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Multiple Test Functions and Adjusted p-Values for
Test Statistics with Discrete Distributions
arXiv:1412.0561v1 [stat.CO] 1 Dec 2014
Joshua D. Habiger
Oklahoma State University, Department of Statistics, 301-G MSCS, Stillwater, OK, 74078-1056, USA. email:
[email protected]
Abstract: The randomized p-value, (nonrandomized) mid-p-value and abstract randomized p-value
have all been recommended for testing a null hypothesis whenever the test statistic has a discrete
distribution. This paper provides a unifying framework for these approaches and extends it to the
multiple testing setting. In particular, multiplicity adjusted versions of the aforementioned p-values
and multiple test functions are developed. It is demonstrated that, whenever the usual nonrandomized
and randomized decisions to reject or retain the null hypothesis may differ, the (adjusted) abstract
randomized p-value and test function should be reported, especially when the number of tests is large.
It is shown that the proposed approach dominates the traditional randomized and nonrandomized
approaches in terms of bias and variability. Tools for plotting adjusted abstract randomized p-values
and for computing multiple test functions are developed. Examples are used to illustrate the method
and to motivate a new type of multiplicity adjusted mid-p-value.
Keywords and phrases: abstract randomized p-value; adjusted p-value; decision function; fuzzy
p-value; mid-p-value; randomized p-value; test function;.
1. Introduction
High throughput technology now routinely yields large and complex data sets which have forced statisticians to rethink traditional statistical inference. For example, a basic microarray data set allows for several
thousand null hypotheses to be tested simultaneously, and it is now widely accepted that multiplicity effects cannot be ignored. Consequently, dozens, if not hundreds, of multiple hypothesis testing procedures
have been developed in recent years; see Farcomeni (2008) or the books by Westfall and Young (1993);
Dudoit and van der Laan (2008); Efron (2010) for reviews. Ultimately, which of these multiple testing procedures is employed will depend on the data structure, the cost of falsely rejecting or failing to reject null
hypotheses, and even taste. In this paper, we are interested in the setting when each test statistic has a
discrete distribution, which arises when data are dichotomous in nature or when utilizing nonparametric
rank-based test statistics.
Challenges arising when test statistics have discrete distributions are evident even when testing a single
null hypothesis. To illustrate, consider the following example (see Cox and Hinkley (1974) for more details):
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Example 1 Suppose that X is a binomial random variable with n = 10 and success probability p, and that
the goal is to test null hypothesis H0 : p = 1/2 vs. alternative hypothesis H1 : p > 1/2. Define size-0.05 test
 1
0.89 x = 8 .
φ(x) =
In Example 1, φ(x) is said to have size 0.05 because its expectation is equal to 0.05 under H0 . To implement
φ(x), H0 is rejected if φ(x) = 1 and is not rejected, or retained, if φ(x) = 0. If φ(x) = 0.89, several different
approaches could be taken.
Earlier authors (Neyman and Pearson, 1933; Pearson, 1950; Tocher, 1950; Pratt, 1961) proposed a randomized testing strategy, which is implemented by generating U = u from a uniform(0, 1) distribution and
rejecting H0 if u ≤ φ(x), or equivalently by rejecting H0 if the randomized p-value defined by
p(x, u) = P 0X (X > x) + uP 0X (X = x),
where P 0X (·) denotes a probability computed under H0 , is less than or equal to 0.05. This randomized
decision rule ensures that the probability of erroneously rejecting H0 is indeed 0.05 but is sometimes regarded
as impractical because the final decision could depend on the value of the independently generated u. See
Habiger and Peña (2011) for a discussion. Another strategy is to reject H0 if a nonrandomized p-value, such as
the mid-p-value in Lancaster (1961) defined by p(x, 1/2) or the natural p-value defined by p(x, 1), for example,
is less than or equal to 0.05. See Agresti (1992); Agresti and Min (2001); Yang (2004); Agresti and Gottard
(2007) for other examples. The advantage of this strategy is that it does not make use of an independently
generated random variable. However, neither of these nonrandomized decision rules have size 0.05. In an effort
to avoid the mathematical disadvantages of nonrandomized p-values and at the same time avoid generating
a uniform(0, 1) variate, Geyer and Meeden (2005) proposed the fuzzy, also sometimes called the abstract
randomized, p-value, which can be defined as p(x, U ), for example. Here, we write capital U to denote an
(unrealized) uniform(0,1) random variable. Note that from a probability perspective, p(x, U ) also represents
an unrealized random variable.
Most detailed studies of these three approaches (see, for example, Barnard
(1989); Geyer and Meeden (2005)) have focused on recommending one of the aforementioned p-values. This
is not our goal here.
1 We will not be concerned with the distinction between abstract randomized p-values and fuzzy p-values because, as mentioned in Geyer and Meeden (2005), they are “different interpretations of the same mathematical object.”
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One goal of this paper is to illustrate that the test function and the abstract randomized p-value provide
information that is likely of interest in settings when the randomized and nonrandomized p-values need not
yield the same final decision. To see why, let us consider a second binomial example.
Example 2 Consider the same null and alternative hypotheses as in Example 1, but suppose that n = 11.
The size-0.05 test function is defined
 1
0.21 x = 8 .
φ(x) =
If X > 8 or if X < 8 then the final decision is clear in both Example 1 and 2 whether opting for a randomized
or nonrandomized decision rule. However, if X = 8 then the randomized decision depends on the value of
the generated u in both examples. On the other hand, the mid-p-value for Example 1 is p(8, 1/2) = 0.033
and results in a rejected null hypothesis while the mid-p-value for Example 2 is p(8, 1/2) = 0.073 and results
in a retained null hypothesis. While the practitioner will likely be satisfied with the nonrandomized decision
to reject H0 , s/he may feel uneasy about the nonrandomized decision to retain H0 because the p-value
is only slightly larger than 0.05. We may try to appease the practitioner by explaining that the size of
our nonrandomized decision rule was only approximately 0.05. However, a more informative statement is
available. In particular, it can be verified that the size of the mid-p-value-based decision rule in Example 2
is P 0X (X > 8) = 0.033. Hence, we may additionally report that our decision to retain H0 is conservative.
As it turns out, this conservative behavior can be traced back to the fact that φ(8) = 0.21 ≤ 1/2. Likewise,
the mid-p-value-based decision rule in Example 1 is liberal due to the fact that φ(8) = 0.89 > 1/2. Thus,
the test function provides valuable information in this setting. This notion is formalized in Section 2 and
motivates the proposed hybrid-type hypothesis testing procedure, where φ(x) and its corresponding abstract
randomized p-value are reported in addition to the usual randomized or nonrandomized p-values/decisions
whenever discrepancies between decisions could exist, i.e. whenever different values of u could lead to different
Of course, as we saw in the above examples, discrepancies need not occur on a single run of the experiment,
in which case the choice to opt for a randomized, mid- or natural p-value does not affect the final decision.
However, when testing many null hypotheses simultaneously such discrepancies are likely to occur more
than once and the manner in which they are handled can have a significant impact on the final analysis. For
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example, in the analysis of a microarray data set in Section 4, 153 additional null hypotheses are rejected
when utilizing the usual mid-p-values rather than natural p-values. On the other hand, randomized p-values
and the mid-p-values proposed in Section 5 lead to some, but not all, of the 153 null hypotheses being
rejected. As in the single null hypothesis testing case, the multiple test function and multiplicity adjusted
abstract randomized p-values, developed and studied in Section 3, can be used to describe the operating
characteristics of each approach and should be reported whenever discrepancies could exist.
This paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides a general unifying framework for nonrandomized, randomized and abstract randomized p-values and their corresponding test functions. Additionally, the proposed
method is introduced and analytically compared to the more standard randomized and nonrandomized approaches. Section 3 develops a computationally friendly and general definition of multiple test functions and
their corresponding multiplicity adjusted abstract randomized p-values. It also extends the proposed method
into the multiple testing setting and provides an analytical assessment. Examples in Section 4 are used to
illustrate the method and to motivate a new type of adjusted mid-p-value in Section 5. It is shown that
the proposed adjusted mid-p-value is mathematically more tractable than other adjusted nonrandomized or
randomized p-values. Concluding remarks are in Section 6 and proofs are in the Appendix.
2. Inference for a single null hypothesis
2.1. p-Values, decision functions and test functions
Before defining the method, we first define all of its relevant components and examine key relationships
between decision functions, p-values and test functions. Let X be a discrete random variable with countable
support X and let U be an independently generated uniform(0, 1) random variable. Assume that a null
hypothesis H0 specifies a distribution for X and that the basic goal is to decide to reject or retain H0 . As
in the Introduction, denote expectations and probabilities computed under H0 with respect to X by EX
and P 0X (·), respectively. Expectations and probabilities computed with respect to X, but not necessarily
under H0 , are written EX (·) and P X (·). Additionally, expectations and probabilities taken with respect U
are written EU (·) and P U (·), respectively, and expectations and probabilities taken taken over (X, U ) are
written E(X,U) (·) and P (X,U) (·), respectively.
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The main mathematical object for testing H0 is a test function φ : X × [0, 1] → [0, 1], written φ(x; α). In
this section, the parameter α refers to the size of the test. That is, EX
[φ(X; α)] = α. We use the terminology
“size” as opposed to “level” to emphasize that the aforementioned expectation is equal to α, whereas the
terminology “level” sometimes only indicates that the expectation is less than or equal to α. Assume that
φ(x; α) is nondecreasing and right continuous in α for every x ∈ X throughout this paper. To make matters
more concrete we will sometimes consider the following specific type of test function:
Definition 1 Let X be a test statistic defined such that large values of X are evidence against H0 . Define
size-α test function
 1
φ∗ (x; α) =
x > k(α)
x = k(α)
x < k(α)
where k(α) ∈ X and γ(α) ∈ (0, 1) solve P 0X (X > k) + γP 0X (X = k) = α.
Now, if φ(x; α) = 1(0) then H0 will be automatically rejected (retained). When φ(x; α) ∈ (0, 1) we may
force a reject or fail to reject decision via the decision function δ : X × [0, 1] × [0, 1] 7→ {0, 1} defined
δ(x, u; α) = I(u ≤ φ(x; α)), where I(·) is the indicator function and δ(x, u; α) = 1(0) means that H0
is rejected (retained). Any decision function has a corresponding p-value statistic, which we define as in
Habiger and Peña (2011) and Peña, Habiger and Wu (2011):
p(x, u) = inf{α : δ(x, u; α) = 1}.
In words, p(x, u) is the smallest value of α that allows for H0 to be rejected. Hence, if α corresponds to the
size of δ(x, u; α) then p(x, u) is the smallest size allowing for H0 to be rejected.
Observe that for φ∗ (x; α) defined as in (1) and δ ∗ (x, u; α) = I(u ≤ φ∗ (x; α)), we recover p-value
p∗ (x, u) = inf{α : δ ∗ (x, u : α) = 1} = P 0X (X > x) + uP 0X (X = x).
The key steps in verifying the second equality are to first write the constraint EX
[φ∗ (X; α)] = α as α =
P 0X (X > k(α)) + P U (U ≤ γ(α))P 0X (X = k(α)) and then verify that δ ∗ (x, u; α) = 1 if and only if α ≥
P 0X (X > x) + uP 0X (X = x). See Habiger and Peña (2011) for more details and examples.
In general, when u is generated, we refer to p(x, u) as a randomized p-value and refer to δ(x, u; α) as
a randomized decision function. When u is specified, say u = 1/2 or u = 1, we refer to p(x, u) as a
nonrandomized p-value and δ(x, u; α) as a nonrandomized decision function. Finally, when U is a
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random variable that has not yet been generated we refer to p(x, U ) as an abstract randomized p-value
or fuzzy p-value. Note that the mid-p-value in Lancaster (1961) is recovered via p∗ (x, 1/2). In this paper,
however, we refer to any p-value computed via p(x, 1/2) as a mid-p-value.
Theorem 1 in Habiger (2012) indicates that if the ultimate goal is to make a reject H0 or retain H0
decision, we may use either a p-value or its corresponding decision function. That is,
δ(X, U ; α) = I(p(X, U ) ≤ α)
with probability 1. A similar relationship between the abstract randomized p-value and its corresponding
test function exists and is formally described below.
Theorem 1 Let U be uniformly distributed over (0, 1) and independent of X. Then, for every x ∈ X ,
P U (p(x, U ) ≤ α) = φ(x; α).
Theorem 1 states that reporting the value of a test function is (mathematically) akin to reporting the
proportion of the distribution of p(x, U ) that is below α. To better understand the implications, reconsider
Example 1. Observe that if X > 8 then φ(x; 0.05) = 1 and Theorem 1 implies that p(x, u) is less than or
equal to 0.05 regardless of the value of u. That is, the entire distribution of p(x, U ) is less than or equal
to 0.05. Likewise, if X < 8 so that φ(x; 0.05) = 0 then p(x, U ) > 0.05 with probability 1. If X = 8, then
p(8, U ) is a random variable satisfying P U (p(8, U ) ≤ 0.05) = 0.89. Of course, in this case, we could have
also verified that p(8, U ) = 0.011 + U 0.044, i.e. that p(8, U ) is uniformly distributed over (0.011, 0.055), and
directly verified that P U (p(8, U ) ≤ 0.05) = 0.89. However, as we will see in Section 4, the distribution of the
abstract randomized p-value can be difficult to derive in closed form.
2.2. The method
We are now in position to introduce the method. Assume that φ(x; α) is defined and X = x is observed.
1. Compute φ(x; α). If φ(x; α) = 1(0) then reject(retain) H0 and quit. Otherwise report p(x, U ) and φ(x; α)
and go to 2a. or 2b.
2a. Generate U = u, an independent uniform(0, 1) variate, and compute δ(x, u; α) and p(x, u). If δ(x, u; α) =
1(0) or if p(x, u) ≤ (>)α then reject(retain) H0 .
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2b. Specify u and compute δ(x, u; α) and p(x, u). If δ(x, u; α) = 1(0) or if p(x, u) ≤ (>)α then reject(retain)
H0 .
There are two important points to be made. First, most of the time a reject or retain H0 decision is
automatically made (P 0X (X 6= 8) = 0.956 in Example 1) and any controversy over the abstract randomized,
randomized or nonrandomized p-value is avoided. On the other hand, if φ(x; α) is not 0 or 1 then the
method still reports one of the usual well-understood randomized (Step 2a) or nonrandomized (Step 2b)
p-values/decisions, but additionally brings to forefront that the final decision rested on the value of u. That
is, the method alerts the user that a discrepancy between randomized and nonrandomized decisions may
exist. Tools for characterizing the nature of the potential discrepancy are provided next.
2.3. Assessment
In the following Theorem and discussion, we more precisely characterize the additional information contained
in φ(x; α) by comparing the distribution of φ(X; α) to the distribution of the randomized decision function
δ(X, U ; α) and the nonrandomized decision function δ(X, u; α). That is, the following Theorem compares the
proposed method to the usual randomized and nonrandomized methods, which skip Step 1 and automatically
go to Step 2a or Step 2b, respectively.
Theorem 2 Let U be uniformly distributed over (0,1) and independent of X. Then
C1: EU [δ(x, U ; α)] = φ(x; α) for every x ∈ X and hence E(X,U) [δ(X, U ; α)] = EX [φ(X; α)],
C2: V ar(δ(X, U ; α)) ≥ V ar(φ(X; α)).
For any fixed or specified value of u,
C3: EX [δ ∗ (X, u; α)] is nonincreasing in u and EX [δ ∗ (X, u; α)] 6= EX [φ∗ (X; α)] for every γ(α) ∈ (0, 1). In
particular, EX [δ ∗ (X, u; α)] > (<)EX [φ∗ (X; α)] for u ≤ (>)γ(α).
In the ensuing discussion, we adopt the viewpoint that δ(x, u; α) is an estimate of φ(x; α) based on data
u. For a similar viewpoint, see Blyth and Staudte (1995), where the goal was to estimate I(H0 true). Now,
a careful inspection of Theorem 2 indicates that information is lost in only reporting δ(x, u; α), whether u is
generated or specified. From Claim C1 we recover the well-known result that the randomized decision rule
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is unbiased; its expectation is equal to the expectation of φ(X; α). Hence, if φ(X; α) is a size-α test then
so is δ(X, U ; α). However, Claim C2 indicates that the randomized decision function is more variable than
φ(X; α), which reflects the fact that information is lost in reporting I(u ≤ φ(x; α)) alone.
Claim C3 illustrates that the information lost due to the specification of u is manifested as bias, in that the
size of δ(X, u; α) is no longer equal to α, and provides additional information regarding the nature and degree
of the bias. First, observe that the procedure is liberal in that it rejects H0 with too high of a probability
if u ≤ γ(α), and is conservative otherwise. Lancaster (1961) demonstrated that the degree of this bias was
typically minimized by the choice u = 1/2. Equation (5) in the proof of Theorem 2 (see the Appendix) sheds
light on this phenomon. Here, we see that bias is attributable to the fact that |I(u ≤ γ(α)) − γ(α)| > 0, a
quantity whose supremum over γ(α) is minimized by choosing u = 1/2. Additionally, observe that if γ(α)
is near 0 or 1 and u = 1/2, then the bias quantity |I(u ≤ γ(α)) − γ(α)| is near 0, while if γ(α) is near
1/2, then the bias quantity is near 1/2. Hence, the value of γ(α) indicates whether the procedure is liberal
or conservative, and by how much. In short, we can do better than simply claiming: “the decision rule is
roughly of size-α.” We can additionally report, for example, that our final decision rule was “slightly liberal”
or “moderately conservative”, etc.
3. Inference for multiple null hypotheses
The basic methodology is akin to the method in the previous section. However, we first illustrate that
care must be taken in defining multiple test functions (MTFs) and their corresponding adjusted abstract
randomized p-values, especially when utilizing a step-wise multiple testing procedure.
3.1. Multiple testing procedures
Let X = (X1 , X2 , ..., XM ) be a collection of test statistics with countable support X = X1 ×X2 ×...×XM and
let U = (U1 , U2 , ..., UM ) be a collection of M independent and identically distributed uniform(0,1) random
variables. Further assume X and U are independent. Suppose that the goal is to decide whether to reject
or retain the null hypothesis H0m , which specifies a distribution for Xm , for each m ∈ {1, 2, ..., M }.
Many multiple testing procedures are defined in terms of a collection of p-values, which we will assume can be computed p = p(x, u) = [p1 (x1 , u1 ), p2 (x2 , u2 ), ..., pM (xM , uM )], where pm (xm , um ) is the
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p-value for testing H0m with (xm , um ) defined as in the previous section. Formally, a multiple testing procedure (MTP) is a multiple decision function δ : X × [0, 1]M × [0, 1] 7→ {0, 1}M defined via δ(x, u; α) =
[δ1 (x, u; α), δ2 (x, u; α), ..., δM (x, u; α)] where each δm depends on potentially all of the data x and a generated or specified u through the p-values p(x, u) and a “thresholding” parameter α. Again, δm (x, u; α) = 0(1)
means that H0m is retained (rejected). Here, α will typically correspond to the global error rate of interest,
such as the False Discovery Rate (FDR) or Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER), defined F W ER = P (V ≥ 1)
and F DR = E[V / max{R, 1}] (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995), respectively, where V is the number of
erroneously rejected null hypotheses, also called false discoveries, and R is the number of rejected null hypotheses or discoveries, and where expectations and probabilities are taken with respect to the true unknown
distribution of X and U (if U is random). See Sarkar (2007) for other error rates.
For example, let us consider the single-step Bonferroni procedure and one of its step-wise counterparts,
the Holm (1979) procedure. For a more general definition of step-wise MTPs see Tamhane, Liu and Dunnett
(1998) or see Farcomeni (2008) for a review. The Bonferroni procedure rejects H0m if pm (xm , um ) ≤ α/M ,
i.e. is defined δm
(xm , um ; α) = I(pm (xm , um ) ≤ α/M ) for each m. The Holm procedure makes use of the
ordered p-values p(1) ≤ p(2) ≤ ... ≤ p(M) . Specifically, it defines
k(p) = max m : p(j) ≤ α
for all j ≤ m
M −j+1
and rejects the k null hypotheses corresponding to p(1) , p(2) , ..., p(k) , or equivalently, defines the mth decision
function by
(x, u; α) = I pm (xm , um ) ≤
M − k(p) + 1
Now, to see why multiple test function corresponding to multiple decision functions are not necessarily welldefined, consider defining a multiple test function corresponding the Holm MTP. Immediately, we see that
k(p) is only well defined for randomized or nonrandomized p-values where p-values can be ranked and the
inequality in (3) is well defined.
In general, step-wise procedures will make use of the ordered p-values and the above issue will arise. This is
problematic because step-wise procedures tend to dominate their single step counterparts (Lehmann, Romano and Shaffer,
2005). We should remark that Kulinskaya and Lewin (2009) were able to extend the (step-wise) Benjamini and Hochberg
(1995) procedure to handle abstract randomized p-values. In the next subsection we expand upon their idea
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by providing a general and computationally friendly definition of a multiple test function.
3.2. Multiple test functions
The idea is as follows. First, note that once a value for each um is either generated or specified, then pvalues can be ranked and most multiple testing procedures can be applied. Further, recall from Claim C1,
φ(x; α) = EU δ(x, U ; α) = [0,1] δ(x, u; α)du. This leads to the following definition for an MTF.
Definition 2 Let δ(x, u; α) be a multiple testing procedure defined
δ(x, u; α) = [δ1 (x, u; α), δ2 (x, u; α), ..., δM (x, u; α)].
Define multiple test function φ : X × [0, 1]M 7→ [0, 1]M by
φ(x; α) = [φ1 (x; α), φ2 (x; α), ..., φM (x; α)]
φm (x; α) = EU [δm (x, U ; α)] =
δm (x, u; α)du1 du2 ...duM
for each m.
It should be noted that the above definition implicitly assumes that the Um s are independently generated.
While it is possible to relax this condition in our definition, the resulting MTF is less tractable mathematically and in practice. A more detailed discussion is provided in the Concluding Remarks section. We
shall additionally assume that φm (x; α) is nondecreasing and right continuous in α for every x ∈ X , which
is satisfied, for example, by definition if each δm (x, u; α) is nondecreasing and right continuous in α with
probability 1.
A basic Monte-Carlo algorithm can be used to compute φ(x; α) and is illustrated as follows. Of course,
other integration techniques could be employed. See, for example, Robert and Casella (2004).
1. For b = 1, 2, ..., B generate an independent vector of M i.i.d. uniform(0, 1) variates U b = ub and
compute pm (xm , ubm ) for each m.
2. Apply the MTP to p1 (x, ub ), p2 (x, ub ), ..., pM (x, ub ) and record δm (x, ub ; α) = 1(0) for each m and
each b.
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
3. Compute test function φm (x; α) = B
b=1 δm (x, u
; α) for each m.
To illustrate, suppose that Xm has a binomial distribution with sample size n = 10 and success probability pm , and suppose that we wish to compute the Holm MTF with α = 0.05 for testing null hypothesis
H0m : pm = 1/2 against alternative hypothesis H1m : pm > 1/2 for m = 1, 2, ..., 5. Further, assume
X = (10, 9, 8, 6, 5). Then for b = 1, 2, ..., 1000 we generate U b = ub as above, compute the randomized
p-value p∗m (xm , ubm ) as in (2) for each m, and compute δm
(x, ub ; α). Finally, compute φHol
m (x; 0.05) =
PB Hol
(x, ub ) was equal
B −1 b=1 δm
(x, ub ; α) for each m. Results are summarized in Table 1. Observe that δm
to 1 for every b when m = 1, 2 and was equal to 0 for every b when m = 4, 5. However, 13% of the
δ3Hol (x, ub ; α)s were equal to 1. Hence, φHol
3 (x; α) = 0.13.
Table 1
An illustration of the Monte-Carlo integration method for computing φ(x; α). A “∗ ” indicates that the null hypothesis was
rejected by the Holm MTP, which was applied at α = 0.05.
m (x; .05)
p∗1 (10, ub1 )
p∗2 (9, ub2 )
p∗3 (8, ub3 )
p∗4 (6, ub4 )
p∗5 (5, ub5 )
3.3. Adjusted p-values
The basic idea of an adjusted p-value was formalized in Wright (1992). Recall that the usual p-value is the
smallest value of α allowing for the null hypothesis H0 to be rejected by δ(x, u; α). The adjusted p-value for
δm (x, u; α) is defined in a similar way. The main difference is that now α corresponds to a parameter in
a multiple testing procedure rather than size of φ(X; α). For example, the smallest α allowing for H0m to
be rejected by the Bonferroni MTP is clearly M pm (xm , um ) and is referred to as the Bonferroni adjusted
p-value. In general, define the adjusted p-value by
qm (x, u) = inf{α : δm (x, u; α) = 1},
where δm (x, u; α) is the decision function for H0m for an MTP. As before, when u is specified (generated)
then qm (x, u) is referred to as an adjusted nonrandomized (randomized) p-value. When U is an
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
Fig 1. The simulated distribution of q3Hol (x, U ).
unrealized random vector, then qm (x, U ) is a random variable and is referred to as an adjusted abstract
randomized p-value or adjusted fuzzy p-value.
The distribution of the adjusted abstract randomized p-value can be difficult to derive analytically, but
is not difficult to graph via simulation. To illustrate, recall the example in Table 1, where the goal was
to test H0m : pm = 1/2 vs. H1m : pm > 1/2 with data X = (10, 9, 8, 6, 5). To estimate the distribution of a Holm-adjusted abstract randomized p-value we 1) generate U b = ub as above and compute
p∗m (xm , ubm ) for each m 2) get the the Holm-adjusted randomized p-value qm
(x, ub ) and 3) repeat the
above steps for b = 1, 2, ..., B and construct a histogram of qm
(x, u1 ), qm
(x, u2 ), ..., qm
(x, uB ). A his-
togram of q3Hol (x, u1 ), q3Hol (x, u2 ), ..., q3Hol (x, u1000 ) is presented in Figure 1. Each adjusted randomized
p-value qm
(x, ub ) is computed using the p.adjust function in R.
Recall in Table 1 that φHol
3 (x; 0.05) = 0.13 and observe it appears that about 13% of the q3 (x, u )s fall
below 0.05. We formalize this link between φm (x; α) and qm (x, U ) in Theorem 3 below.
Theorem 3 Let qm (x, u) be an adjusted p-value defined as in (4) and suppose that φ(x; α) is a multiple
test function defined as in Definition 2. Further, let U be a collection of i.i.d. uniform(0,1) random variables
and suppose that U and X are independent. Then for every m and x ∈ X , P U (qm (x, U ) ≤ α) = φm (x; α).
As in Theorem 1, the above result has practical implications. In particular, we only need to be concerned
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
with adjusted abstract randomized p-values when φm (x; α) ∈ (0, 1). If φm (x, u; α) is equal to 0 or 1, then
the adjusted nonrandomized and randomized p-value will lead to the same conclusion regardless of the value
of u. Additionally, if it is computationally cumbersome to plot the distribution of qm (x, U ), Theorem 3 can
be used to describe it. For example, if φm (x; α) > 0.5 then the median of qm (x, U ) is less than α.
3.4. The method
We are now in position to formally describe the method. Again, assume that X = x is observed.
1. Compute φ(x; α). For each φm (x; α) = 1(0) reject(retain) H0m . For each φm (x; α) ∈ (0, 1), report
φm (x; α) and qm (x, U ) and go to 2a. or 2b.
2a. Generate U = u, a collection of M i.i.d. uniform(0, 1) variates and compute δm (x, u; α) and qm (x, u)
for each relevant m. If δm (x, u; α) = 1(0) or if qm (x, u) ≤ (>)α then reject(retain) H0m for each
relevant m.
2b. Specify u and compute δm (x, u; α) and qm (x, u) for each relevant m. If δm (x, u; α) = 1(0) or if
qm (x, u) ≤ (>)α then reject(retain) H0m for each relevant m.
Observe that for most null hypotheses, a decision will be made in Step 1. However, for large M , it is now
likely that Step 2 will need to be implemented for one or more null hypothesis, as we will see in the next
section. Hence, we are now forced to address the fact that the value of u will impact some of the final
decisions, whether it is generated or specified.
3.5. Assessment
As in the single testing setting, we assess the performance of the method by comparing φ(X; α) to the
multiple decision functions in Steps 2a and 2b.
Theorem 4 Let φ(x; α) be defined as in Definition 2 and let U be a collection of i.i.d. uniform(0,1) random
variables. Assume U and X are independent. Then
C4: EU [δm (x, U ; α)] = φm (x; α) for every m and x ∈ X and hence E(X,U ) [δ m (X, U ; α)] = EX [φm (X; α)]
for every m. Further,
C5: V ar(φm (X; α)) ≤ V ar(δm (X, U ; α)) for each m.
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
(xm , um ; α) =
Suppose p-values are computed p∗m (xm , um ) as in (2) and consider a single step MTP defined via δm
I(p∗m (xm , um ) ≤ cα) for some positive constant c. Then for any specified um ∈ (0, 1)
(Xm , um ; α)] 6= EXm [φ∗m (Xm ; α)] for every
(Xm , um ; α)] is nonincreasing in um and EXm [δm
C6: EXm [δm
(Xm , um ; α)] > (<)EXm [φ∗ (Xm ; α)] for um ≤ (>)γm (α).
γm (α) ∈ (0, 1) with EXm [δm
The interpretations of Claims C4 - C6 are akin to the interpretations of Claims C1 - C3, respectively. In
particular, Claims C4 and C5 state that the randomized multiple decision functions are unbiased and that
information lost in reporting only δ(X, U ; α) in Step 2a is manifested as variability. Claim C6 states that
the nonrandomized decision rule in Step 2b is biased and that the nature of the bias (conservative or liberal)
can be understood by comparing φm (x; α) to um .
4. Illustrations
We consider two examples. The first deals with an analysis of microarray data while the second considers
multiple hypothesis tests about a binomial proportion. In the first example all test statistics have identical
supports, but due to the complexity of the multiple testing procedure the distributions of the adjusted
abstract randomized p-values must be estimated numerically. In the second example, the supports of the test
statistics vary and thus a multiple testing procedure which takes advantage of this property is considered.
4.1. Microarray example
Consider the microarray data in Timmons et al. (2007), where 24 microarray chips gave rise to 10 brown
fat cell gene expression measurements and 14 white fat cell gene expression measurements for each of 12,488
genes (see Table 2). The basic goal is to compare gene expression measurements across treatment groups for
each gene.
Table 2
A portion of the microarray data in Timmons et al. (2007).
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
Formally assume that X m = (Xm,1 , ..., Xm,nx ) ∼ Fm (·) and Y m = (Ym,1 , ..., Ym,ny ) ∼ Fm (· − θm ),
where Fm is a distribution function, θm ∈ (−∞, ∞) is a location shift parameter, and X m and Y m are
brown and white fat cell expression measurement for gene m, respectively. For each m, we test H0m : θm = 0
vs. H1m : θm 6= 0 with the two-sample Wilcoxon rank sum statistic (Wilcoxon, 1947) defined
wm = w(xm , y m ) =
Rj (xm , y m ); Rj (xm , y m ) = rank of ym,j among (xm , y m ),
Note that EW
(Wm ) = ny nx /2 so that large values of wm
= |wm − ny nx /2| are evidence against H0m . Thus
= wm
) for each null hypothesis
> wm
) + um P 0Wm (Wm
, um ) = P 0Wm (Wm
we compute a p-value via p∗m (wm
as in (2). Denote the collection of test statistics by w∗ = (w1∗ , w2∗ , ..., wM
) and the collection of p-values by
p∗ (w ∗ , u).
Typically the goal in a microarray analysis is to reject as many null hypotheses as possible subject to the
constraint that the FDR is less than or equal to α for some α, say α = 0.05. Here, we consider the adaptive
FDR method in Storey (2002); Storey, Taylor and Siegmund (2004), which is based on an estimator for the
FDR at threshold t defined by
DR (t) = M̂0 (λ)
M̂0 (λ) =
{#p∗m (wm
, um ) > λ} + 1
is an estimate of the number of true null hypotheses depending on tuning parameter λ and p∗ (w ∗ , u),
and where R(t) = {#p∗m (wm
, um ) ≤ t} is the number of rejected null hypotheses if rejecting H0m when
p∗m (wm
, um ) ≤ t. Storey (2002) defines the FDR-adjusted p-value for H0m by qm
(x, u) = F
DR (p∗m (wm
, um ))
and the decision function for each H0m is defined δm
(w∗ , u) = I(qm
(w ∗ , u) ≤ α). We take λ = α = 0.05
here because Blanchard and Roquain (2009) demonstrated that choosing λ = α ensures that the FDR is
less than or equal to α under most dependence structures, while other choices of λ need not lead to FDR
control if data are dependent, which may be the case for this data set. Computations are performed using
the q − value package in R (Dabney, Storey and with assistance from Gregory R. Warnes).
For Step 1 of the method, we generate u1 , u2 , ..., uB vectors of i.i.d uniform(0, 1) variates and compute
PB S ∗ b
φSm (w∗ ; 0.05) = B −1 b=1 δm
(w , u ; 0.05) with B = 1000 for each of the 12, 488 null hypotheses. Here,
φSm (w∗ ; 0.05) = 1 for 3033 genes and φSm (w ∗ ; 0.05) = 0 for 9302 genes, while φSm (w ∗ ; 0.05) = 0.94 for the
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
Table 3
Summary of the results of Step 1, Step 2a and Step 2b when choosing U = 0.5, U = 1, and U = u∗ (see Section 5) in the
analysis of the Timmons et al. (2007) data.
Step 1
Step 2a (Generate U )
Step 2b (U = 0.5)
Step 2b (U = 1)
Step 2b (U = u∗ )
Value of test/decision function
Histogram of q
Fig 2. A histogram of q123 (w ∗ , u1 ), q123 (w ∗ , u2 ), ..., q123 (w ∗ , uB ).
remaining 153 genes, which we refer to as the third group of genes hereafter. See row 3 of Table 3 entitled
“Step 1.” The abstract adjusted p-value for gene 123, which was in the third group, is presented in Figure
2. The abstract adjusted p-values of the other genes in Group 3 had the same distribution, and hence are
not presented. The histogram reveals that indeed 94% of the distribution of q123
(w∗ , U ) is below 0.05, as
Theorem 3 suggests. Additionally, we see that the entire distribution is below 0.051 and above 0.044. In row
4 of Table 3, we see that the adjusted randomized p-values allow for 3173 discoveries while the adjusted
mid-p-values (see row 5) result in 3186 discoveries. The adjusted natural p-values (row 6) allowed for 3033
discoveries. Row 7 will be discussed in Section 5.
As Theorem 4 suggest, φm (w∗ ; 0.05) helps us understand the discrepancies between the above decisions
in Steps 2a and 2b. In particular, φSm (w ∗ ; α) = 0.94 suggests that the randomized approach should randomly
discover about 94% of genes in Group 3. Indeed, we see in Table 3 that 140 out of the 153 were discovered
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
when generating U . When specifying U = 0.5, the mid-p-value approach discovers all 153 genes. Theorem 4
indicates that this approach is liberal because um = 1/2 ≤ 0.94. Indeed, it allows for 13 additional rejections
over the unbiased randomized approach. On the other hand, if opting for natural p-values via U = 1, none
of the 153 null hypotheses from Group 3 are rejected. This approach is conservative because um = 1 > 0.94.
4.2. Binomial example
The fact that each test function took on values 0, 1 or 0.94 in the previous example is attributable to the fact
the support of each test statistic is identical. However, in many applications the supports of the test statistics will vary, and improvements over traditional multiple testing procedures can be made by automatically
retaining a null hypothesis whenever the support of the test statistic is highly discrete and applying multiplicity adjustments to the remaining hypotheses. See, for example, Tarone (1990); Westfall and Wolfinger
(1997); Roth (1999); Gilbert (2005); Gutman and Hochberg (2007).
To illustrate this approach and how the methodology outlined in Section 3 can be applied, Xm was
generated from a binomial distribution with success probability pm = 0.5 for m = 1, 2, ..., 25 and pm = 0.8 for
m = 26, 27, ..., 50. Sample sizes n1 , n2 , ..., n50 were generated from a Poisson distribution with mean µ = 15.
Let us suppose that the goal is to test H0m : pm = 1/2 against H1m : pm > 1/2 for m = 1, 2, ..., M = 50. A
portion of simulated data is in Table 4, columns 2 and 3.
We consider the modified Bonferroni MTP in Tarone (1990) with α = 0.05, which utilizes natural pvalues computed p∗m (xm , 1) = P 0Xm (Xm ≥ xm ). The idea is to automatically retain all null hypotheses
whose smallest possible natural p-value p∗m (nm , 1) = P 0Xm (Xn = nx ) would not allow for H0m to be rejected
with the usual Bonferroni procedure. We shall refer to this step as Step 0 because it could be applied before
data collection. Then, the procedure applies the Bonferroni multiplicity adjustments to the remaining natural
p-values. This step is referred to as Step 2b to be consistent with our method in Section 3. For example,
in Column 4 of Table 4 we see that p∗m (nm , 1) > 0.05/50 for m = 1, 2, 3 while p∗m (nm , 1) ≤ 0.05/47 for
m = 4, 5, ..., 50. Hence, the Step 0 automatically retains H0m for m = 1, 2, 3 and then Step 2b rejects H0m
T ar
if qm
(xm , 1) = 47p∗m (xm , 1) ≤ 0.05 for the remaining 47 null hypotheses.
The procedure resulted in a total of 4 rejected null hypotheses and 46 retained null hypotheses. However,
had we additionally reported Step 1, we would have learned that 6 null hypotheses were not rejected due
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
Table 4
Depiction of the data, sorted by nm in ascending order
pm (nm , 1)
< 10−9
pm (nm , 1/2)
< 10−10
to the choice of um = 1 in Step 2b. We again refer to this collection of null hypotheses as Group 3. Test
T ar
functions φTmar (xm ; 0.05) = φ∗m (x; 0.05/47) and adjusted abstract randomized p-values qm
(xm , Um ) are
T ar
summarized in Table 5. Note that qm
(xm , Um ) = 47[P 0Xm (Xm > xm ) + Um P 0Xm (Xm = xm )] is a uniformly
T ar
T ar
distributed random variable with lower limit qm
(xm , 0) and upper limit qm
(xm , 1). Hence, we may recover
T ar
T ar
T ar
φ∗m (xm ; 0.05/47) = [0.05 − qm
(xm , 0)]/[qm
(xm , 1) − qm
(xm , 0)] for those m in Group 3 due to Theorem
3. If we apply Step 2a to the 6 null hypotheses in Group 3, we would expect to randomly reject an additional
Table 5
Test functions and adjusted abstract randomized p-values for 6 tests in Group 3.
m (xm ; 0.05)
T ar (x , 0)
T ar (x , 1)
0.280 + 0.280 + ... + 0.139 = 1.53 null hypotheses. See column 3, Table 5.
Observe that we could consider a modified mid-p-based Tarone method which automatically retains a
null hypothesis if p∗m (nm , 1/2) = 0.5P 0Xm (Xm = nx ) > 0.05/50 in Step 0, implements Step 1 as before and
then applies Bonferroni adjustments to the remaining mid-p-values in Step 2b. This results in 1 unrejected
null hypothesis in Step 0 (see Table 4), 4 null hypothesis being automatically rejected in Step 1, and an
additional null hypothesis being rejected due to the specification of um = 1/2 in Step 2b. Hence a total of 6
null hypotheses are rejected.
5. Towards unbiased adjusted nonrandomized p-values
A relevant question is: “Why choose um = 1/2 or um = 1 for each m in the computation of the nonrandomized
p-values in Step 2b of the microarray analysis in Section 4.1?” For example, had we choose some um s near 0
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
and some um s near 1, then we could have safeguarded against a strategy which would either reject or retain
all null hypotheses in Group 3 in our microarray example. This idea is addressed in this section.
To better understand the benefits of such a strategy, recall in the discussion of Theorem 2 that if testing
a single null hypothesis the choice of u = 1/2 is ideal in the sense that the supremum of the bias quantity
|I(u ≤ γ(α)) − γ(α)|, taken over γ(α), is minimized when choosing u = 1/2. However, when considering
multiple hypotheses, such a choice is no longer ideal. Denote u∗ = (1/[M +1], 2/[M +1], ..., M/[M +1]), which
is composed of the expected values of the order statistics of M i.i.d. uniform(0, 1) random variables. Consider
a single-step multiple testing procedure defined by δm
(xm , um ; α) = I(um ≤ φ∗m (xm ; α)) and suppose that
γm (α) = γ(α) for each m, as in Sections 3 and 4.1. Consider the total bias quantity defined by
Bias(u) =
[I(um ≤ γ(α)) − γ(α)] .
Observe that
Bias(u ) =
≤ γ(α) − M γ(α) → 0
M +1
as M → ∞. On the other hand, suppose we choose u1 = u2 = ... = u for some u ∈ (0, 1). Then
Bias(u) =
I(u ≤ γ(α)) − M γ
is −M γ if u > γ(α) and is M [1 − γ(α)] otherwise.
Above we see that the unbiased adjusted nonrandomized p-value, defined qm (x, u∗ ), generally dominates
the adjusted randomized p-value in the sense that, for large M , both adjusted p-values are approximately
unbiased, with the former being less variable because u∗ is fixed rather than generated. Additionally, the
unbiased adjusted nonrandomized p-values are less biased than the adjusted mid-p-values. Applying the qS
value procedure from Section 4.1 to the microarray data via δm
(w ∗ , u∗ ; 0.05) yields 3185 discoveries (see the
last row in Table 3). That is, these unbiased adjusted nonrandomized p-values reject most, but not all, null
hypotheses in Group 3. We should remark, however, though this nonrandomized p-value enjoys some nice
mathematical properties, and though the choice of U = u∗ seems no more or less arbitrary than U = 0.5,
this nonrandomized approach does have a drawback. Namely, if we permute the elements of u∗ , results may
vary. This is not the case for the usual adjusted mid-p-value because the vector 0.5 is permutation invariant.
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
6. Concluding remarks
This paper provided a unifying framework for nonrandomized, randomized and abstract randomized p-values
in both the single and multiple hypothesis testing setting. It was shown that an abstract randomized testing
approach can be viewed as the first step in a hypothesis testing procedure, and that the randomized and
nonrandomized approaches correspond to a second step in which a decision is made via the specification or
generation of a value u. We saw that the value of the (multiple) test function and the (adjusted) abstract
randomized p-value provide useful additional information for understanding the properties of the usual
randomized and nonrandomized procedures, and consequently, should be reported in settings when the
value of u may affect the final decision.
Recall in our definition of φ(x; α) and in Step 2a we assumed that the Um s were independently generated.
However, it is possible to compute p-values p1 (X1 , U ), p2 (X2 , U ), ..., pM (XM , U ), where U is a single uniform(0,1) random variable. Though such a route warrants further study, we do not consider it here because
the resulting p-values are dependent and consequently the resulting MTP need not be valid. For example,
the MTP in Section 4.1 has only been shown, analytically, to control the FDR under the assumption that
p-values are independent (Storey, Taylor and Siegmund, 2004). Of course some multiple testing procedures,
such as the well-known Bonferroni procedure, do not require p-values to be independent. We have focused
on independently generated um s in this paper, however, because this approach ensures that the resulting
MTP will remain valid as long as the um s are independently generated, whereas the single-u approach may
or may not result in a valid MTP.
As mentioned in the Introduction, it was not our goal to recommend a randomized decision rule over
a nonrandomized rule or vice versa. The main goals of this paper were to 1) illustrate that, especially in
multiple hypothesis testing, the choice to opt for a randomized or nonrandomized rule will have a significant
impact in the final analysis and 2) provide tools for quantifying the effect. However, it is worth noting that,
while many find the the randomized decision rule impractical in the single hypothesis testing case, recent
research suggests that this approach may be more practical in multiple testing. We refer the curious reader
to Habiger and Peña (2011) or Dickhaus (2013) for details and examples.
Examples in this paper focused on settings when large values of the test statistic X are evidence against
H0 . However, other more complicated settings are applicable. For example, Habiger and Peña (2011) show
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
that if large or small values of X are evidence against H0 , then the randomized p-value can be computed
n ∗
1−p∗ (X,U)
p(X, U ) = 2 min p (X,U)
, where p∗ (X, U ) is defined as in (2). Using Theorem 1, a size-α test
function can be defined by φ(x; α) = EU [I(p(x, U ) ≤ α]. A similar strategy can be applied to even more
complex fuzzy p-values in Geyer and Meeden (2005). Additionally, methods in this paper are applicable to
other multiple testing procedures not considered here, so long as adjusted p-values can be computed.
In our microarray example, all test statistics had the same support and φm (w ∗ ; 0.05) only took on values
0, 1 or 0.94. In similar settings, the unbiased adjusted nonrandomized p-values in Section 5 should generally
outperform the usual adjusted mid-p-value in terms of bias by ensuring that the same decision is not applied
to every test function not taking values 0 or 1. However, when the supports of the tests statistics are not
identical (see Section 4.2), test functions may take on different values in (0, 1), and the implementation of
the usual mid-p-value may be more tractable as it still need not lead to the same decision whenever the test
functions are not 0 or 1. If testing many null hypotheses in this nonidentical support setting, it may not
be practical to present a histogram of an adjusted abstract randomized p-value whenever a test function is
not 0 or 1. However, it may be reasonable to present an upper and lower bound for each adjusted abstract
randomized p-value as in Section 4.2. This, along with one or two histogram examples, may be adequate to
communicate the properties the mid-p-value or randomized p-value-based decisions to the practitioner. In
fact, even just knowing which test functions were not 0 or 1 is insightful.
Of course it is certainly not simpler to report the value of the test function in addition to the usual
randomized or nonrandomized p-values. The merit of doing so will ultimately depend on the level of collaboration between the statistician and the client, and certainly some may choose to simply report the usual
natural, mid-, or randomized p-values and a corresponding list of rejected null hypotheses. It is our hope
that, if so, methods in this paper can at least help statisticians better understand which of these p-value is
most appropriate for the particular problem at hand.
Appendix: Proofs of Theorems
Proof of Theorem 1: It can be verified using the definitions of p(x, u) and δ(x, u; α) that [p(x, u) ≤ α] =
[δ(x, u; α) = 1] = [u ≤ φ(x; α)] with probability 1. Hence, P U (p(x, U ) ≤ α) = P U (U ≤ φ(x; α)) = φ(x; α). Proof of Theorem 2: Claim C1 follows from the definition of δ. For Claim C2, by the law of iterated
J. D. Habiger/Multiple Test Functions
expectation and from Claim C1
V ar(δ(X, U ; α)) ≥ V ar(EU [δ(X, U ; α)]) = V ar(φ(X; α))
As for Claim C3, clearly δ ∗ (x, u; α) is nonincreasing in u for every x and hence EX [δ ∗ (X, u; α)] is nonincreasing in u. Now, writing δ ∗ (x, u; α) = I(X > k(α)) + I(u ≤ γ(α))I(x = γ(α)), from Claim C1
EX [φ∗ (X; α)]
= E(X,U) [δ ∗ (X, U ; α)]
= P (X > k(α)) + P (U ≤ γ(α))P (X = k(α))
= P (X > k(α)) + γ(α)P (X = k(α))
6= P (X > k(α)) + I(u ≤ γ(α))P (X = k(α))
= EX [δ ∗ (X, u; α)]
for γ(α) ∈ (0, 1). Observe that the “6=” in (5) can be replaced with a “>” if u > γ(α) and can be replaced
with “<” if u ≤ γ(α). Proof of Theorem 3: By the definitions of qm (x, u) and δm (x, u; α) we have that [qm (x, u) ≤ α] =
[δm (x, u; α) = 1] with probability 1. But, P U (δm (x, U ; α) = 1) = φm (x; α) by definition, which implies
P U (qm (x, U ) ≤ α) = P U (δm (x, U ; α) = 1) = φm (x; α). Proof of Theorem 4: The first equality in claim C4 is satisfied by definition. For the second equality, by
the law of iterated expectation, the fact that X and U are independent, and the definition of φ(X; α), we
have E(X, U ) [δ(X, U )] = EX {EU [δ(X, U )]} = EX [φ(X)]. The proof of Claims C5 and C6 are similar to
the proofs of Claims C2 and C3.
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