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Name _________________________
Reconstruction Study Guide
1. Explain the 13th amendment – ended all forms of slavery
2. Explain the 14th amendment – gave citizenship to all African Americans
3. Explain the 15th amendment – gave African American men the right to vote
4. Define scalawag – poor whites were called by the Southern Elite because they cooperated with the
Republican government in the South
5. Define carpetbagger – Northerners were called this by southerners because many northerners moved south
after the Civil War and many Southerners thought the Northerners were taking advantage of the South. The
Northerners packed all of their belongings in a carpetbag.
6. List what life was like during the Civil War for slaves and what life was like for freedmen after the Civil War.
During the Civil War
After the Civil War
1. Were not allowed to vote and were not
counted as citizens
2. Allowed to become members of Congress
3. Were not free and were not allowed to
leave the plantation
5. Not allowed to read, write or go to school
6. We now allowed to read, write and go to
7. Were worked from sunup to sundown, no
matter if they were a man or woman, sick
or well
8. Entered Sharecropping agreements with
the Southern Elite (their former masters)
Had to live under Black Codes
7. Black Codes
Who created Black Codes? Former slave owners ( Southern Elite)
Why did they create Black Codes? They created Black Codes to control the Freedmen.
Name 3 Black Codes. Freedmen were arrested if they did not have a job. If they could not read, they
could not vote. They could not own land.
8. Freedmen’s Bureau
Who created the Freemen’s Bureau? Congress
Who was the Freedmen’s Bureau designed to help? Freedmen ( Former Slaves)
Name some of the help the Freemen’s Bureau gave. They helped build churches, reunite
families, built over 1000 school, gave food and clothing, helped African Americans with
finding jobs and helped African Americans establish the sharecropping relationship with the
plantation owners.
9. Plans for Reconstruction
Abe Lincoln’s plan
Abe had an easy reconstruction
plan. Lincoln promised that if
10% of the people of a state
would pledge their allegiance to
the United States of America
and ratify the thirteenth
amendment, they could form a
new state government, elect
representatives to Congress,
and fully participate in the
Union again.
Andrew Johnson’s plan
He continued Lincoln’s basic
policy. However, Johnson’s aim
was also to humiliate the
southern elite.
Radical Republican’s plan
They wanted military
occupation of the southern
states to protect the freemen.
They wanted the Southern
states to write new
constitutions that would
recognize the fourteenth
amendment and the rights of
African American citizens.
African American’s plan
African Americans wanted to
consolidate their families and
communities; establish a
network of churches and other
autonomous institutions; stake
a claim to equal citizenship,
which included access to land
and education; and carve out as
much independence as possible
in their working lives.
Southerners’ plan
The aim of many southerners
was returning their lives to
normal as soon as possible, but
many did not want the society
they knew to change politically,
socially, or economically. They
were willing to recognize the
end of slavery, but were not
willing to grant rights to the
freedmen so they started Black
Congress’ plan
They wanted to ensure that the
Civil War had not been fought
in vain and that the freed slaves
would indeed be free. They
refused to allow the former
Confederates elected as
senators and representatives by
the southern states to take
their seats in Congress. They
tried to help protect freedmen
from Black Codes.
What did the southern states have to do in order to rejoin the union? Add the new amendments to
their state constitution
Define Reconstruction. The rebuilding of the south after the Civil War
Describe the following groups:
A subversive group
that used intimidation
and violence against
Poor Whites
They were not treated
much better than
freedmen. They were
also sharecroppers.
They were called
scalawags by the
Southern Elite.
Southern Elite
This group became rich Many Northerners
again after the Civil
moved south after the
War because of
Civil War. Some moved
Sharecropping. They
south to get rich and
wanted life to be much some moved south to
like it was before the
help. They were called
Civil War. They helped carpetbaggers by the
create Black Codes to
southerners because
control the Freedmen. they packed in bags
made of carpet to
move south.
Define sharecropping. - The relationship between African Americans and plantation owners. The
freedmen worked land that they shared with the plantation owners. It was usually the same land they had
worked on as slaves.
Which group became rich due to sharecropping? Southern Elite