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1. Define the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments. Analyze the impact of EACH of these amendments
on the US.
Define initiative, recall, and referendum. Evaluate why these reforms were needed?
3. Evaluate the impact the muckrakers had on shaping progressive reforms. What were the results of
the muckrakers work? How have these reforms impacted your life today?
4. Define the Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trusts Act. Explain one of the Progressive President’s
philosophies on attacking the trust. Do you agree or disagree with this philosophy?
5. Identify and analyze the causes of the rise of the political machines. Define the Pendleton Act. Why
was civil service reform needed?
6. Define the Pure Food and Drug Act. How did this act protect consumers in the 1900s and how does
this act protect consumers today?
7. Analyze the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
8. Evaluate the creation of the Bull Moose Party form? What were the results of the 1912 election and
9. Who was Upton Sinclair? What major act did Upton Sinclair’s work lead to? Define this Act and
discuss the impact this act had on the American Populous then and now.
10. Evaluate the impact the muckrakers had on shaping progressive reforms?
11. Who was Jane Addams and what were her contributions to society?
12. Define the Progressive Era.
13. Who were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois?
14. Which Progressive Era Amendment was first proposed by the Populist Party?
15. Discuss the impacts of urbanization.
16. Who was Ida B. Wells? And what were the results of her attempted reforms?
17. What is the Americanization movement?
18. How did anti-trust legislation and the Pure Food and Drug Act move this country away from laissezfaire principles?
19. Who did the party bosses mostly prey on? Why?
20. How did the relationship between the federal government and private business change under the
leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt?
21. The growing political influence of women directly led to the ratification of which amendment?
22. What was a major goal of Jane Addams’s Settlement House movement?
23. How did political bosses gain voter support in their neighborhoods?
24. What was the result of the prohibition of alcohol?
25. Why did many Progressives oppose Social Darwinism?