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Student Workbook by Mrs. M. Hurd
The Greek World:
Persian Wars
500-440 BC
Origins: Persian Imperialism
FQ: Describe the hierarchy of Persia and the Persian context
leading up to the Persian Wars.
Fill in the definitions relating to
Persia on pp. 1-2.
Fill in the blanks of the
hierarchy diagram on p. 3.
Complete the timeline of
major events leading to the
Ionia: ____________________________________________________________________
Persian Wars from the Persian
Perspective on p. 3.
Create a mindmap in your
books of key people, events
Ionian Revolt: ____________________________________________________________
and words relating to Persian
imperialism leading up to the
Persian Wars.
Persian Empire: ___________________________________________________________
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Etiam ut nulla non
punitive: _________________________________________________
libero consequat
Ipsum Dolor
kyklos: ___________________________________________________
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam
placerat, nunc eu cursus
adipiscing, elit est lobortis libero, a
laoreet metus erat et neque. Ut
tincidunt arcu. Duis
sed nisl. Aenean cursus vehicula
nibh. Ut eu erat non sapien pulvinar
rhoncus. Duis neque. Integer eget
sapien at est ullamcorper
Proin sit amet nulla
ut ipsum bibendum porttitor.
Suspendisse leo risus, semper vel,
consectetuer eget, sodales non,
nunc. Quisque pellentesque dui
vitae sapien______________________________________________
facilisis varius. Nam
vitae quam. Ut semper vestibulum
eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu
ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.
Sed sed diam
non ipsum egestas
pretium. Curabitur leo. Nullam enim
tellus, tincidunt eu, viverra nec,
lobortis ut, eros.
medisers: ______________________________________________
Suspendisse vitae ligula.
Nullam posuere gravida orci. Cras
et massa ac justo fermentum
adipiscing. Proin sollicitudin. Sed
pellentesque tincidunt felis. Nam
ostracism: _____________________________________________
consequat pulvinar eros. Etiam quis
nisl quis pede egestas pretium.
Mauris feugiat luctus mauris. Sed
sem metus, bibendum nec, tempor
quis, cursus eu, nunc. In sit amet dui
id nisl congue malesuada. Nulla
Panhellenism: __________________________________________
ullamcorper. Vestibulum in quam
luctus erat luctus interdum.
Quisque malesuada, enim nec
consequat mattis, lectus diam
suscipit odio, non vestibulum ligula
metus at purus. Ut risus lectus,
Hellenic congress: ______________________________________
ornare vitae, vehicula quis, suscipit
ut, nunc. Etiam risus lacus, cursus
vitae, commodo quis, tempor a,
tortor. Nunc odio pede, eleifend
ac, sagittis at, ullamcorper vitae,
nulla. Maecenas risus neque,
Triremes: _______________________________________________
faucibus eget, commodo et,
lobortis eu, pede. Donec mauris
nunc, rhoncus sed, pulvinar a,
nonummy nec, libero. Fusce
sollicitudin lectus in purus.
Suspendisse quam massa, dictum
satrap: ___________________________________________________
tempus, facilisis et, iaculis quis, erat.
Maecenas arcu ante, cursus eget,
varius ac, placerat at, odio. Nulla
consectetuer varius nisi. Curabitur
aliquet rutrum pede. Sed pulvinar
lectus ut mauris. In eget metus.
Essential Readings For Part 1:
Maecenas turpis dui, luctus eu,
Herodotus The Histories Book V-VIX.
The Greek World: 500-440 BC by Ken Webb
pp. 4-63.
elit. Pellentesque vitae orci nec
volutpat non, placerat accumsan,
sapien condimentum dictum.
Fusce condimentum lacus.
Praesent a velit in pede
The Greek World 500-440 BC: Theelementum
Persian Wars
lacus non varius vehicula, mi justo
Timeline Dates
550 BC
538 BC
530-522 BC
525 BC
522-486 BC
499-494 BC
492 BC
490 BC
486 BC
480-479 BC
480 BC
479 BC
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Origins: Greek Background
& Geography
FQ: Describe the Greek government and the
Greek context leading up to the Persian Wars.
Activity 7 Workspace:
Describe your own ideas about how you would feel and
what you would want done, if an invasion and forced
government similar to events leading to Ionian Revolt,
were to occur in Australia today.
Highlight the key place
names and add the key
battlefields for the Persian
Wars on the map on p. 5.
Fill in the definitions on pp.1-2
relating Greece.
Describe your own ideas of
what you would feel about
an invasion and forced
government if similar events
were to occur in Australia
Create a mind map in your
books, of key people, events
and words relating to Greek
government leading up to
the Persian Wars.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Timeline Dates
550 BC
Map of Greece (above)
508 BC
499-494 BC
493 BC
490 BC
489 BC
483-482 BC
480-479 BC
480 BC
479 BC
478 BC
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Ionian Revolt
FQ: Describe the events
leading to the Ionian
Revolt and how these
events led to the
Persian Wars.
Ruins of Miletus
Activity 10: Multiple Choice Section
1. Which Persian king was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire?
(a) Cambyses
The HSC multiple choice
sections of your exams are
marked by a computer.
Here are some practice
questions for you to get
used to filling them in
(b) Darius I
(c) Cyrus the Great
(d) Xerxes
2. What was the first event that directly led to the Greco-Persian wars?
(a) Xerxes attempts to expand the Persian Empire into
You must colour the circles
in completely, any mistakes
are to be crossed out.
Greece and sends heralds to ask for submission of each citystate.
(b) Athens sends forces to Ionia to help Ionian cities
drive out their Persian tyrants.
(c) Athens seeks a Persian alliance against Sparta and
Perspective on p. 5.
exam questions: 3 multiple
on pp. 6-7.
Complete the 5 practice
choice and 2 short answers
his eldest son Hippias attempted to continue the dynasty after his
3. Which leader was significant in the defeat of the Persians in Battle of
major events leading to the
Persian Wars from the Greek
gives them Earth and Water without understanding the
(d) Peisistratos set himself up as a tyrant in Athens and
Complete the timeline of
Write 5 questions you have
about the Persian Wars on
spare piece of paper that we
will try to answer before the
(a) Pausanias
end of the unit. These are to
(b) Leonidas I
to make a class google doc.
(c) Themistocles
(d) Miltiades
be handed in to the teacher
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 10: Short Answer Section
4. Explain 2 reasons for the outbreak of the Ionian Revolt.
5. Name one person and one event and provide details of how they were significant in the
course of the Ionian Revolt.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion 490 BC:
Failed Invasion
FQ: Discuss why the Invasion of 490 BC was
considered a failed invasion.
Information for Activity 12:
Forces: 20 000 which
included army, cavalry &
Armor: Light armor
Training: old-fashioned
uncoordinated style
Terrain: north-east
beachhead, good plain for
cavalry and disembarking.
Forces: 11 000 hoplite
phalanx troops.
Armour: heavy shields,
visored helmets, bronze
corselets, phalanx
Training: drilled units of
armoured infantry.
Terrain: South end of plain
with rocky hills.
Write or draw your plan below:
“Remember the Athenians”
Herodotus The Histories V,105.
Using the information
provided, create a battle
plan/strategy that you think
would change the outcome
of the invasion.
Rephrase and expand on the
key points and place them in
the order of events for the
Battle of Marathon on p. 9.
Choose 3 of the visual sources
and 1 written source from the
Battle of Marathon sources
google doc and create ppt
or prezi presentation from
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion 490 BC: Battle of Marathon
FQ: Assess the significance of the Battle of Marathon in the Persian Wars.
Key Points:
490 BC invasion of Persians
- they captured and
burnt Naxos.
- landed in Etruria.
- landed in Attica.
Spartans arrived too late.
491 BC Darius 1 sent
ambassadors to all parts
of Greece demanding
‘earth & water.’
A small force from Plataea
joined Athenians.
Spartans refused to
support Athens for 10 days
due to a festival.
Activity 13 workspace:
Rephrase and expand in order of events.
Delphic Oracle advised
Athens not to fight alone.
Miltiades persuaded
Greeks to meet the
Persian force.
Athens and Sparta
executed the
Persians were defeated
and fled.
They marched on
Marathon and blocked
exits from the plains.
The Histories by Herodotus
VI, 102-117.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion 490 BC:
FQ: Examine the role of
Miltiades during the
Invasion of 490 BC.
Herodotus, The Histories VI, 34-41: Background and events
leading to him being in Athens.
Herodotus, The Histories VI, 102-104: Elected general of the
Athenian troops at Marathon.
Herodotus, The Histories VI, 109-111: Influencing Callimachus’
Herodotus, The Histories VI, 132-140: Description of the events
leading to his Capture and death.
Herodotus, The Histories IV, 137: Tries to persuade Ionians to
destroy bridge.
Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists XIII, 67: Mentioned as a great
Plutarch, Moralia, Themistocles 184-185: As inspiration to
Create a summary of his achievements in chronological order explaining
his importance and his role he played in the period 500-440BC.
Dossier: a collection or file of
documents on the same
subject, especially a
complete file containing
detailed information about
a person or topic.
Finish the Dossier of Miltiades
set out on pp. 10-11.
Complete the practice exam
questions: 2 short answers on
p. 12.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Write a 150-200 word eulogium summing up
Miltiades life and achievements.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 16: Short Answer Section
1. Explain Miltiades role and contribution to the Persian Wars.
2. Describe the tactics used by the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Interwar Period:
Preparation &
FQ: Outline the events
and preparations that
occurred in Persia for
war against the Greeks
between 490 & 480 BC.
Activity 18: Persian Developments
King Darius started preparing for war after the defeat
at Marathon, however he died in 485 BC so did not
get to see the war.
Xerxes could not plan for the attack on Greece until
he resolved rebellions occurring in his empire.
Xerxes prepared for a large land and naval force
that took several years to organize along with
Xerxes used engineering strategies to minimize time
and resources to get to Greece.
Xerxes sent diplomatic embassies to all the Greek
states asking for their submission with the offering of
earth and water.
Studying for the HSC
requires creating study
notes that work for you but
require less time to revise.
One of the best techniques
is writing key points and
then providing 1-2 examples
you could use in an essay or
short answer question and a
source you can use. In the
HSC your chosen sources
are more likely to be written
sources, as they are easier
to reference.
Being able to cite a source
will provide a higher quality
argument. The activities in
this section will help you
practice these skills and
prepare your own revision.
Copy “Interwar Period Persia”
slides in your books, from google
docs while filling in blanks using
the Bradley textbook.
Expand on, provide 2 examples
and one quote/source in your
books for each point to the left.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Interwar Period: The Greeks Preparation & Developments
FQ: Outline the events and changes occurring in Greece in preparation to
defend themselves against Persia from 489-480 BC.
Activity 19 workspace:
In the left hand column add the key points from the readings on the right hand side add
your examples and sources/quotes.
Key Points:
Write down 5 short answer
questions you could
answer with your
Write down key points for
information on a separate
Greek preparation &
page to be handed in to
the teacher. The 5 best
developments. Identify 2
questions will be used in
examples for each point.
the revision practice exam
Include one quote/source
for each point.
at the end of the unit.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 19 workspace: [continued]
Key Points:
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Thermopylae
FQ: Assess the significance of the Battle of Thermopylae for the Greek World
during the Persian Invasion of 480-479 BC.
Complete the Essay Plan
by following the steps in
Activity 21 workspace:
This activity is to be completed as a class.
3. Write 1 topic sentence for each key point.
1. Look at what the
Topic sentence: A sentence that identifies the key point, how it
question is asking you to
relates to the question and your judgement.
a) ___________________________________________________________
Assess the significance of
the Battle of Thermopylae
for the Greek World during
the Persian Invasion of
480-479 BC.
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
Assess: Make a judgement
of value, quality,
outcomes result or size.
You could respond with
highly, moderately or
marginally significant.
Circle your choice.
2. Choose 3 key points
that support your
a) _______________________
b) _______________________
c) _______________________
4. Provide 1-2 examples for each key point you have chosen.
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 21 workspace: [continued]
5. Provide 1 quote or reference for
6. Plan the structure of your essay and identify how the
each example.
points link back to the question or each other.
a) ______________________________
b) ______________________________
c) ______________________________
Paragraph Structure
T opic Senetence
E xplain
E xample
L ink
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Artemisium
FQ: “When news of the defeat at Thermopylae was received, the Greek fleet departed south under the cover of
night. The encounter at Artemisium had not resulted in a decisive victory for either side.” Ken Webb, 2011.
Justify the claim that neither side could claim victory at the Battle of Artemisium.
Complete the Essay Plan
by following the steps in
Activity 22 workspace:
This activity is to be completed individually.
3. Write 1 topic sentence for each supporting point.
1. Look at what the
Topic sentence: A sentence that identifies the key point, how it
question is asking you to
relates to the question and your justification.
a) ___________________________________________________________
Justify the claim that
neither side could claim
victory at the Battle of
b) ___________________________________________________________
Justify: Support an
c) ___________________________________________________________
argument or conclusion.
You must provide
evidence that supports
the quote that claims
neither side was victorious.
2. Choose 3 key
supporting events or
pieces of evidence:
a) _______________________
b) _______________________
c) _______________________
4. Provide 1-2 examples for each supporting point you have
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 22 workspace: [continued]
5. Provide 1 quote or reference for
6. Plan the structure of your essay and identify how the
each example.
points link back to the question or each other.
a) ______________________________
b) ______________________________
c) ______________________________
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Destruction of Athens
FQ: Demonstrate the significance of the destruction of Athens for both the
Greeks and the Persians.
Write the introduction and
then plan the rest of the
essay in the space
provided, including topic
Demonstrate the significance of
the destruction of Athens for
both the Greeks and the
Demonstrate: Show by example.
You must provide examples to
show that the destruction of
Athens was significant for the
Greeks and the Persians or the
extent of its significance.
And: You must provide examples
for both Greeks and Persians, not
just one side.
Activity 23 workspace: Students are to practice writing
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Salamis
FQ: Critically evaluate how the Battle of Salamis was a turning point in the
Persian Wars.
Activity 24 workspace: Students are to practice writing essay
body paragraphs.
Write the body of an essay
by choosing three of the
strongest points, to argue
and following the following
steps for each paragraph:
i. Create topic sentences
for each point.
ii. Provide explanation,
examples and or quotes.
iii. Add concluding
sentence that links to
question and/or following
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Salamis
Critically evaluate how the
Activity 24 workspace: [continued]
Battle of Salamis was a
turning point in the Persian
Critically: Add a degree or
level of accuracy depth,
knowledge and
understanding, logic,
questioning, reflection and
quality to analyse/evaluate.
You must provide detailed
examples, evidence and
arguments justifying your
analysis/evaluation with
reference to appropriate
research and/or sources.
Evaluate: Make a judgement
based on criteria; determine
the value of.
You must specify criteria you
will use to make your
judgement, as well as your
judgement in the
introduction. You should
provide both for and against
your arguments and provide
justification for your chosen
side of the argument.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Xerxes Withdrawal
FQ: Account for Xerxes choice to withdraw and return to Persia.
Write an essay plan in the
space provided and then
practice writing a
Activity 25 workspace: Students are to practice writing
Account for Xerxes choice to
withdraw and return to Persia.
Account: Account for: state
reasons for, report on. Give an
account of: narrate a series of
events or transactions.
You must provide a narrative
of the events that led to the
withdrawal and provide
possible reasoning for the
choice using the narrative as
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Plataea
FQ: Analyse the impact of the Battle of Plataea on the final stages of the
Write an essay in the
space provided to
practice essay writing skills
for exams and
Analyse the impact of the
Battle of Plataea on the final
stages of the invasion.
Analyse: Identify components
and the relationship between
them; draw out and relate
You must identify key aspects
that affected the final stages
of invasion and how they
relate to each other.
Activity 26 workspace: Students are to practice essay writing.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Plataea
FQ: Analyse the impact of the Battle of Plataea on the final stages of the
Activity 26 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Plataea
FQ: Analyse the impact of the Battle of Plataea on the final stages of the
Activity 26 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Plataea
FQ: Analyse the impact of the Battle of Plataea on the final stages of the
Activity 26 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Mycale & Sestos
FQ: Compare and contrast the Battles of Mycale and Sestos and their
importance to the Persian Wars.
Write an essay in the
Activity 27 workspace: Students are to practice essay writing.
space provided to
practice essay writing skills
for exams and
Compare and contrast the
Battles Mycale and Sestos
and their importance to the
Persian Wars.
Compare: Show how things
are similar or different.
You must provide examples of
how the battles were similar
and different as well as how
their importance may have
been similar or different.
Contrast: Show how things are
different or opposite.
You must demonstrate the
battles are different or
opposite and how their
importance may have been
different or opposite.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Mycale & Sestos
FQ: Compare and contrast the Battles of Mycale and Sestos and their
importance to the Persian Wars.
Activity 27 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Mycale & Sestos
FQ: Compare and contrast the Battles of Mycale and Sestos and their
importance to the Persian Wars.
Activity 27 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Invasion of 480-479 BC: Mycale & Sestos
FQ: Compare and contrast the Battles of Mycale and Sestos and their
importance to the Persian Wars.
Activity 27 workspace: [continued]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Themistocles
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following figures:
Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Activity 28: Assess the
usefulness & reliability of
visual resources.
1. Read the Question
2. Identify Key Aspects:
Identity, Origin, Audience,
Context, Motive and Bias
3. Determine the usefulness
of the source.
The usefulness will change
according to the question.
a. Test Validity &
Is it fake or misapplied?
b. Determine Relevance:
Does it deal directly or
indirectly with the topic
or question?
4. Determine Reliability:
Accuracy, Deceptiveness,
Typicality, Provenance,
a. Test Reliability:
Is it fact/opinion? Does it
selection/omission? Is
there untruth/distortion?
Is there
bias? Is it propagandist?
b. Determine Source Bias:
Provenance (who
produced source, for
what purpose),
Balance, Language Use,
Emotionalism, Use of
5. Determine External
Selection Process – part of
a larger document?
Effects of translation or
editing of source.
Ostracon with
“Themistocles, son of
Herm of
Statue of
Diagram of the
approximate of the Battle
of Salamis.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Themistocles
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following
figures: Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Fill in the different sections for Themistocles career and then create an obituary
that might have appeared after his death using the information.
Obituary: An account of the texture and significance of the life of
someone who has recently died.
Background & Early
Role in Development ___________________________________________________________________
of Athens to 480 BC.
Role During Persian
Invasion of 480-479
Post-War Career &
Your Assessment of His ___________________________________________________________________
Place in History
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Leonidas 1
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following figures:
Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Activity 30: Follow the QR code links and locate the relevant library sources and write up
the bibliography from the source on the following page. Under the QR code add the
location of the book in your school library.
Note: These QR codes do not work. They need to be added based on
books available in the school library and codes must then be created.
These are currently just images.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 30 workspace: [Bibliography]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Leonidas I
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following
figures: Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Fill in the different sections for Leonidas I career and then create an obituary that
might have appeared after his death using the information.
Obituary: An account of the texture and significance of the life of
someone who has recently died.
& Early
Role in Battle ___________________________________________________________________
Thermopylae ___________________________________________________________________
Evaluation of ___________________________________________________________________
Contribution ___________________________________________________________________
to the
Outcome of ___________________________________________________________________
the Persian
of His Place
in History
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Pausanias
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following figures:
Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Go to and complete the
tasks in the Activity workspace.
Activity 32 workspace: Task 1 &2. Answer Questions based on websites.
What information about Pausanias do both websites share (have the same)?
What information about Pausanias is different on Wikipedia from the other website?
Who wrote each webpage and what are their qualifications?
Which website do you think is more trustworthy and why?
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Pausanias
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following
figures: Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Fill in the different sections for Pausanias career [your will need to decide what
needs to be focused on] and then create an obituary that might have
appeared after his death using the information.
Obituary: An account of the texture and significance of the life of
someone who has recently died.
Background ___________________________________________________________________
& Early
Assessment ___________________________________________________________________
of His Place ___________________________________________________________________
in History
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Eurybiades
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following figures:
Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Activity 34: Follow the QR code links and locate the relevant sources online and write up
the bibliography from the source on the following page.
Note: These QR codes do not work. They need to be added based on
websites available at school (as some may be blocked) and codes must
then be created. These are currently just images. Once websites are
chosen teacher is to add titles to each QR code number.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Activity 34 workspace: [Bibliography]
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Role & Contribution: Eurybiades
FQ: Compare and contrast the roles and contribution of two of the following
figures: Themistocles, Leonidas I, Pausanias and Eurybiades.
Fill in the different sections for Eurybiades career [your will need to decide what
needs to be focused on] and then create an obituary that might have
appeared after his death using the information.
Obituary: An account of the texture and significance of the life of
someone who has recently died.
Background ___________________________________________________________________
& Early
Assessment ___________________________________________________________________
of His Place ___________________________________________________________________
in History
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Reasons for Greek Victory & Persian Defeat
FQ: Explain the reasons for the Greek Victory and the Persian defeat during the
Persian Wars.
Using 5-10 words from the
definition section and 5
dates from the timelines
students are to organize
arguments for a debate.
Activity 36 workspace: Points for the affirmative including
examples and/or reference.
The affirmative team will
be arguing that the Victory
was due to Greek
superiority while the
negative will be arguing
that the Persians lost due
to unlucky circumstances.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet
Reasons for Greek Victory & Persian Defeat
Activity 36 workspace: [continued] Points for the negative including examples and/or
Extra Readings: Ancient
Thucydides, History of the
Peloponnesian War, Bk. I
Aristophanes, The Acharnians
Aeschylus, The Persians
Plutarch, The Rise and Fall of
Athens, Themistocles
Extra Readings: Modern Texts
Antiquity 2: Interpreting the Past 3rd. Ed. Ch. 9 by Toni Hurley, Christine Murray,
Philippa Medcalf and Jan Rolph.
Ancient Greece: Using Evidence by Pamela Bradley
Essential Histories: The Greek & Persian Wars 499-386 BC by Philip de Souza
Chronicles: Investigating the Ancient World Book 1 by C.M. Williams
The Cambridge Ancient History 2nd Ed. Vol. 4 Persia, Greece and the Western
Mediterranean C. 525 to 479 B.C. Edited by J. Boardman, N.G.L. Hammond,
D.M. Lewis and M. Ostwald.
The Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars Student Work Booklet