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U.S. History
The Progressive Movement
Essential Questions for your notes…
1. What is Progressivism?
2. What economic reforms did Progressives want?
3. What political reforms did Progressives want?
4. What social changes did Progressives want?
5. What were muckrakers?
6. Describe the effect that muckrakers had on progressivism.
7. Describe the efforts made by women suffragettes.
8. Describe the progressive reforms in President Theodore Roosevelt’s “Square
9. Describe the “trust-busting” efforts of President Teddy Roosevelt.
10. Describe how the election of 1912 was impacted by progressivism.
11. Describe the progressive reforms in President Woodrow Wilson’s “New
12. Describe the injustices of the Jim Crow system in the South.
13. How were blacks disenfranchised in the South?
14. What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson?
15. Describe black responses to Jim Crow by describing the following…
Booker T. Washington and the Tuskegee Institute
W.E.B. DuBois and the NAACP
The Great Migration
16. Describe the Technological changes during the early 1900’s.
Words to know:
1. progressive
2. reform
3. political reform
4. economic reform
5. temperance
6. prohibition
7. primary election
8. suffragette
9. conservation
10. regulation
11. disenfranchise
12. segregation
U.S. History
Facts to Know Unit 3
1. What problems resulted in the Progressive movement?
2. What economic reforms did Progressives want?
3. What was the goal of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)?
4. What institutions were established by progressives to provide social services to
poor urban immigrants?
5. What were the progressive news journalists of the early-twentieth century called?
6. Which progressive journalist wrote about the corruption of the political machines?
7. What did Upton Sinclair write to expose the unsanitary conditions in Chicago’s
meatpacking industry?
8. Which journalist exposed the ruthless business practices of John D. Rockefeller and
the Standard Oil Trust?
9. Who wrote about the hardships of life in the urban slums?
10. Which election reforms reduced the influence of the political machines?
11. What new forms of local government were created by progressives?
12. Which progressive governor promoted the “Wisconsin Plan” of open primary elections
and increased regulation of the railroads?
13. What court case is an example of the Roosevelt administration’s “trust-busting”?
14. Which reforms were enacted under Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” that resulted in safer
food and medicine?
15. What was President Roosevelt’s policy for saving natural resources?
16. Which political party split during the 1912 presidential election campaign?
17. What political party was formed by Theodore Roosevelt during the 1912 presidential
election campaign?
18. Which presidential candidate won the 1912 election by campaigning for progressive
reforms (i.e. “New Freedom”)?
19. Which amendment enabled Congress to levy an income tax?
20. Which anti-trust legislation was passed under Woodrow Wilson?
21. What legislation was passed to regulate finance and banking?
22. Which progressive reform was enacted under the 17th Amendment?
23. Which progressive reform was a victory for women’s suffrage?
24. Which amendment was a major achievement for the temperance movement?
25. How did southern states disenfranchise African-Americans?
26. Which Supreme Court ruling upheld the constitutionality of segregation by
establishing the doctrine of “separate but equal”?
27. Which African-American leader emphasized vocational education and a patient
approach on the issue of civil rights?
28. Which African-American leader demanded an immediate end to racial discrimination by
full equality for blacks?
29. What organization was founded in the early 20th century to lead legal and political
campaigns against racial discrimination?
30. Which technological innovation did Henry Ford use to produce the Model-T