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THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 127, 154103 共2007兲 Unified view on multiconfigurational time propagation for systems consisting of identical particles Ofir E. Alon,a兲 Alexej I. Streltsov,b兲 and Lorenz S. Cederbaumc兲 Theoretische Chemie, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany 共Received 11 June 2007; accepted 18 July 2007; published online 16 October 2007兲 We show that the successful and formally exact multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method 共MCTDH兲 takes on a unified and compact form when specified for systems of identical particles 共MCTDHF for fermions MCTDHB for bosons兲. In particular the equations of motion for the orbitals depend explicitly and solely on the reduced one- and two-body density matrices of the system’s many-particle wave function. We point out that this appealing representation of the equations of motion opens up further possibilities for approximate propagation schemes. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2771159兴 I. INTRODUCTION Dynamics of many-particle systems captures a central part in both theoretical and experimental atomic, molecular, and condensed-matter physics.1,2 In many cases, the equation governing the systems’ dynamics is the well-known timedependent many-particle Schrödinger equation. Although this equation is linear, rarely can it be solved exactly. Thus, approximations are a must. One of the most simplest and direct approaches is to expand the time-dependent manybody wave function by time-independent configurations, an expansion which becomes already enormously expensive with as low as a few particles. The idea to expand and optimize the time-dependent many-body wave function of distinguishable particles is long known.3–5 By allowing the configurations to be time dependent, a much larger effective subspace of the many-particle Hilbert space can be sampled in comparison with expansions utilizing configurations that do not change in time. A particular efficient variant of this idea led to the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approach 共MCTDH兲 which has been successfully and routinely used for multidimensional dynamical systems consisting of distinguishable particles or degrees of freedom.6–11 The MCTDH approach can efficiently treat dynamical and—using imaginary time propagation11—static properties of a few-particle systems. Of course, the system under investigation by MCTDH can consist of identical particles. For instance, we mention that very recently static properties of weakly to strongly interacting trapped few-boson systems have been studied on a quantitative many-body level by MCTDH.12,13 Yet, in treating a larger number of identical particles it is essential to use their statistics properties to truncate the large amount of redundancies of coefficients in the distinguishable-particle multiconfigurational expansion a兲 Electronic mail: [email protected] Electronic mail: [email protected] c兲 Electronic mail: [email protected] b兲 0021-9606/2007/127共15兲/154103/6/$23.00 of the MCTDH wave function. In this case, the challenge was first approached for fermionic systems, where MCTDHF—the fermionic version of MCTDH—was independently developed by several groups,14–16 taking explicitly the antisymmetry of the many-fermion wave function to permutations of any two particles into account. MCTDHF is presently successfully employed to study correlation effects in a few-electron systems including under irradiation by laser fields.17–19 Very recently, we accepted the respective challenge for bosons and developed MCTDHB 共Refs. 20 and 21兲—the bosonic version of MCTDH. This is, in particular, valuable since very-many bosons can reside in only a small number of orbitals owing to Bose-Einstein statistics. Alternatively speaking, by explicitly exploiting boson statistics it is possible to successfully and quantitatively attack the dynamics of a much large number of bosons with the MCTDHB theory. As a first application of MCTDHB, the manybody dynamics of splitting a condensate in a trap was studied in Ref. 20. Besides utilizing particle statistics to specialize the original MCTDH theory to identical particles, there is a second important difference in comparison with MCTDH which is the nature of interparticle interactions. Identical particles commonly interact via a two-body interaction which is explicitly taken into account and implemented in MCTDHF 共Refs. 14–16兲 and MCTDHB.20,21 We remind that MCTDH was designated to treat nuclear dynamics in which interactions normally involve several degrees of freedom or coordinates. In deriving MCTDHB we noticed that the combination of indistinguishability and the two-body interaction leads to an appealing formulation of the equations of motion in terms of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices of the bosonic system. It is instructive to mention that reduced twobody density matrices and their usage in electron-structure theory is an active field or research.22,23 The purpose of this work is to expand on our recent finding for bosons. Specifically, we show that the MCTDH, specified for systems of identical particles, namely, MCT- 127, 154103-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/jcp/copyright.jsp 154103-2 J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154103 共2007兲 Alon, Streltsov, and Cederbaum DHF for fermions and MCTDHB for bosons, can be formulated in a unified and compact form. In particular, the equations of motion for the orbitals depend explicitly and solely on the reduced one- and two-body density matrices of the system’s many-particle wave function. We also point out that representing the equations of motion in terms of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices opens up further possibilities for approximate self-consistent-like propagation schemes for systems comprising of identical particles. II. THE ANSATZ Our starting point is the field operator ⌿̂共r兲 satisfying the usual fermionic 共bosonic兲 anticommutation 共commutation兲 relations, ⌿̂共r兲⌿̂†共r⬘兲 ± ⌿̂†共r⬘兲⌿̂共r兲 = ␦共r − r⬘兲. 共1兲 It is convenient to expand the field operator with a complete set of time-dependent orthonormal orbitals, ⌿̂共r兲 = 兺 ĉk共t兲k共r,t兲, 共2兲 k where the time-dependent annihilation and corresponding creation operators obey the usual anticommutation 共commutation兲 relations ĉk共t兲ĉ†j 共t兲 ± ĉ†j 共t兲ĉk共t兲 = ␦kj for fermions 共bosons兲 at any time. Note that r implicitly indicates spatial and spin degrees of freedom and k enumerates spin-orbitals. The many-body Hamiltonian is standardly written as Ĥ = 兺 ĉ†k ĉqhkq k,q 1 + 兺 ĉ†k ĉs†ĉlĉqWksql , 2 k,s,l,q 共3兲 where the matrix elements of the one-body Hamiltonian ĥ共r兲 and two-body interaction potential Ŵ共r − r⬘兲 with respect to the orbitals are given by hkq = 冕 Wksql = *k 共r,t兲ĥ共r兲q共r,t兲dr, 冕冕 共4兲 *k 共r,t兲s*共r⬘,t兲Ŵ共r − r⬘兲 兩⌿共t兲典 = 兺 Cn共t兲兩n1,n2, . . . ,n M ;t典, n 共5兲 兩n1,n2, . . . ,n M ;t典 = 1 冑n1!n2! ¯ nM! ⫻共ĉ†1共t兲兲n1共ĉ†2共t兲兲n2 ¯ 共ĉ†M 共t兲兲nM 兩vac典, with the appropriate permutational symmetry. For fermions one chooses the configurations 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 as Slater determinants with time-dependent orbitals, and for bosons one employs permanents 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 assembled from timedependent orbitals. The summation in Eq. 共5兲 runs over all possible configurations generated by distributing N identical particles over M orbitals. We collect the occupations in the vector n = 共n1 , n2 , . . . , n M 兲, where n1 + n2 + . . . + n M = N. For fermions each occupation nk is equal to either 0 or 1, in accordance with Fermi-Dirac statistics, whereas for bosons each nk can take any value between 0 and N as stipulated by Bose-Einstein statistics. In practical computations we have of course to restrict the number M of orbitals from which the configurations 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 are assembled. Suppose we take M ⬘ virtual orbitals atop the minimal number of orbitals needed to host N identical particles. For fermions M ⬘ = M − N, since the minimal number of orbitals required to house the fermions is obviously N. For bosons we have M ⬘ = M − 1, since all bosons can accumulate in a single orbital. With these observations, it is attractive to find out that the total number of configurations for identical particles coincide and is given both in the fermionic and bosonic cases by24 number of configurations = N + M⬘ N 冊 共6兲 . Of course, if M ⬘ goes to infinity then the ansatz 关Eq. 共5兲兴 for the wave function becomes exact since the set of configurations 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 spans the complete N-particle Hilbert space. III. WORKING EQUATIONS AND DISCUSSION To derive the set of equations of motion for the multiconfigurational time evolution of identical particles, it is useful to employ the Lagrangian formulation of the timedependent variational principle.25,26 Thus, we substitute the many-body ansatz 关Eq. 共5兲兴 into the functional action of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation which reads ⫻q共r,t兲l共r⬘,t兲drdr⬘ . S关兵Cn共t兲其,兵k共r,t兲其兴 = Specifying for identical particles the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approach, the ansatz for the manybody wave function ⌿共t兲 is taken as a linear combination of time-dependent configurations, 冉 冕 dt M 再冓 冏 ⌿ Ĥ − i 冏冔 ⌿ t 冎 − 兺 kj共t兲关具k兩 j典 − ␦kj兴 . k,j 共7兲 Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/jcp/copyright.jsp 154103-3 J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154103 共2007兲 Multiconfigurational time propagation of identical particles We recall that the orbitals 兵k共r , t兲其 and coefficients 兵Cn共t兲其 are independent variables 共arguments兲 of the action 关Eq. 共7兲兴. Our strategy is first to take expectation values and only subsequently perform the variation and require stationarity of the action with respect to the arguments 兵k共r , t兲其 and 兵Cn共t兲其. The time-dependent Lagrange multipliers kj共t兲 are introduced to ensure that the time-dependent orbitals remain normalized and orthogonal to one another throughout the propagation. Moreover, the Lagrange multipliers “compensate” for terms appearing when the variation is performed before matrix elements are evaluated, as done within the Dirac-Frenkel formulation of the time-dependent variational principle;27,28 also see in this context Refs. 21 and 26. To perform the variation of the action 关Eq. 共7兲兴 with respect to the orbitals, we express the expectation value of Ĥ − i共 / t兲 appearing in Eq. 共7兲 in a form which explicitly depends on the orbitals. This is done by resorting to the reduced one- and two-body density matrices 共r1 兩 r1⬘ ; t兲 and 共r1 , r2 兩 r1⬘ , r2⬘ ; t兲 of ⌿共t兲. Given the normalized wave function ⌿共t兲, the reduced one-body density matrix reads 共r1兩r1⬘ ;t兲 = N 冕 i共 / t兲 can be written as a one-body operator, i 共8兲 ⌿*共r1⬘,r2⬘,r3, . . . ,rN ;t兲 ⫻⌿共r1,r2,r3, . . . ,rN ;t兲dr3 ¯ drN = 具⌿共t兲兩⌿̂†共r1⬘兲⌿̂†共r2⬘兲⌿̂共r2兲⌿̂共r1兲兩⌿共t兲典 M = 兺 kslq共t兲*k 共r1⬘,t兲s*共r2⬘,t兲l共r2,t兲q共r1,t兲, 共9兲 k,s,l,q=1 where the matrix elements of the two-body density matrix kslq共t兲 = 具⌿兩ĉ†k ĉs†ĉlĉq兩⌿典 for fermions29 and for bosons30 are prescribed in a unified manner in Appendix A. Now, the result for the expectation value in Eq. 共7兲 compactly reads 冓冏 冏冔 冋 冉 冊册 M ⌿ Ĥ − i ⌿ = 兺 kq hkq − i t t k,q=1 冋 kq q共r,t兲 dr. t 兺 册 兵共t兲其−1 jk kslqŴsl兩q典 , k,s,l,q=1 共12兲 兺 兩 j⬘典具 j⬘兩, Ŵsl共r,t兲 = 冕 s*共r⬘,t兲Ŵ共r − r⬘兲l共r⬘,t兲dr⬘ ˙ q典 = 0, 具 k兩 are satisfied at any time. Obviously, if conditions 关Eq. 共14兲兴 are satisfied at any time, the orbitals remain orthonormal functions at any time. This representation simplifies considerably the equations of motion 关Eq. 共12兲兴 for the orbitals, j = 1 , . . . , M, 冋 kq 共10兲 where, when acting on the orbitals, the time-derivative 共14兲 k,q = 1, . . . ,M ˙ j典 = P̂ ĥ兩 j典 + i兩 1 C 兺 kslqWksql − i 兺n Cn* tn , 2 k,s,l,q=1 共13兲 ˙ j ⬅ j / t. Exare the local time-dependent potentials and amining Eq. 共12兲 we see that eliminating the Lagrange multipliers kj共t兲 has emerged as a projection operator P̂ onto the subspace orthogonal to that spanned by the orbitals. This projection operator appears both on the left- and right-hand sides of Eq. 共12兲, making it a cumbersome coupled system of integrodifferential nonlinear equations. To simplify the equations of motion 关Eq. 共12兲兴 we recall that the many-body wave function 关Eq. 共5兲兴 is invariant to unitary transformations of the orbitals, compensated by “reverse” transformations of the coefficients. Fortunately, there exists one specific unitary transformation which guarantees without introducing further constraints that6,7 M + *k 共r,t兲 M ˙ j典 = P̂ ĥ兩 j典 + P̂i兩 where where the matrix elements of the one-body density matrix kq共t兲 = 具⌿兩ĉ†k ĉq兩⌿典 for fermions29 and for bosons30 are prescribed in a unified manner in Appendix A. It is convenient to collect these matrix elements as 共t兲 = 兵kq共t兲其. Similarly, the reduced two-body density matrix of ⌿共t兲 is given by 冕 =i j⬘=1 kq共t兲*k 共r1⬘,t兲q共r1,t兲, = N共N − 1兲 kq t Representation 共10兲 is appealing because the only explicit dependence on the orbitals 兵k共r , t兲其 is grouped into the matrix elements hkq, 共i共 / t兲兲kq, and Wksql, whereas the elements kq and kslq of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices do not depend explicitly on the orbitals. Let us now perform a straightforward variation of the functional action 关Eq. 共7兲兴 with respect to the orbitals. Using the fact that the 兵k共r , t兲其 are orthonormal functions to eliminate the Lagrange multipliers kj共t兲, we obtain the following set of equations of motion for the time-dependent orbitals in which the particles reside, j = 1 , . . . , M: P̂ = 1 − M 共r1,r2兩r1⬘,r2⬘ ;t兲 i M ⌿*共r1⬘,r2, . . . ,rN ;t兲⌿共r1,r2, . . . ,rN ;t兲 = 具⌿共t兲兩⌿̂†共r1⬘兲⌿̂共r1兲兩⌿共t兲典 兺 k,q=1 , 共11兲 ⫻dr2dr3 ¯ drN = 冉 冊 冉 冊 冕 = 兺 ĉ†ĉq i t k,q k t M P̂ = 1 − M 兵共t兲其−1 兺 jk kslqŴsl兩q典 k,s,l,q=1 册 , 共15兲 兺 兩 j⬘典具 j⬘兩. j⬘=1 The projector P̂ remaining on the right-hand side of Eq. 共15兲 makes it clear that conditions 关Eq. 共14兲兴 are indeed met at Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/jcp/copyright.jsp 154103-4 J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154103 共2007兲 Alon, Streltsov, and Cederbaum any time throughout the propagation of the orbitals. In practice, the meaning of these conditions is that the temporal changes of the 兵k共r , t兲其 are always orthogonal to the 兵k共r , t兲其 themselves. This property introduced by the MCTDH developers6,7 generally makes the time propagation of Eq. 共15兲 robust and stable, and can thus be exploited to maintain accurate propagation results at lower computational costs. To complete the derivation, we perform the variation of Eq. 共7兲 with respect to the coefficients which is easily done after expressing the expectation value of Ĥ − i共 / t兲 in a form which explicitly depends on the 兵Cn共t兲其. The following result then emerges: H共t兲C共t兲 = i 冓 C共t兲 , t 冏 冏 冔 n⬘,n⬘, . . . ,n⬘M ;t , Hnn⬘共t兲 = n1,n2, . . . ,n M ;t Ĥ − i t 1 2 共16兲 where the vector C共t兲 collects the coefficients 兵Cn共t兲其. The matrix elements of Ĥ − i共 / t兲 with respect to two general configurations 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 and 兩n1⬘ , n2⬘ , . . . , n⬘M ; t典 are easily evaluated in the fermionic case with Slater-Condon rules for determinants31 and with their bosonic analog for permanents.30 In Appendix B we unite these rules and depict together the corresponding fermionic and bosonic matrix elements. Finally, making use of conditions 关Eq. 共14兲兴 we obtain the familiar equations of motion for the propagation of the coefficients, H共t兲C共t兲 = i C共t兲 , t 共17兲 Hnn⬘共t兲 = 具n1,n2, . . . ,n M ;t兩Ĥ兩n1⬘,n2⬘, . . . ,n⬘M ;t典. The coupled equation sets 关Eq. 共12兲兴 for the orbitals 兵 j共r , t兲其 and 关Eq. 共16兲兴 for the expansion coefficients 兵Cn共t兲其, or, respectively, Eqs. 共15兲 and 共17兲 constitute a unified and compact representation of MCTDHF 共Refs. 14–16兲 and MCTDHB 共Refs. 20 and 21兲, i.e., of the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for systems consisting of identical particles. The differences in particle statistics in our derivation explicitly come into play only in the first of the above equations, namely, Eq. 共1兲 for the field operator ⌿̂共r兲. Alternatively speaking, the difference in particle statistics translates only implicitly in the form of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices 共r1 兩 r1⬘ ; t兲 and 共r1 , r2 兩 r1⬘ , r2⬘ ; t兲 and the matrix elements of the generic Hamiltonian 关Eq. 共3兲兴 between two determinants or two permanents, which are simple to evaluate with the help of Condon-Slater rules or their bosonic analog. Comfortably, the corresponding matrix elements for fermions and bosons can also be represented in a unified manner and are collected for completeness in Appendices A and B. Another appealing point bearing a practical perspective is that the size of the Hilbert subspace is the same for fermions and bosons, and only depends on the number of particles N and number of virtual orbitals M ⬘, see Eq. 共6兲. In view of all the above and in principle, one could algorithmize one efficient multiconfigurational timedependent Hartree code for both fermions and bosons. The equations of motion for the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree approach for systems consisting of identical particles become an exact representation of the time-dependent many-particle Schrödinger equation in the limit where the number of virtual orbitals M ⬘ goes to infinity. In practice, one has of course to limit M ⬘, where the employment of time-dependent orbitals which is at the heart of MCTDH is of great advantage. Still, even with timedependent orbitals the actual size 关Eq. 共6兲兴 of the Hilbert subspace fastly increases with the number of particles and number of virtual orbitals employed. Thus, it is instructive to devise strategies for further approximations atop the multiconfigurational expansions 关Eq. 共5兲兴 utilizing complete Hilbert subspaces, i.e., when all configurations resulting by distributing N particles over M orbitals are explicitly taken into account. In principle there are two natural strategies to devise approximations. The first type of approximations is simply to limit the number of configurations taken into account in expansion 共5兲. This applies, in particular, to Eqs. 共12兲 and 共16兲. The second strategy which is directly applicable also to Eqs. 共15兲 and 共17兲 stems from the representation of Eqs. 共12兲 and 共16兲, or Eqs. 共15兲 and 共17兲, in terms of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices and is based on the reduced density matrices themselves. Specifically, we can replace the equations of motion 关Eqs. 共16兲 or 共17兲兴 for the coefficients with equations of motion for the elements of the reduced density matrices, see in this context Ref. 32, and solve the latter set directly with Eqs. 共12兲 or 共15兲 for the orbitals. If the entire hierarchy of equations of motion for the reduced density matrices is included, then no further approximations have been introduced. However, when truncations of the coupled equations of motion for the reduced density matrices are employed, we arrive at a new type of a self-consistentlike propagation schemes. Moreover, we can directly investigate the usefulness of these reduced-density-matrix truncation schemes by comparing to the “exact” solution obtained within the full multiconfigurational subspace. Summarizing, we have shown that the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method specified for systems of identical particles takes on a unified and compact form, where the equations of motion for the orbitals depend explicitly and solely on the reduced one- and two-body density matrices of the N-particle system. This representation of the equations of motion opens up further strategies for approximate self-consistent-like propagation schemes which are directly based on the reduced density matrices of the system’s many-particle wave function. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is dedicated to Professor Hans-Dieter Meyer on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged. Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/jcp/copyright.jsp 154103-5 J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154103 共2007兲 Multiconfigurational time propagation of identical particles APPENDIX A: MATRIX ELEMENTS OF THE REDUCED ONE- AND TWO-BODY DENSITY MATRICES FOR MULTICONFIGURATIONAL WAVE FUNCTIONS OF IDENTICAL PARTICLES In this appendix we prescribe the elements of the reduced one- and two-body density matrices for multiconfigurational fermionic29 and bosonic30 wave functions 兩⌿共t兲典 = 兺nCn共t兲兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 in a unified manner. We remind that the configuration 兩n1 , n2 , . . . , n M ; t典 stands in the case of fermions for a determinant and in case of bosons for a permanent. Given an N-particle system, the maximal number of fermions per orbital is of course p = 1, whereas the maximal number of bosons per orbital equals the number of particles in the system, p = N. To represent in a unified manner the statistics-based restriction on the number of particles in each orbital, we introduce the notation 关n兴 which stands for 关n兴 = n if 0 艋 n 艋 p and 关n兴 = 0 otherwise. For instance, 关1兴 = 1 both for fermions and bosons, 关2兴 = 2 for systems comprising N = 2 or more bosons, whereas 关2兴 = 0 for any fermion system, and so on. We also need a shorthand notation for a reference configuration and relevant excited configurations atop. Let the reference configuration be denoted by 兩n ; t典 Then, the = 兩n1 , . . . , nk , . . . , ns , . . . , nl , . . . , nq , . . . , n M ; t典. configuration denoted by 兩nqk ; t典 = 兩n1 , . . . , nk − 1 , . . . , ns , . . . , nl , . . . , nq + 1 , . . . , n M ; t典 differs from 兩n ; t典 by an excitation of one particle from the kth to the qth ll ; t典 = 兩n1 , . . . , nk − 2 , . . . , ns , . . . , nl orbital; 兩nkk + 2 , . . . , nq , . . . , n M ; t典 represents excitations of two particles ql ; t典 = 兩n1 , . . . , nk from the kth to the lth orbital; 兩nkk − 2 , . . . , ns , . . . , nl + 1 , . . . , nq + 1 , . . . , n M ; t典 represents excitations of two particles from the kth orbital, one to the qth ql ; t典 orbital, and another to the lth orbital; and 兩nks = 兩n1 , . . . , nk − 1 , . . . , ns − 1 , . . . , nl + 1 , . . . , nq + 1 , . . . , n M ; t典 represents excitations of two particles, one from the kth to the qth orbital and a second particle from the sth to the lth orbital. Note that we do not utilize excitation operators to define the excited configurations atop the reference configuration. Rather, it is convenient for our needs to employ a nomenclature in which the same ordering of the orbitals 1 , 2 , . . . , M as in Eq. 共5兲 is kept in all configurations. In this nomenclature the following states are equivalent: ql ql lq lq ; t典 ⬅ 兩nsk ; t典 ⬅ 兩nsk ; t典 ⬅ 兩nks ; t典. Finally, we define the 兩nks “distance” between the kth and qth entries, k ⬍ q, in the conq nl , nl 苸 n. figuration 兩n ; t典 as dnkq = 兺l=k+1 With these observations and notations, the elements of the reduced one-body density matrix 共r1 兩 r1⬘ ; t兲 given the multiconfigurational ansatz 兩⌿共t兲典 = 兺nCn共t兲兩n ; t典 are kk共t兲 = 兺 Cn* Cnnk , n kq共t兲 = 兺 n Cn* Cnq k 冑nk关nq + 1兴共⫿1兲兵dnkq其, 共A1兲 The elements of the reduced two-body density matrix 共r1 , r2 兩 r1⬘ , r2⬘ ; t兲 given the multiconfigurational ansatz 兩⌿共t兲典 = 兺nCn共t兲兩n ; t典 are kkkk = 兺 Cn* Cnnk关nk − 1兴, n kkkq = 兺 Cn* Cnq关nk − 1兴冑nk关nq + 1兴, kkll = 兺 Cn* Cnll 冑关nk − 1兴nk关nl + 1兴关nl + 2兴, k ⬍ l, kk n kssk = 兺 Cn* Cnnkns, k ⬍ s, 共A2兲 n kklq = 兺 Cn* Cnql 冑关nk − 1兴nk关nl + 1兴关nq + 1兴, kk n kssq = 兺 Cn* Cnqns冑nk关nq + 1兴共⫿1兲兵dn 其, kq k ⫽ 兵l ⬍ q其, s ⫽ 兵k ⬍ q其, k n kslq = 兺 Cn* Cnql 冑nkns关nl + 1兴关nq + 1兴 n ⫻ 再 ks kq sl k ⬍ s ⬍ l ⬍ q, 共⫿1兲兵dn +dn 其 , 共⫿1兲 兵dnkq+dnls其 , k ⬍ l ⬍ s ⬍ q,k ⬍ l ⬍ q ⬍ s. 冎 All other nonvanishing matrix elements can be computed due to the symmetries of the two-body operator, kslq * = ⫿ sklq = skql = ⫿ ksql, and its hermiticity, kslq = lqks. APPENDIX B: MATRIX ELEMENTS OF THE ONE-BODY ĥ − i„ / t… AND TWO-BODY Ŵ OPERATORS FOR MULTICONFIGURATIONAL WAVE FUNCTIONS OF IDENTICAL PARTICLES In this appendix we present in a unified manner the Slater-Condon rules for evaluating matrix elements with determinants31 and their bosonic analog for evaluating matrix elements with permanents.30 In the equations below the upper sign refers to fermions and the lower sign to bosons. We use the conventions introduced in Appendix A and the time-dependent matrix elements of the one- and twobody operators with respect to the orbitals given in Eqs. 共4兲 and 共11兲 of the main text. The nonvanishing matrix elements of the one-body operator ĥ − i共 / t兲 follow from 冓 冏 冏 冔 冋 冉 冊册 冋 冉 冊册 冓冏 冏 冔 M n;t ĥ − i n;t = 兺 nl hll − i t t l=1 , ll q n;t ĥ − i nk ;t = 冑nk关nq + 1兴 hkq − i t t k ⬍ q, where here and hereafter the upper sign refers to fermions and the lower sign to bosons. From the hermiticity of the * 共t兲. one-body operator we readily have kq共t兲 = qk k ⫽ q, k n ⫻共⫿1兲 兵dnkq其 , 共B1兲 kq k ⬍ q, and the fact that the one-body operator ĥ − i共 / t兲 is selfadjoint, 冓冏 冏 冔冓 冏 冏冔 n;t ĥ − i n⬘ ;t = n⬘ ;t ĥ − i n;t t t * . Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/jcp/copyright.jsp 154103-6 J. Chem. 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