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rivers and burns action plan
Scottish Biodiversity List Habitat: Yes*
UK Biodiversity List of Priority Habitats: Yes
Rivers and burns are frequently the sole remaining semi natural feature
in a landscape, and as such they are invariably of great value for
wildlife, and our own enjoyment. On the whole our river and burns
represent the most unmodified natural habitat after our bogs to be
found in North Lanarkshire. Their importance is increased by the fact
that much of our ancient woodland is found along their banks. Their
value as “wildlife corridors” is increasing as development covers more
and more land.
The quality of our rivers and burns has improved greatly since the closure of most of the heavy industry, however there is a great
deal of scope for further improvement.
There is a UK Biodiversity Broad Habitat Statement for Rivers and Streams.
Habitat Profile
In their natural state watercourses are dynamic environments, creating a range of physical habitats which will be determined by
factors such as slope, discharge, water velocity, and substratum (hard/soft geology etc.). The habitats created by these factors
will support characteristic animal and plant assemblages. In general the more diverse the range of physical habitats, the more
biological diversity there will be. Engineered rivers (in urban areas and industrial or intensively agricultural landscapes) generally
have a simplified range of habitats and a reduced biodiversity.
Rivers and burns are impacted by reductions in water quality, quantity, changes to their flow regime, and degradation of the
physical structure of their banks and channels. Two aspects of rivers should be considered: the watercourse itself - the ‘wetted
channel’, and the complete corridor of channel and riparian zone (bank and associated land). The linear nature of streams and
rivers gives them value beyond their immediate provision of living space for wildlife: they also provide wildlife corridors enabling
animals to move to new areas safely to find food, mates, or new habitat. Culverts, bridges, weirs, hard engineering of channels,
as well as poor water quality and low flows, threatens this continuity, isolating populations which can lead to their extinction.
Water quality is of some significance to truly aquatic species, although river corridors may retain considerable value to wildlife
even where water quality is severely impaired. This is related to their retention of some semi-natural features, for example their
riparian vegetation or their production of flying stages of aquatic insects, which are utilised as food. Therefore poor water quality
should not lead to pressures for culverting, as this leads to
total loss of the habitat and compounds any water quality
There is a growing recognition of the importance of river
habitats both as the supporting physical structures for
wildlife, and as key components conferring resilience of
the system as a whole, for example enabling polluting
materials to be processed and rendered harmless. These
latter areas of activity are not covered by current legislation
and therefore demand a co-operative approach from all
interested parties to achieve effective management.
freshwater habitat: rivers and burns action plan p.1
Legal Status
The Water Framework Directive establishes a legal framework for the
protection, improvement and sustainable use of all water bodies in the
environment across Europe. That is, all rivers, canals, lochs, estuaries,
wetlands and coastal waters as well as water under the ground.
The Directive became law in Scotland during 2003 through the Water
Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (the WEWS Act) which
sets out the new arrangements for the protection of the water environment in
The main environmental objectives are to protect and improve Scotland’s
water environment. This will include preventing deterioration of aquatic
ecosystems and, where possible, restoring surface waters and groundwater
damaged by pollution, water abstraction, dams and engineering activities to
‘good status’ by 2015.
The Act provides for new controls over activities such as abstraction,
impoundment, engineering, point and diffuse source pollution which directly
affect the water environment. These controls will be implemented by the
Controlled Activities Regulations. The Act also states that the Scottish
Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) will be the operator of these
regulatory regimes.
Current Status
Rivers and burns form linear corridors of varying conservation value across
North Lanarkshire. There is only one river catchment contained completely
within the boundaries of North Lanarkshire, the South Calder Water. Other
catchments lying partly within North Lanarkshire include the North Calder
Water, the River Kelvin, the River Almond and a short stretch of the River
Clyde. The rivers of North Lanarkshire flow in the main across the area from
east to west.
Prior to the industrial revolution all of our waterways would have been clean,
clear and teaming with life. The quality of the South Calder Water has
improved dramatically with the closure of the Ravenscraig steelworks. Also
water quality in the Kelvin catchment has improved with the diversion of
sewage treatment works discharges to the Kelvin Valley Sewer.
In the SEPA South west region North Lanarkshire has 21% of the poor and
severely polluted rivers, but very little of the total catchment. The main factors
causing this poor quality are sewage (40%), contaminated land (22%), Mining
(13%) and agricultural point source (10%).
Current Factors Affecting This Habitat
Physical Habitat Destruction and simplification
Works such as culverting, dredging, inappropriate hard engineering,
and land take for development. Rivers are also
affected by agricultural practices (e.g. overgrazing of stream banks).
Poor water quality
This falls within the statutory remit of SEPA. Most problems can be rectified given adequate resources, both for
identification of the problem and cost of rectification. Urban areas are traditionally difficult to deal with due to complexity
of drainage network, multiple sources of pollutants, diffuse pollutants, etc.
Non-native species and species without an affinity for rivers.
May be self colonising such as Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam (a major problem on the Clyde and Luggie Water),
Japanese Knotweed, or may be planted as an environmental ‘improvement’, e.g. cultivated grass species mown right
to the river bank, non-native ornamental species planted for amenity.
Public attitudes to river corridors.
These may be seen as ‘waste ground’ if not maintained as parkland or amenity open space. Hence they are frequently
used as dumping grounds; fly tipping is a major problem locally.
freshwater habitat: rivers and burns action plan p.2
Current Action
• North Lanarkshire Councils Fantastic Freshwater education and awareness scheme.
• Scottish Environmental Protection Agency’s monitoring of water quality at selected sites locally.
• Continued enforcement of pollution control legislation.
• The promotion of SUDS and Green Roofs by the Conservation and Greening Unit to planners and developers.
• The Council’s Ecologist commenting on all relevant planning applications concerning development near rivers and burns.
• Many parts of North Lanarkshire’s watercourses designated as a SINC. Particularly, all riparian corridors are designated SINC.
• SEPA water quality targets 2004-7
• Kelvin and Clyde Valley Flood Appraisal Groups
Proposed Objectives, Targets and Actions.
1. To protect and enhance the river and burn habitat, associated riparian features, and water quality.
2. To increase public awareness of the wildlife and amenity value of rivers and burns.
By end of 2012
2.1 Promote soft engineering of rivers and presumption
against culverting. Through Supplementary design
Provide information through supplementary
design guidance by end of 2010.
2.2 Ensure that where appropriate, locally sourced native plant
species are used for routine council planting operations
and new developments that impinge on river banks.
Agree this with Landscape and Design by
end of 2009.
2.3 Promote adoption of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
in new developments
Organise SUDS training for NLC planning
staff by end of 2009. Include promotion of
SUDS in Supplementary Design Guidance.
Annual monitoring of streams and burns,
report provided to Biodiversity Officer.
4.1 Promote clean-up campaigns to educate local
communities on the effects of general litter, fly tipping and
sewerage debris on their local environment and wildlife.
1, 2
2 clean up events annually. Promotion of
NLC Fantastic Freshwater at events.
4.2 Establish links with LBAP topic groups from other council
areas to ensure an integrated approach to habitat
improvements in catchments crossing local authority
1, 2
Annual meeting organised by 2009.
Policy and Legislation
1.1 Develop policies to control alien plant species and favour
establishment of appropriate native species adjacent to
rivers and especially on Council owned land.
Site safeguard and management
Monitoring and research
3.1 Continue to monitor the quality of streams and burns in
North Lanarkshire
Communications and publicity
SEPA: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
NLC: North Lanarkshire Council
Sally Donaldson (SEPA). Updated by Jonathan Willet (Biodiversity Officer), 2004. Updated by Laura Whyte (Biodiversity Officer), 2008.
*Although Rivers and burns are not specifically mentioned in the Scottish Biodiversity List, the aquatic plant communities that inhabit many
of North Lanarkshire’s rivers and burns are listed.
Photgraphs courtesy of: Alison Graham, Ruth McGuire.
freshwater habitat: rivers and burns action plan p.3
otter action plan
Lutra lutra
UK List of Priority Species: Yes
Scottish Biodiversity List: Yes
The Otter is widespread in North Lanarkshire and is found in nearly all
suitable waterways. With continuing efforts to improve water quality
the population of Otters should increase further, as all suitable habitat
is occupied.
Species Profile
Otters require clean rivers with a plentiful supply of food and bankside
vegetation. They are shy, semi-aquatic, mostly nocturnal creatures, although
they can be seen during the day in undisturbed locations. Their fur is
generally medium to dark brown in colour with a pale underbelly. Adults vary
from 1-1.2 metres in length, and 6-8kg in weight. Females are generally
smaller than males. They are found in almost all wetland habitats including
lochs, rivers, burns, ditches, reedbeds, marshes, estuaries and the coast.
An Otter needs up to 30 holts (dens) or lying up sites in their home range. Large cavities in bankside tree roots, dense
impenetrable scrub, rock cavities, peat burrows and old culverts are all examples of typical holt sites. One of the best ways to
identify a possible holt is to look for their droppings known as spraints which are black and spiky and have fish bones in them.
Footprints and runs are also good indicators of an Otter’s presence.
Their main diet is fish, with eels being a favourite, although they will eat amphibians (frogs are an important food source in spring),
small mammals and some birds. An adult Otter requires about 1kg of food a day. This high value is due to the amount of energy
used hunting their aquatic prey.
Breeding is non-seasonal; therefore they can breed at any time of the year. The female gives birth to one to four cubs in the
safest holt in her home range. The cubs remain there for about 2 months and then begin exploring their territory with their mother.
They will stay with her for 12 to 18 months before finding their own territory (the father plays no role in rearing the cubs). They are
sexually mature at two years but life expectancy is short, three years on average, although their potential life expectancy is up to
fifteen years. Late sexual maturity, small litter size and a short life expectancy make breeding success critical.
Current Status
The Eurasian Otter has the widest distribution of all Otter species.
Its range covers parts of three continents: Europe, Asia (as far
south as Java) and North Africa. Originally the species was
widespread throughout Europe, after the population crashes
in the 1960-70’s it declined in Central and Northern Europe
and is probably extinct in the Netherlands and Switzerland. The
population crash was largely due to pollution from farm pesticides
and habitat loss. By the late 1970s the Otter was almost extinct in
the UK apart from a few strongholds in Scotland such as Dumfries
and Galloway and the Highlands and Islands. However, by the
1980s Otter populations had begun to recover due to the phasing
out and banning of some hydrocarbon pesticides.
freshwater habitat: otter action plan p.1
There are still good populations in Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Scotland and the northern taiga of Russia. However, over its whole
range the Otter is estimated to have declined by at least 20%.
The Scottish population is one of the largest populations in Europe and as the inland populations expand this population is being
further bolstered. This makes our population significant in Europe, and globally.
During 2003 a total of 24 10km squares were surveyed for otters within Strathclyde & Ayrshire. 59 out of 71 (83.10%) survey
sites from within these squares were positive. This compares with only 23.94% positive in 1978–79, 29.58% positive in 1985–
86 and 48.19% positive in 1991–94, representing a substantial improvement over the last decade. Otters are now found in
nearly all lochs, rivers and burns in the area.
Legal Status
The Otter is listed on Appendix I of CITES, Appendix II of the Bern Convention and Annexes II & IV of the Habitats Directive. It is
also protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and Schedule 2 of the Conservation
(Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994, and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.
This protection means that it is an offence to deliberately: kill or injure Otters, capture or keep Otters, destroy, damage or obstruct
their den, disturb them while in the den, sell or advertise for sale, otters and anything derived from them, import or export Otters,
whether dead or alive
The above actions can only be carried out with a specially granted licence, issued by SNH.
freshwater habitat: otter action plan p.2
Current Factors Affecting This Species
• Pollution of watercourses from industrial, residential and agricultural sources. Industrial and residential pollution of watercourses is a major issue in the Coatbridge and Airdrie area.
• Existing developments without Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems increasing the run-off going into the drains, overloading the sewage system so that uses the emergency overflows to discharge directly into water courses.
Habitat loss due to development.
Acidification of watercourses caused by acid rain and exacerbated by leachate from conifer plantations.
• Disturbance is still a major factor as waterways are increasingly used for recreation; people and dogs can cause major problems in some places.
Current Action
Scottish Water’s upgrading of the sewage infrastructure, leading to improved water quality.
North Lanarkshire Councils Fantastic Freshwater education and awareness scheme.
Scottish Environmental Protection Agency’s monitoring of water quality at selected sites locally.
Ongoing collation of Otter roadkill records.
All developments affecting otter habitat are recommended to have an otter survey undertaken prior to development.
Proposed Objectives, Targets and Actions
1. Conserve and enhance Otter habitat.
2. Maintain and where possible expand the Otter population in North Lanarkshire.
Action by
1.1 Attempt to limit accidental deaths by providing road
underpasses, dyke net guards etc.
Identify key areas by end of 2010.
Implement appropriate preventative
measures by end of 2012.
1.2. Identify and mitigate any pollution issues that may
be limiting populations.
Identify areas by end of 2010. Implement appropriate preventative measures by end of 2012.
3 otter related grant funded projects by
end of 2012.
Annual survey.
One themed talk, walk, leaflet or article
Site and species safeguard and management
2.1 Advise owners and seek to secure appropriate
management of otter sites.
Research and monitoring
3.1 Monitor otter populations in key areas.
Communications and publicity
4.1 Use this popular species to highlight the importance
of water quality
NLC: North Lanarkshire Council
SG: Scottish Government
SNH: Scottish Natural Heritage
SEPA: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
CSFT: Central Scotland Forest Trust
NFU: National Farmers Union
SWT: Scottish Wildlife Trust
freshwater habitat: otter action plan p.3
Heather Dunsmore and Andrew Jones (Scottish Wildlife Trust). Updated by Jonathan Willet (Biodiversity Officer) 2004. Reviewed and
updated by Laura Whyte (Biodiversity Officer) 2008.
Photographs courtesy of: SNH, Alison Graham.
freshwater habitat: otter action plan p.4
great crested newt
action plan Triturus cristatus
UK Biodiversity Action Plan List of Priority Species: Yes
Scottish Biodiversity List: Yes
European Protected Species: Yes
Of the three native species of newt, the Great Crested Newt is the
UK’s most threatened species. Since the 1940s the population has
declined in both Europe and the UK.
The distribution of Great Crested Newts within North Lanarkshire requires further research, and the size of individual populations
at known sites has yet to be determined accurately. The exception to this is at the Gartcosh site where a great deal of work has
been undertaken to translocate the newts to newly created habitat. The site has at least 527 adult Great Crested Newts in its
ponds, representing probably the second largest colony in Scotland. The populations at the Gartcosh site are safe and hopefully
will expand locally.
More survey is required for other populations to determine their population levels and also to help formulate suitable habitat
creation schemes to allow populations to expand.
Species Profile
The common name for the Great Crested Newt is derived from the males
developing dorsal crests, which are present only in spring. The skin is rough
and granular; hence it’s other common name of the ‘Warty Newt’. The under
belly is bright orange/yellow and also blotched with black which serves as
protection by advertising the newts’ toxic skin and foul taste to would be
A suitable Great Crested Newt pond is medium to large with some areas of
deeper, clear water. These ponds should be free of fish, which will eat larvae
and eggs. There should also be a good selection of water plants, which are
used for egg laying. The pond should receive sunlight for at least a part of the
The surrounding terrestrial habitat should have sufficient ground cover, such as
scrub, deciduous trees and long grass containing moist areas to hide in during
the day. The newts will also seek refuge under log piles and rocks. During the winter months these can provide underground
hibernacula, free from frosts. Newts will stay here from November until spring when they return to their breeding ponds, the
breeding season, begins in March, some times February if the weather is mild, and continues into June.
The Great Crested Newt’s eggs are white coloured 0.5cm, and oval. The eggs are laid singly and wrapped carefully in aquatic
plant leaves by the female. The adults offer no parental protection. Other animals like leeches and insects eat many eggs before
they hatch and the survival rate is low.
When the remaining eggs hatch in to larvae they are also often prey to other aquatic animals, such as fish, especially since they
hover mid-water and are an easy target. Normally larvae metamorphose at 8 cm long and leave the water to seek out terrestrial
food and shelter. They can return to water each summer to take advantage of available food but won’t breed until in their 2nd or
3rd year.
freshwater habitat: great crested newt action plan p.1
Adult Great Crested Newts tend to remain in or around the vicinity of their breeding area, with an average dispersal distance of
around 290m and a maximum distance to about 1km. For the expansion of populations it is crucial that there is suitable habitat
between ponds to allow movement.
The diet of Great Crested Newts is varied and can include earthworms, beetles, slugs and other terrestrial invertebrates.
However, when in water they will prey on aquatic invertebrates, frog and toad tadpoles, the other two newt species and even
smaller members of their own species. Other animals rarely bother adult crested newts because of their toxic skin.
Legal Status
The Great Crested Newt is one of the UK’s most strictly
protected amphibians. It is an internationally important species
identified on Annexes II and IV of the EC Habitats Directive and
Appendix II of the Bern Convention. In the UK it is protected
under Schedule 2, Regulation 38 of the Conservation
(Natural Habitats, etc) Regulations 1994 (as amended). It has
protection under Section 9 and Schedule 5 of the Wildlife &
Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), where it is protected
from trade, injury/killing, capture, disturbance and damage/
destruction to its habitat or resting place. A licence is needed
to handle them. A conservation licence is required in Scotland,
if the intention is to survey them.
Current Status
The Great Crested Newt is estimated to be in a total of 18,000 ponds, although only 3,000 of these have been recorded. In
parts of lowland England, Wales and Scotland it is considered locally numerous but has been determined as absent or rare in
Devon and Cornwall. It is deemed absent from Northern Ireland.
The majority of the newt breeding ponds in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries were artificial ponds on farmland. It is thought
that these artificial ponds were suitable places for the newts to disperse to as their natural wetlands were being claimed for
In recent decades, the Great Crested Newt populations have declined dramatically more than that observed for other
amphibians. Studies in the UK in the 1960s to 1990s show losses of 0.5% to 4% of the colonies or populations per annum. This
gives an estimate of some 40,000 breeding ponds lost during this period in the UK alone.
In the last 20 years, Great Crested Newts have been recorded in 14 locations in North Lanarkshire. During a 1999 survey 9 of
these sites still had Great Crested Newt populations. There is a small population of Great Crested Newt at Drumcavel and a
management strategy to protect the population is currently being developed.
It is thought that North Lanarkshire’s Gartcosh site has a stable population of approximately 1000 individual adults and is one of
the largest colonies in Scotland. This population has been successfully translocated. This translocated population is now being
researched by a PhD student.
The population of newts that once lived in the Ravenscraig Steel Works area was part of a translocation and habitat creation
management plan. The state of this population is currently unclear as only 2 adults and one larva were recorded during the
Survey work in the last 3 years by members of the Countryside Ranger Service has discovered a new population in North
Lanarkshire, though in the previous 6 years, 4 colonies appear to have gone extinct. The continued existence of the Ravenscraig
colony must also be in doubt as it is so small.
The Gartcosh population forms part of a nature reserve managed by North Lanarkshire Council and their future is secure. The
future of the other large colonies at Drumcavel Quarry and Croy Hill have not been secured, although measures are currently
being implemented to protect the population at Drumcavel Quarry, and Croy Hill has recently been purchased by Forestry
Commission Scotland.
Future Status
The key to the continuing existence of healthy Great Crested Newt populations will be ensuring that there is suitable
breeding, foraging and hibernating habitat available to colonies. There is also a need to expand these colonies to increase
their populations. Maintenance or creation of habitat networks that allow the movement of newts between suitable areas
would ensure their favourable conservation status.
freshwater habitat: great crested newt action plan p.2
Current Factors Affecting This Species
Great Crested Newt aquatic and terrestrial habitat has become increasingly fragmented through developments including roads
and buildings. Isolated populations are more susceptible to extinction compared to larger, well-connected populations.
The loss of grassland, woodland and scrub means that there are fewer opportunities for foraging, dispersal and hibernation.
Introduced fish, such as pike and perch can have a drastic affect on a newt population as many predatory fish will eat Great
Crested Newt larvae and decimate a population in a few years. Some landowners and course fishermen commonly practise
introducing fish to new ponds.
Quarry sites have produced some good habitats within North Lanarkshire for Great Crested Newts but renewed workings and
land refill has severely damaged some populations.
Dumping of rubbish on sites and pollution of water bodies.
Lack of knowledge of the status of the population in North Lanarkshire, allowing the possibility for unknown sites to be
Current Action
Countryside Ranger Service carrying out surveys of all ponds in areas known to
have Great Crested Newts
Gartcosh Great Crested Newt translocation project. All of these newts have been
moved to a new location to allow development of the old Gartcosh Steelworks.
Ongoing monitoring of Great Crested Newts habitats in the Gartcosh site.
Proposed Objectives, Targets and Actions
1. To expand the population of Great Crested Newts within North Lanarkshire
2. To protect the habitats of all known Great Crested Newts sites in North Lanarkshire Council.
Action by
1.1 All known Great Crested Newt colonies to have their potential
colonisation, breeding, foraging and hibernating habitats
designated as SINC.
To be completed for all currently
recorded colonies by end of
1.2 Encourage all landowners of Great Crested Newt breeding sites to
take forward positive management of these sites, including habitat
creation if required.
3 management plans to be
implemented by end of 2011.
1.3 Undertake habitat creation and restoration (both aquatic and
terrestrial) in order to create or enhance amphibian populations
and encourage natural dispersal.
3 new sites in positive management By end of 2012.
By end of 2009
3.1 Identify all historical Great Crested Newt sites and their owners.
By end of 2011.
3.2 Identify expansion areas and migration routes beyond the existing
core sites, and protect these sites.
By end of 2012.
3.3 To have surveyed all known and suspected Great Crested Newt
By end of 2012.
3.4 Survey all ponds within 5km of known Great Crested Newt
breeding ponds.
By end of 2011.
3.5 Identify key target areas for the creation of new ponds and habitats
suitable for colonisation.
By end of 2010.
Leaflet produced by end of 2010
Site safeguard and management
2.1 Create a GIS layer of Great Crested Newt colonies for use in
Monitoring and research
Communications and publicity
4.1 Promote pond creation in gardens and public open space focusing
on areas that will be of most benefit to GCN populations.
freshwater habitat: great crested newt action plan p.3
CARG: Clyde Amphibian and Reptile Group
GCN: Great Crested Newt
NLC: North Lanarkshire Council
SNH: Scottish Natural Heritage
Further Information
Beebee, T.J.C. 1975. Changes in the status of the Great Crested
Newt in the British Isles. British Journal of Herpetology 5: 481-490.
English Nature, 2001. Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines
Gibb, R & Foster, J (2000) Herpetofauna Workers’ Guide 2000.
Halesworth: Froglife
Griffiths, RA, Raper, SJ & Brady, LD (1996) Evaluation of a standard
method for surveying common frogs Rana temporaria and newts
Triturus cristatus, T. helveticus and T. vulgaris. JNCC Report No 259.
Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Griffiths, RA (1996) Newts and salamanders of Europe. Poyser Natural History.
Langton, T, Beckett, C and Foster, J. 2001. Great Crested Newt conservation handbook. Froglife. Halesworth.
Nicholson, M. & Oldham, R.S. 1986. Status and ecology of the warty newt (Triturus cristatus). Contract report to the Nature Conservancy
SNH Survey. 1995; 1996. Froglife survey performed on behalf of SNH. Information obtained from records held at Stirling SNH offices.
Web sites:
Mark Bates (Heritage Environmental Ltd). Updated by Colin Dunlop and Jonathan Willet (North Lanarkshire Council). Updated by Laura
Whyte (Biodiversity Officer), 2008.
Photographs courtesy of: Colin Dunlop, Jackie Gilliland, Ruth McGuire.
atlantic salmon action plan
Salmo salar
UK Biodiversity Action Plan List of Priority Species: No
Scottish Biodiversity List: Yes
European Protected Species: No
The Atlantic Salmon, has, over the last 30 to 40 years, recolonised
parts of the Clyde catchment in growing numbers, because of
improvements in water quality, management work and access for
anglers. However some areas of potential habitat are still suspected
to be inaccessible due to man-made obstructions such as weirs
or long culverts. The knowledge of the distribution of this fish is still
incomplete. However the numbers of fish being reported is showing a slow but apparent increase.
Species Profile
Atlantic Salmon exhibit great flexibility in their life
histories and are an extremely successful species
as a result. The species predominate in clean
watercourses where their presence is used as an
indicator of a healthy system. Atlantic Salmon require
freshwater in which to hatch eggs, a requirement
that necessitates their return to suitable areas to
Most Atlantic Salmon spend at least one half of their
lives in freshwater as juveniles prior to migrating to
sea where they typically spend 1 to 2 years and
increase in size by some 95%. Eggs are laid in gravel
areas by adults in the autumn hatching in spring as
alevins. The alevins emerge from the gravel and
establish feeding territories in fast moving areas of
streams. Here they can stay for up to 7 years, feeding on drifting invertebrates.
During their second year the vast majority of juveniles undertake a transformation to allow life in the sea, and they migrate
downstream the following spring. These salmon are known as smolts. The smolts congregate in pools in the river and drop back
to the estuary, in an event known as the smolt-run. Most smolts exit the Forth and Clyde system in April or May, in their third year
of life.
The young Salmon (now termed post-smolts) move away from the shore quickly and grow rapidly as they migrate out along the
continental shelf in shoals, feeding on sandeel, shrimp and other plankton. Salmon typically spend a minimum of 1 year at sea,
taking advantage of the rich feeding opportunities, although some stay for 2 or 3 years. Those maturing and returning to their
natal rivers after over wintering at sea are termed grilse and those returning after a minimum of 2 winters are termed multi seawinter Salmon and are highly prized by anglers.
Ebbing floodwaters encourage upstream migration and allow adults to negotiate waterfalls and reach their preferred spawning
areas. Maturation continues during the upstream migration. During November and December, females release their eggs over
prepared excavations (known as redds), and males jostle for position to fertilise them as they settle into the gravel.
freshwater habitat: atlantic salmon action plan p.1
Salmon are an extremely adaptive animal and occupy a range of freshwater environments across a wide temperature range.
Temperature, hydrological characteristics and chemical composition of the water in large catchments play an important role in
establishing distinct strains of Salmon. These features although not completely understood, indicate the existence of a “safety
net” of adaptive genes within stocks of Salmon and illustrate important within-species diversity.
Indiscriminate stocking (although well intentioned) with fish from various parts of a large catchment can lead to a breakdown of
this adaptation and is a serious threat to unique genetic types; which may prove to be very important in the future. In terms of
local fisheries management the following actions can have an impact on the sustainability and viability of Salmon populations:
• Maximising access to suitable spawning habitat and maintaining good water quality to ensure high egg survival rates.
• Ensuring adequate juvenile habitat and maximising the production of smolts.
• Protecting the smolt run during aggregation and passage.
• Protecting the adult spawning run during aggregation in the estuary, passage and spawning at the redds.
Legal Status
The legislation covering the Salmon is complex, tending to concentrate on the control of fishing activity rather than on the fish’s
habitat, or the ecological factors affecting water quality. However the Salmon (Fish Passes and Screens) (Scotland) Regulations
1994 does attempt to ensure that both Salmon, sea trout and other migratory species have physical access to their spawning
rivers and burns. Other relevant acts include the Salmon and Freshwater (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1951, the Freshwater and
Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976 and the Salmon Act 1986.
Current Status
Although still widely distributed in the rivers of Europe, adverse
impacts of industrialisation and urbanisation over the period 1700
to 1950 caused its loss from a large part of the historical area of
distribution. Most of Scotland is a Salmon stronghold, with over
400 Salmon river systems and nearly 40% of the EU population
of Atlantic Salmon.
The River Clyde and its tributaries upstream of the Erskine Bridge
constitute a large catchment area, which supports a substantial
trout fishery. Once it was also known for large numbers of
migratory sea trout and Salmon, but many decades of pollution
from local heavy industries practically exterminated both species.
The Atlantic Salmon, has, over the last 30 to 40 years,
recolonised parts of the Clyde catchment in growing numbers,
because of improvements in water quality, management work
and access for anglers. Some of the stretches where it can now
be found had not held Salmon since the start of the industrial
revolution. Whilst Salmon stocks are declining seriously over
much of Northern Europe and North America, those in the
Clyde catchment appear to be thriving, with a slow but apparent
increase in numbers of fish being reported.
In autumn 2004 a Finnock (a first year Sea Trout) was caught
in the Viewpark burn. Showing that salmonids can access the
North Calder through the culverts on the M8 and M73. There is
still no evidence that the South Calder is accessible.
However, there are still problems with respect to the movement
of Salmon, and the river or stream habitats with respect to spawning potential for these fish.
In the mainstream of the river, Strathclyde Country Park loch may be a hindrance to the movement of salmon in the South Calder
River. This is a major ‘obstacle’ in North Lanarkshire. Whether access should be provided, and if it were what impact this might
have to the Salmon population is open to debate. There are still fairly major water quality problems on the South Calder River,
especially at the upper reaches. Research would be required to ascertain the possible consequences and potential of reintroducing Salmon to the South Calder River.
freshwater habitat: atlantic salmon action plan p.2
Future Status
There is a discussion at present of the building of a water turbine in Strathclyde Park loch. Consideration of the free
passage of Salmon into the loch should be part of the ecological surveys required before plans are finalised for the turbine.
Where the River Kelvin tributaries are within North Lanarkshire’s boundaries there are several major issues with respect
to the passage of and indeed survival of Salmon. In the Kilsyth area the top reaches of the Garrell Burn needs to be
‘naturalised’ to improve spawning areas. Also there are serious issues with the extraction of water from the burn by
British Waterways. At times parts of the burn dries up entirely. The water extraction regime by British Waterways needs
clarification. Also in places structures built into the burn stop upstream migration of fish. These have to be ‘adapted’ to
allow fish movement. Similarly on parts of both the Linn Burn and the Luggie there are serious water quality problems and
passage of fish issues.
Current Factors Affecting This Habitat
The widespread decline in Salmon stocks in Western Europe and other parts of Scotland may involve several of the following
factors; some are out with the scope of the action plan but may require lobbying at the appropriate levels:
• Increasing pollution at sea.
• Over-fishing at sea, especially seine or drift-netting.
• Changes in temperature, currents or food items resulting from global warming.
• Increased toxicity from pesticides especially in the upper catchments in summer.
• Alterations in sex of some fish resulting from increased oestrogens in water.
Local factors may include:
• Obstruction to fish movement caused by weirs or culverts without fish passes of ladders.
• Loss of spawning areas because of silt deposition from drainage works, erosion or changes in river structure.
• Pollution from agriculture, industry and road and other hard surface run-off;
• Specific pollution incidents.
• Over-fishing, poaching and predation by Mink.
• Influences caused by the introduction of non-native fish species, or diseases and parasites from farmed Salmon.
Current Action
• Historically most of the trout and Salmon fisheries management issues are handled by a network of angling clubs whose
Salmon fishing’s are leased by the Crown Commissioners. In 1984 the clubs initiated the formation of the Clyde River
Fisheries Management Trust (CRFMT). The Trust co-ordinates fisheries management in each catchment and includes
representation from the relevant local authority. Within North Lanarkshire, this includes parts of the River Kelvin and the River
Clyde on its southwestern boundary.
• The angling clubs in this area are: the United Clyde Angling Protective Association (River Clyde from Bothwell Bridge to
Garrion Bridge); the Waterside Angling Club (Luggie Water and Blairlinn Burn); the Kirkintilloch Angling Club (River Kelvin).
A system of bailiffs operates in the areas where angling takes place, but little work has been undertaken so far, in terms of
improving the fish habitats. However in South Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire, several obstructions have been removed during
the 1990s.
• The Clyde River Foundation is undertaking surveys all over the Clyde catchment.
• Scottish Water’s upgrading of the sewage infrastructure, leading to improved water quality.
• North Lanarkshire Councils Fantastic Freshwater education and awareness scheme.
• Scottish Environmental Protection Agency’s monitoring of water quality at selected sites locally.
• The Water Framework Directive.
• Continued enforcement of the various pieces of legislation, which relate to salmon and its habitat quality, food supply and
• Encouraging best practice from developers and riparian owners, particularly in disposal of run-off and agricultural operations.
freshwater habitat: atlantic salmon action plan p.3
Proposed Objectives, Targets and Actions.
1. Ensure that populations Atlantic Salmon are maintained throughout the River Clyde catchment
2. Improve habitat for Atlantic Salmon.
Action by
Management Plan produced by end
of 2009.
2.1 Seek to install fish passes or ladders where appropriate.
1 obstruction removed annually from
2.2 Encourage habitat enhancement schemes that are
beneficial to salmon, particularly in burns used by spawning
3 habitat enhancement schemes
beneficial to salmon completed by
end of 2012.
One talk, course, or leaflet to be
offered to appropriate land owners
by end of 2011.
4.1 Regular monitoring of biological and ecological indicators
of water quality throughout the catchment area, prioritising
potential salmon spawning burns, particularly the Luggie,
the Linn Burn and the Garrell Burn.
Annually. Results publicised, and
given to all partners in this SAP.
4.2 Survey to determine numbers of salmon present in certain
areas of the catchment.
Annual survey. Results fed back to
4.3 Develop more comprehensive river habitat surveys, to
include compaction of river bed, and physical obstructions
to the passage of fish.
Improved survey method agreed by
end of 2010.
Policy and legislation
1.1 Produce a preliminary fisheries management plan for salmon
in North Lanarkshire.
Site safeguard and management
3.1 Provide advice to riparian landowners on habitat
Monitoring and Research
CRF: Clyde River Foundation
SNH: Scottish Natural Heritage
RCFMT: River Clyde Fisheries Management Trust
NLC: North Lanarkshire Council
SEPA: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
Matt Mitchell (United Clyde Angling Protective Association Ltd.) and Jimmy McAloon (River Clyde Fisheries Management Trust). Updated
by Jonathan Willet (Biodiversity Officer) and Dr Colin Bull 2004. Updated Matt Mitchell (Senior Countryside Ranger) and Laura Whyte
(Biodiversity Officer), 2008.
Photographs courtesy of: SNH
freshwater habitat: atlantic salmon action plan p.4
water vole action plan
Arvicola terrestris
UK List of Priority Species:
Scottish Biodiversity List:
The Water Vole was formerly common along the banks
of rivers, streams, canals, ditches, dykes, lakes, lochs
and ponds throughout mainland Britain. The population
in Britain has suffered a long-term decline since 1900.
It was estimated in the late 1990s that 94% of the
UK sites where Water Voles have previously been
recorded would have no signs of the animal by 2000.
This trend is reflected in North Lanarkshire. Mink predation
seems to be a major factor in their decline locally. Water Vole
have not been sufficiently surveyed in North Lanarkshire, this
makes it difficult to assess the true nature and extent of their
decline, and therefore limits our ability to protect the species.
Species Profile
The Water Vole is the largest British member of the vole family, it is frequently mistaken for a rat. They are predominantly
herbivorous, primarily feeding on lush waterside vegetation of grasses, sedges, rushes and reeds. In the winter months, roots
and bark of shrubs and trees form an important part of the diet together with rhizomes, bulbs and roots of herbaceous species.
They need to consume up to 80% of their body weight daily.
Water Voles are found in most freshwater habitats in Scotland, ranging from slow flowing lowland ditches to head streams up to
620m altitude. Recent work has shown them to be more numerous in upland and peatland habitats than formerly thought.
In waterside populations each vole utilises a series of
burrows dug into the riverbank where the soil permits. The
burrows comprise nest chambers, inter-connecting tunnels
with many entrances, and bolt holes consisting of short
tunnels ending in a single chamber. Nest chambers occur
at various levels in the steepest part of the bank and the
nest consists of shredded grass. Occasionally the animal
will weave a nest into the bases of sedges and reeds. Sites
that suffer total submersion during protracted periods of
winter flooding are untenable but populations may migrate
seasonally to avoid flooding of burrow systems. The amount
of bankside and emergent vegetation cover is very important,
with the best sites offering a continuous swathe of tall
and luxuriant riparian plants. Ideal Water Vole habitat has
layered bankside vegetation with tall grasses and stands of
Willowherb, Purple Loosestrife, Meadowsweet and Nettles,
fringed with thick stands of rushes, sedges or reeds. Sites
excessively shaded by shrubs or trees are less favoured.
freshwater habitat: water vole action plan p.1
Breeding lasts from April to October and the females may produce 2 to 5 litters annually, each of 5 to 8 young. Early-born young
may breed that autumn, but most reach sexual maturity after their first winter. Exceptionally, Water Voles may survive three winters
but mortality is thought to be very high among dispersing juveniles.
Water Voles can be detected by the presence of runways up to 9cm wide at the edge of densely vegetated banks, and burrows
and latrines containing cylindrical faeces with blunt ends. At low population densities these signs may be difficult to find.
Legal Status
In Scotland, the Water Vole has had limited enhanced statutory protection under Schedule 5, section 9(4) of the Wildlife
& Countryside Act 1981 since 1998. This section of the act protects habitat occupied by the species. Under the Nature
Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004, the term “recklessly” has been added to the legislation, so now the protection makes it an
offence to:
• “Recklessly” or “intentionally” damage or destroy structures or places used by Water Voles for shelter or protection.
• Disturb Water Voles whilst they are using such a place.
Under animal welfare laws cruelty to Water Voles is an offence.
Licences are available from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to allow the following:
• Ringing or marking of the wild animals.
There is no provision for licensing the intentional destruction of occupied Water Vole burrows for development or maintenance
Current Status
The Water Vole has been recorded in several areas in the last 5 years
the Forth and Clyde Canal, near Longriggend, Fannyside Loch, Luggie
Water, Brownsburn, Airdrie and the Drumpellier to Hogganfield wetland
complex. It is likely that the upland populations are small and fragmented
but the lack of any survey of this area means that this is still conjecture.
Members of the Councils Pest Control team in Cumbernauld have linked
the Water Vole’s decline with the appearance of Mink in the area around
20 years ago.
The population in the Drumpellier to Hogganfield wetland complex is one
of the highest densities in Central and perhaps all of Scotland. Results
from Glasgow show that the largest populations of Water Voles are
found in wetland areas, not linear water courses. These areas seem to
provide better cover to evade predatory Mink.
Current Factors Affecting This Species
• Insensitive river engineering, bank protection and maintenance works (e.g. de-silting operations) can damage habitats.
• Urbanisation of floodplains has led to direct habitat loss and containment of the river channel.
• Pollution of watercourses.
• Heavy grazing pressure from domestic livestock denudes riparian vegetation and may make sites untenable for Water Voles
by trampling the banks.
• A substantial fringe of waterside vegetation is essential for Water Voles and this can be dramatically reduced through
inappropriate management. Bank mowing and vegetation clearance may also put the Water Vole at risk from predators.
• Population fragmentation resulting from isolated habitats or local extinction may accelerate the rate of decline.
• Increasing fluctuations in water levels affecting food, cover and burrows. These arise from changing weather patterns, and an
ever increasing area of development with no Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems leading to huge amounts of run-off
• Predation by American Mink appears to be accelerated by poor riparian habitat. The impact of the Mink appears to be less
where there is dense cover such as expansive wetlands or interconnecting waterways and ponds, or amongst reedbeds.
Locally, domestic/feral cats are predators of this animal.
freshwater habitat: water vole action plan p.2
• Where Water Voles occur in urban situations they appear to be very tolerant of disturbance and may even occupy degraded
habitats, their survival chances increasing, as there are few predators.
• Poisoning by rodenticides, either directly or indirectly, when used for brown rat control, may be responsible for some localised
extinctions, as may control operations for rabbits or moles in floodplains.
• Rats may pose a risk by either acting as a competitor or even as a predator of young voles.
Current Action
Ongoing recording of Water Vole sightings by the C&G Unit from organisations, individuals and developer’s environmental surveys in North Lanarkshire.
It is recommended that all developments affecting Water Vole habitat undertake a survey for this species prior to development. (Nearly all new records for Water Voles come from these surveys).
Training of all Pest Control staff in North Lanarkshire in the identification of Water Voles and their field signs.
Distribution of copies of the Water Vole handbook to Pest Control staff.
Proposed Objectives, Targets and Actions
1. To arrest the decline in Water Vole populations
2. To improve riparian habitats, watercourses and wetlands to encourage the Water Vole population to
increase in North Lanarkshire (and Central Scotland).
Action by
1.1 Produce guidelines for contractors carrying out engineering
works. This will require recommended phasing of works
Guidelines produced and distributed
by end of 2010.
1.2 Work with British Waterways to prevent destruction and
disruption of habitats by canal dredging and to provide
suitable banks or artificial burrow holes.
1 annual project from 2011.
2.1 Target key areas for river and wetland habitat restoration
and creation to benefit watevoles, concentrating on areas
adjacent to populations of voles.
1, 2
Key areas identified by end of 2009. 3
Habitat restoration projects completed
by end of 2012.
2.2 Advise owners and seek to secure management
agreements over water vole sites, including a systematic
programme of control/trapping of American Mink, where
private owners
3 new management plans under the
SRDP, and 3 under the SEPA Habitat
Enhancement Initiative by end of 2012.
2 reintroduction projects to be completed by 2012
Produced and distributed by end of
Annual rolling survey.
End of 2012.
Policy and legislation
Site safeguard and management
Species protection and management
3.1 Seek to reintroduce water vole to suitable stretches of
streams/ditches where access from existing populated
areas may be hindered by culverts or restricted by
4.1 Produce information for pest control agencies to help
prevent the use of rodenticides and herbicides in potential
water vole habitat.
Monitoring and research
5.1 Monitor water voles in key areas every three years.
Communications and publicity
6.1 Organise a central Scotland water vole conference to
identify clear targets and actions for the conservation and
enhancement of this species.
freshwater habitat: water vole action plan p.3
NLC: North Lanarkshire Council
SNH: Scottish Natural Heritage
SEPA: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
BW: British Waterways
CSFT: Central Scotland Forest Trust
MacDonald, D. and Strachan, R. 1999. The Mink and the Water
Vole. Analyses for conservation. Environment Agency.
Strachan, R. 1998. Water Vole Conservation Handbook.
Environment Agency and English Nature.
Vincent Wildlife Trust. 1993. The Water Vole Arvicola terrestris in
Britain 1989-1990: its Distribution and Changing Status.
Fiona Stewart (Scottish Wildlife Trust). Updated by Jonathan
Willet (Biodiversity Officer), 2004. Updated by Laura Whyte
(Biodiversity Officer), 2008.
Photographs courtesy of: SNH, RSPB, Ruth McGuire.
freshwater habitat: water vole action plan p.4