbonization and it was
sulfurized by fuming sulfuric acid.
a concentration of 5 wt%.
Cellulose was dissolved in [Bmim][Cl] to obtain
Then, 0.05 g catalyst that was either Amberlyst-15 or the
prepared carbon catalyst was loaded into the glass reactor.
After purging air from
the reactor, the reactor was pressurized to 1.5 MPa with N2 gas to inhibit liquid
solution vaporization. The reactor was heated in a research grade microwave oven
to 120 OC for 20 min in total and water was added intermittently. Products were
analyzed by HPLC and yields were defined on a molar basis.
Figure 1 shows the results of
cellulose hydrolysis in the presence of
Amberlyst-15 and the prepared carbon
Selective production of
glucose from hydrolysis of sequential
water addition could be confirmed.
Yields of over 70 % could be achieved
for either catalyst.
Although the
Amberlyst-15 gave higher yield, it is
Product yields [%]
Figure1 Product yields obtained by catalytic
hydrolysis of cellulose in [Bmim][Cl]
Conditions: Cellulose5 wt%, catalyst0.05 g,
N2 gas pressure1.5 MPa, 120 OC
Water content: 5 wt% at 0 min,
25 wt% at 2 min, 35 wt% at 10 min)
probable that the carbon catalyst can
be improved further by controlling the degree of carbonization and surface activation.
Keywords: biomass, hydrolysis, microwave heating
1) Swatloski R.P. et al., J.Am.Chem.Soc., 124, 4974(2002)
2) X.Qi et al., Cellulose, 18,1327(2011)