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Steven J. Shoptaw, Ph.D.
UCLA Department of Family Medicine
10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 540
Los Angeles, California 90095-7087
California Psychology License Number 13300
tel (310) 794-0619 ext. 225; fax (310) 794-2808; E-mail [email protected]
2005 - Present
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
2005 - Present
Assistant Editor, ADDICTION, Journal of Addictive Diseases
2003 - Present Research Psychologist, Psychiatry
1990 – 1991
1983 - 1990
Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychophysiology, UCLA, NPI/VA Sepulveda Medical Center
Ph.D. in Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles.
Major - Clinical. Minors - Psychometrics and Developmental.
Dissertation nominated for Gingerelli Award in Psychology.
Master of Arts, Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
B.A. in Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
CUM LAUDE. Dean's Honor List, Honor's College.
1980 - 1982
Grants Funded
P.I., A Structured Treatment Manual for HIV+ Substance Abusers (1R43 DA08786, $60,000)
Co-P.I., Behavioral/Cognitive Behavioral Trial for Cocaine Abuse (1R01 DA09419, $2.5 million)
P.I., A Structured Treatment Manual for HIV+ Substance Abusers (1R44 DA08786, $600,000)
P.I., Contingency Management - Tobacco Smoking in Opiate Addicts (1R01 DA09992, $750,000)
P.I., Safe House: Comprehensive Residential and Client Services for Multidiagnosed Persons. Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS, City of Los Angeles, HUD ($2.6 million)
P.I., Behavior Therapy for Gay Male Methamphetamine Users (1R01 DA11031, $1.6 million)
P.I., Behavioral Therapies for Gay Male Stimulant Abusers, CSAT (1KD1 12043, $1.2 million)
P.I., Medication Development Unit for Stimulant Medications (1P-50 DA 12755, $4.8 million)
P.I., Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Two Doses of Cabergoline for Treatment of Cocaine
Dependence (N01 DA-0-8804, $1.7 million)
P.I., Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Baclofen for Cocaine Dependence (NIDA Cooperative
Studies Program -- CSP-1021)
P.I., Evaluation Technical Assistance for Coordinated Prevention Networks (CDC; H700024; $1.5 million)
P.I., Intervention Core, UCLA Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services
(Center P.I.- Rotheram-Borus, $1.0 million)
P.I., HIV/STD Risk Behaviors in Methamphetamine User Networks (1U01 DA 17394, $3.4 million)
P.I., UCLA Medication Development Unit for Stimulant Abuse (1P50 DA18185, $6.0 million)
P.I., Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment is HIV Prevention (UARP MU 04-LA-705, $750,000)
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
Under Review:
1. King, W.D., Larkins S, Hucks-Ortiz C., Gorbach P., Veniegas R., Shoptaw S., Factors Associated with HIV Viral Load in A
Respondent Driven Sample in Los Angeles.
2. Jaffe A., Shoptaw S., Stein JA., Reback CJ., Rotheram-Fuller E., Depression ratings, reported sexual risk behaviors, and
Methamphetamine Use: Laten growth curve models of positive change among gay and bisexual men in an outpatient treatment
3. DeLaGarza R., Shoptaw S.., Newton TF., Desire for Methamphetamine is Reduced by the Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor
4. Goldstein R., Asarnow J., Jaycox L., Shoptaw S., Correlates of “Nonproblematic” and “Promatic” Substance Use among
Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care.
5. Strona F., McCright J., Hjord H., Ahrens K., Tierney S., Shoptaw S., Klausner J., PROP: An Innovative San Francisco Drug
Treatment Model for Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Methamphetamines.
Revised 10/31/2006
Page 1
Torrington, M., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W., Rawson, R., Hillhouse, M., Methamphetamine Abuse: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and
Shoptaw S., Reback C., Associations between Methamphetamine Use and HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men: A
Model for Guiding Public Policy. Journal of Urban Health.
In Press:
8. Rotheram-Fuller E., De La Gaza R., Mahoney J., Shoptaw S., Newton T., Subjective and cardiovascular effects of cocaine
during treatment with amantadine and baclofen in combination. Psychiatry Research
9. Yang, X., Nie, K., Belin, T.R., Liu, J., Shoptaw S. Markov transition models for binary repeated measures with ignorable and
non-ignorable missing values. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
10. Roll J. M., Huber, A., Sodano R., Chudzynski J. E., Moynier E., & Shoptaw S., A Comparison of Five Reinforcement
Schedules for Use in Contingency Management-Based Treatment of Methamphetamine Abuse. Psychological Record.
In Print:
11. Larkins S., Reback C.J., Shoptaw S., (2006) HIV Risk Behaviors Among Gay Male Methamphetamine Users: Before and After
Treatment. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy Vol. 10 Issue 3/4.
12. Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Peck J.A., Yang, X., Liu, J., Roll, J., Shapiro, B., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Dang, J., Ling, W. (2006)
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Sertraline and Contingency Management for the Treatment of Methamphetamine
Dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Vol. 85 Issue 1 Oct 15, 2006.
13. Ling, W., Rawson R., Shoptaw S., (2006) Management of Methamphetamine Abuse and Dependence. Current Psychiatry
Reports. October 345-54.
14. Shoptaw S, Klausner JD, Reback CJ, Tierney S, Stansell J, Hare CB, Gibson S, Siever M, King WD, Kao U, Dang J. (2006)
A Public Health Response to The Methamphetamine Epidemic: The Implementation of Contingency Management to Treat
Methamphetamine Dependence. BMC Public Health. Aug 18;6:214.
15. Gonzales R., Marinelli-Casey P., Shoptaw S., Ang A., Rawson R., Hepatitis C Virus infection among MethamphetamineDependent Individuals in Outpatient Treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 31 (2006) 195-202
16. Shoptaw S., Methamphetamine use in urban gay and bisexual populations. Topics in HIV Medicine (2006) Jun-Jul 14(2):84-7.
17. Menza TW., Colfax .G, Shoptaw S., Fleming M., Guzman R., Klausner JD., Gorbach P., Golden MR., (2006) Interest in a
Methamphetamine Intervention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases . Aug 10,
18. Roll J. M. & Shoptaw S., (2006) Contingency Management for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Abuse: Schedule Effects.
Psychiatry Research. Sep 30;144 (1):91-3.
19. Yang, X., Shen Q., Xu, H., Shoptaw, S. Functional regression analysis using an F test for longitudinal data with large numbers
of repeated measures. Statistics in Medicine, June 30,2006.
20. Heinzerling K., Shoptaw S., Peck J., Yang X., Liu J., Ling W., (2006) Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Baclofen and
Gabapentin for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence May 29
21. Larkins S, Reback CJ, Shoptaw S. (2006) HIV risk behaviors among gay male methamphetamine users before and after
treatment. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy.10 (3/4), 122-126
22. Rawson R., McCann M., Flammino F., Shoptaw S., Miotto K., Reiber C., Ling W., (2005 ) A Comparison of Contingency
Management and Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches for Stimulant-Dependent Individuals. Addiction. Feb;101(2):267-74
23. Kanouse DE, Bluthenthal RN, Bogart L, Iguchi MY, Perry S, Sand K, Shoptaw S. (2005) Recruiting Drug-Using Men Who
Have Sex with Men into Behavioral Interventions: A Two-Stage Approach. J Urban Health. Mar;82 (1 Suppl 1):i109-19.
24. Nyamathi AM, Christiani A., Windoku F, Jones T, Strehlow A, Shoptaw S. (2005) Hepatitis C virus infection, substance use
and mental illness among homeless youth. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Oct; 19 Suppl 3:S34-40.
25. Colfax G, Shoptaw S. (2005) The methamphetamine epidemic: implications for HIV prevention and treatment. Current
HIV/AIDS Rep. Nov; 2 (4):194-9. Review.
26. Campos M, Shoptaw S., (2005) Evidence-Based Treatments for methamphetamine Abuse. Focus: A Guide to AIDS Research
and Counseling, 20 (6) 5-8.
27. Peck, J.A., Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Reback, C.J., Bierman, B. (2005). HIV-associated medical, behavioral, and
psychiatric characteristics among methamphetamine-dependent treatment-seeking gay and bisexual men. Journal of Addictive
Diseases. 24: 115-132.
28. Ling, W., Amass, L., Shoptaw, S., Annon, J.J., Babcock, D., Brigham, G., Harrer, J., Reid, M., Muri, J., Buchan, B., Orr, D.,
Woody, G., Krejcija, J., Ziedonis, D., and the Burenorphine Study Protocol Group. (2005) A multi-center randomized trial of
buprenorphine-naloxone and clonidine for opioid detoxification: Findings from the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical
Trials Network. Addiction. 100:1090-1100.
29. Larkins S, Reback CJ, Shoptaw S, Veniegas R. (2005). Methamphetamine-dependent gay men's disclosure of their HIV status
to sexual partners. AIDS Care. 17:521-532.
30. Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Peck, J.A., Yang, X., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Larkins, S., Veniegas, R.C., & Hucks-Ortiz, C. (2005).
Behavioral treatment approaches for methamphetamine dependence and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors among urban gay
and bisexual men. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 78: 125-134.
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Page 2
31. Elkashef A, Holmes TH, Bloch DA, Shoptaw S, Kampman K, Reid M, Somoza E, Ciraulo D, Rotrosen J, Leiderman D,
Montgomery A, & Vocci F. (2005) Retrospective analyses of pooled data from CREST I and CREST II trials for treatment of
cocaine dependence, Addiction, 100(Supplement 1): 91-101.
32. Leiderman DB, Shoptaw S, Montgomery A, Bloch DA, Elkashef A, LoCastro J, & Vocci F. (2005) Cocaine rapid efficacy
screening trial (CREST): A paradigm for the controlled evaluation of candidate medications for cocaine dependence,
Addiction, 100(Supplement 1): 1-11.
33. Kampman KM, Leiderman D, Holmes T, LoCastro J, Bloch DA, Reid MS, Shoptaw S, Montgomery MA, Winhusen TM,
Somoza EC, Ciraulo DA, Elkashef A, & Vocci F. (2005). Cocaine rapid efficacy screening trials (CREST): Lessons learned,
Addiction, 100(Supplement 1): 102-110.
34. Peck JA, Reback CJ, Yang X, Rotheram-Fuller E, Shoptaw S. (2005). Sustained reductions in drug use and depression
symptoms from treatment for drug abuse in methamphetamine-dependent gay and bisexual men. J Urban Health, 82 (1Suppl
35. Shoptaw S, Watson DW, Reiber C, Rawson RA, Montgomery A, Majewska D, & Ling W. (2005). Randomized controlled pilot
trial of cabergoline, hydergine and levodopa/carbidopa: Los Angeles cocaine rapid efficacy and safety trial (CREST),
Addiction, 100(Supplement 1): 78-90.
36. Shoptaw S. (2005). Clinical Rapid Efficacy Screening Trials (CREST; ed. S. Shoptaw). (2005). Addiction, 100(Supplement 1):
37. Yang, X., Shoptaw, S. (2005). Assessing Missing Data Assumptions in Longitudinal Studies: An Example Using a Smoking
Cessation Trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 77(3):213-225.
38. Kranzler, H.R., Wesson, D.R., Billot, L., (Drug Abuse Sciences Naltrexone Depot Study Group), Shoptaw, S. (2004).
Naltrexone depot for treatment of alcohol dependence: A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28(7): 1051-1059.
39. Shoptaw, S., Majewska, M.D., Wilkins, J., Twitchell, G., Ling, W. (2004). Patients receiving DHEA relapse quickly to cocaine
use in a placebo-controlled trial for cocaine dependence. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 12: 126-135.
40. Reback, C.J., Larkins, S., Shoptaw, S. (2004). Changes in the meaning of sexual risk behaviors among gay and bisexual male
methamphetamine abusers before and after drug treatment. AIDS and Behavior 8(1), 87-98.
41. Rotheram-Fuller, E., Shoptaw, S., Berman, S.M., London, E.D. (2004). Impaired performance in a test of decision-making by
opiate-dependent tobacco smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 73(1):79-86.
42. Scott, R.L., Shoptaw, S. (2003). A pilot study of contextual and partner factors that contribute to unprotected sex across
African American sexual identities. The Community Psychologist, 36: 9-11.
43. Reback, C.J., Larkins, S., Shoptaw, S. (2003). Methamphetamine Abuse as a Barrier to HIV Medication Adherence Among Gay and
Bisexual Men. AIDS Care, 15(6), 775-785.
44. Shoptaw, S., Yang, X., Rotheram-Fuller, E.J., Hsieh, Y.C., Kintaudi, P.C., Charuvastra, V.C., Ling, W. (2003). Randomized
placebo-controlled trial of baclofen for cocaine dependence: Preliminary effects for individuals with chronic patterns of cocaine
use. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 64(12): 1440-1448.
45. Covey, L.S., Joseph, A.M., Shoptaw, S. (2003). Response: Getting tough with smoking. NIDA Science & Practice
Perspectives, July, 40-43.
46. Shoptaw, S., Peck, J., Reback, C.J., Rotheram-Fuller, E (2003). Psychiatric and substance dependence co-morbidities, sexually
transmitted diseases, and risk behaviors among methamphetamine-dependent gay and bisexual men seeking outpatient drug
abuse treatment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 35 (Suppl 1), 161-168.
47. Frosch, D.L., Nahom, D., Shoptaw, S. (2002). Optimizing smoking cessation outcomes among the methadone maintained.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 23, 425-430.
48. Frosch, D.L., Stein, J.A., Shoptaw, S. (2002). Using latent-variable models to analyze smoking cessation clinical trial data: An
example among the methadone maintained. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 10(3), 258-267.
49. Rawson, R.A., Huber, A., Brethen, P., Obert, J., Gulati, V., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W. (2002). Status of methamphetamine users 2-5
years after outpatient treatment. Journal of Addictive Diseases 21 (1), 107-119.
50. Rawson, R.A., Huber, A., McCann, M., Shoptaw, S., Farabee, D., Reiber, C., Ling, W. (2002). A comparison of contingency
management and cognitive-behavioral approaches during methadone maintenance treatment for cocaine dependence. Archives of
General Psychiatry 59, 817-824.
51. Reback, C.J., Cohen, A.J., Freese, T.E., Shoptaw, S. (2002). Making collaboration work: Key components of practice/research
partnerships. The Journal of Drug Issues 32(3), 837-848.
52. Shoptaw, S., Kintaudi, P.C., Charuvastra, C., Ling, W. (2002). A screening trial of amantadine as a medication for cocaine
dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 66(3), 217-224.
53. Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Freese, T.E. (2002). Patient characteristics, HIV serostatus, and risk behaviors among gay and
bisexual males seeking treatment for methamphetamine abuse and dependence in Los Angeles. Journal of Addictive Diseases
21(1), 91-105.
54. Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Yang, X., Frosch, D., Nahom, D., Jarvik, M.E., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (2002). Smoking
cessation in methadone maintenance. Addiction 97(10), 1317-1328.
55. Twitchell, G., Huber, A., Reback, C., Shoptaw, S. (2002). Comparison of general and detailed HIV risk assessments among
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Page 3
methamphetamine abusers. AIDS and Behavior 6(2), 153-162.
56. Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J., Shoptaw, S., Miotto, K.A., Frosch, D.L., Obert, J.L., Ling, W. (2001). Naltrexone for opioid
dependence: Evaluation of a manualized psychosocial protocol to enhance treatment response. Drug and Alcohol Review 20,
57. Frosch, D., Shoptaw, S., Nahom, D., & Jarvik, M.E. (2000). Associations between tobacco smoking and illicit drug use among
methadone maintained opiate-dependent individuals. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 8(1), 1-7.
58. Kirkish, P., Sreenivasan, S., Welsh, R., Van Gorp, W., Eth, S., Shoptaw, S. & Ling, W. (2000). The future of criminal violence:
Juveniles tried as adults. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 28(1), 38-46.
59. Rawson, R., Huber, A., Brethen, P., Obert, J., Gulati, V., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W. (2000). Methamphetamine and cocaine users:
Differences in characteristics and treatment retention. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 32(2), 233-238.
60. Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D. (2000). Substance abuse treatment as HIV prevention for men who have sex with men. AIDS and
Behavior 4(2), 193-203.
61. Shoptaw, S., Stein, J.A., Rawson, R.A. (2000). Burnout in substance abuse counselors: Impact of environment, attitudes, and clients
with HIV. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 19(2), 117-126.
62. Sreenivasan, S., Kirkish, P., Shoptaw, S., Welsh, R.K., Ling, W. (2000). Neuropsychological and diagnostic differences
between recidivistically violent not criminally responsible and mentally ill prisoners. International Journal of Law and
Psychiatry 23(2), 161-172.
63. Frosch, D., Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1998). Interest in smoking cessation among methadone
maintained outpatients. Journal of Addictive Diseases 17(2), 9-19.
64. Ling, W., Shoptaw, S., Majewska, D. (1998). Baclofen as a cocaine anti-craving medication: A preliminary clinical study.
Neuropsychopharmacology 18(5), 403-404.
65. Shoptaw, S. Reback, C.J., Frosch, D.L., Rawson, R.A. (1998). Stimulant abuse treatment as HIV prevention. Journal of
Addictive Diseases 17(4), 19-32.
66. Shoptaw, S. Reback, C.J., Frosch, D.L., & Rawson, R.A. (1998). Stimulant abuse treatment as HIV prevention. Co-occurring in
E.Gottheil and B.Stimmel (eds.), Effects of Substance Abuse Treatment on AIDS Risk Behavior. Haworth Medical Press: 1932.
67. Frosch, D., Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1997). Sexual HIV risk among gay and bisexual male
methamphetamine abusers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 13(6), 483-486.
68. Huber, A., Ling, W., Shoptaw, S., Gulati, V., Brethan, P., Rawson, R.A. (1997). Integrating treatments for methamphetamine
abuse: A psychosocial perspective. Journal of Addictive Diseases 16(4), 41-50.
69. Ling, W., Shoptaw, S. (1997). Integration of research in pharmacotherapy for addictive disease: Where are we? Where are we
going? Journal of Addictive Diseases 16(4), 83-102.
70. McCann, M.J., Miotto, K., Rawson, R.A., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W. (1997). Outpatient non-opioid detoxification for
opioid withdrawal: Who is likely to benefit? The American Journal of the Addictions 6(3), 218-223.
71. Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1997). Cocaine abuse counseling as HIV prevention. AIDS Education and
Prevention 9(6), 511-520.
72. Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., Ling, W., Rawson, R.A. (1996). Contingency management for tobacco smoking in methadone
maintained opiate addicts. Addictive Behaviors 21(3), 409-412.
73. Rawson, R., Shoptaw, S., Obert, J.L., McCann, M.J., Hasson, A.L., Marinelli-Casey, P.J., Brethen, P.R., Ling, W. (1995). An
intensive outpatient approach for cocaine abuse treatment: The Matrix Model. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 12(2),
74. Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J., and Obert, J.L. (1995). The Matrix model of outpatient stimulant abuse treatment:
Evidence of efficacy. In Magura, S. and Rosenblum, A. (Eds), Experimental Therapeutics, 129-141.
75. Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J., Obert, J.L. (1994). The Matrix model of outpatient stimulant abuse treatment:
Evidence of efficacy. Journal of Addictive Diseases 13(4), 129-141.
76. Rawson, R., Shoptaw, S., Simmonds, J. (1993). Chemical dependency treatment and HIV disease: A challenge for the
addictions field. Addiction & Recovery 13(1), 13-15.
77. Taylor, S.E., Falke, R.L., Shoptaw, S.J., Lichtman, R.R. (1986). Social support, support groups, and the cancer patient. Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 54(5), 608-615.
Book Chapters, Monographs, Books
78. Szekeres, G., Coates, T.J., Frost, S.L., Leibowitz, A., Shoptaw, S. (October 2004). Anticipating the Efficacy of HIV PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and the Needs of At-Risk Californians. Monograph prepared for the California State Office on
79. Mayors AIDS Leadership Council, Shoptaw S (December 2003). HIV and AIDS in Los Angeles: 21 st century challenges and
approaches. A report to the Mayor and City Council of Los Angeles.
80. Scott, R.L., Shoptaw, S. (1999). An ethnographic study of the relationships between crack use, sexuality, and engaging in HIV
risk behaviors among persons of African descent. City of Los Angeles, AIDS Coordinators Office.
81. Shoptaw, S., Dow, S., Frosch, D.L., Ling, W., Madsen, D.C., Jarvik, M.E. (1999). Reducing cigarette smoking in methadone
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maintenance patients. In S.T. Higgins & K. Silverman, (eds.), Motivation behavior change among illicit-drug abusers:
Contemporary research on contingency-management interventions. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
Press, 243-264.
Ling, W., Shoptaw, S. (1998). Methamphetamine research initiative. California Society of Addiction Medicine News (Spring),
Ling, W., Shoptaw, S., Wesson, D., Rawson, R.A., Compton, M., Klett, C.J. (1997). Treatment effectiveness score as an
outcome measure in clinical trials. NIDA Research Monograph 175: Medication Development for the Treatment of Cocaine
Dependence: Issues in Clinical Efficacy Trials, 208-220.
Nahom, D., Shoptaw, S., Portnoff, M., Rawson, R.A. (1997). Your AIDS IQ: Can counselors cope with high risk populations?
Professional Counselor 12(2), 43-45.
Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S. (1997). Contingency management and relapse prevention as stimulant
abuse treatment interventions. In: S.T. Higgins & K. Silverman (eds.), Motivating Behavior Change Among Illicit Drug
Abusers: Contemporary Research on Contingency Management Interventions. Washington, D.C.: APA.
Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., Blum, M., Obert, J.L. (1994). Outpatient Drug Treatment Manual for Substance Abusers with HIV.
Matrix Institute on Addictions: Beverly Hills.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Freese, T.E., Rawson, R.A. (1998). Behavioral Interventions for Methamphetamine Abusing Gay
and Bisexual Men: A Treatment Manual Combining Relapse Prevention and HIV Risk-Reduction Interventions. Friends Health
Center: Hollywood.
Selected Presentations
Larkins, S, Reback, C, & Shoptaw, S. (2006) Planned Non-Adherence Among Gay Male Methamphetamine Users. International
Association of Physicians for AIDS Care, NIMH Meetings, Jersey City, NJ: March
Peck, J.A., Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J. (2003). Intertwining epidemical: HIV/AIDS among methamphetamine-abusing men who have
sex with men. Invited address, California Office of AIDS, HIV Planning Council, San Diego, CA, November 6.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C. (2003). Methamphetamine, HIV, and gay and bisexual men: Behavioral interventions. Long Beach Care
Program, October 29.
Shoptaw, S. (2003). Update on Treatment of Cocaine and Methamphetamine Abuse. Strickland Conference at the Radisson, LAX.
October 24.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C. (2003). Behavioral Drug Abuse Treatment Reduces HIV Risk Behaviors in Methamphetamine-Abusing
MSM. Long Beach Health Department, October 17.
Shoptaw, S. (2003). Cigarette smoking cessation invulnerable populations opiate dependent individuals University of Southern
California, February 19.
Shoptaw, S. (2002). A phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of cabergoline for the treatment of cocaine dependence.
February 11.
Shoptaw, S. (2002). Medication development for stimulant dependence: Baclofen. Presented at Battelle, Arlington, VA., November
19, 2002.
Shoptaw, S. (2002). Reducing drug- and sex-related HIV risk in gay male methamphetamine users. Presented at UCLA's Integrated
Substance Abuse Programs' Weekly Scientific Meeting, February 1, 2002.
Shoptaw, S. (2002). Treatment approaches for co-morbid substance dependence. Lecture: "Biological Perspectives on Dual
Diagnosis," University of California, Los Angeles, March 4.
Shoptaw, S., Meadors, G., Veniegas, R. (2002). Evidence based treatments for use in community settings. Presented at Friends at Mt.
Carmel, April 12.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C., Yang, X., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Peck, J., Larkins, S. (2002). Differential outcomes in a randomized trial of
behavioral drug therapies for reducing drug use and sexual risk behaviors among gay and bisexual male methamphetamine
abusers in Los Angeles. Presented at the XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Hucks-Ortiz, C., Shoptaw, S. & Reback, C.J. (2001) Association Between Methamphetamine and High-Risk Behaviors Among Gay
and Bisexual Men in Los Angeles, Presentation made at CPDD, June 21.
Reback, C. J., Larkins S. & Shoptaw, S. (2001) A qualitative analysis of HIV medication adherence among gay men in treatment for
methamphetamine abuse, Poster presented at CPDD, June 18.
Shoptaw, S. (2001). A "snapshot" of HIV/AIDS related services in clinical treatment providers for NIDA's Clinical Trials Network:
A report submitted to the Steering Committee of the Clinical Trials Network by the HIV/AIDS Workgroup. July 17.
Shoptaw, S. (2001). Designing smoking cessation programs for behavioral health clients: GLBT smokers. October.
Shoptaw, S. (2001). New research in the psychopharmacological treatment of substance abuse and smoking cessation. Presented at
the University of California, Los Angeles, October.
Shoptaw, S. (2001). Nicotine addiction. November.
Shoptaw, S. (2001). Nicotine addiction among the seriously mentally ill and substance-abusing populations: The epidemiology and
biochemistry of addiction. Presented to the Ventura County Conference on Nicotine Dependence, October 26.
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Page 5
Shoptaw, S. (2001). Strategic plan to guide HIV research in the CTN. HIV/AIDS Workgroup of the CTN, January.
Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Reback, C.J., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Rawson, R.A. & Ling, W. (2001). Psychiatric Comorbidity and DrugRelated Characteristics in Two Samples of Treatment-Seeking Methamphetamine Abusers in Los Angeles, Poster presented
at CPDD, June 17.
Shoptaw, S., Moe, A., Reback, C., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Kanouse, D., McGee-Smith, D. (2001). Post exposure prophylaxis as an
HIV biobehavioral prevention intervention.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C., Moe, A., Kintaudi, P. (2001). Post-exposure prophylaxis as a biobehavioral HIV prevention intervention.
February 13.
Blum, M., Shoptaw, S., Reback, C. (2000). Women who have sex with women: HIV risk behavior and substance abuse treatment
needs. July 28.
Chiappelli, F., Hucks-Ortiz, C., Younai, F., Liu, N., Reback, C., Shoptaw, S., Freese, T., Ling, K. (2000) The Impact of
Methamphetamine Use on Immune Functioning in a Sample of Treatment-Seeking Gay and Bisexual Men. Poster presented
at College on Problems of Drug Dependence June 17-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Freese, T. E., Reback, C., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Peck, J. (2000) The Impact of Methamphetamine Use on HIV Risk Behaviors in
Homosexual Men and Heterosexual Men and Women. Poster presented at College on Problems of Drug Dependence June
17-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Freese, T.E., Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Larkins, S., Twitchell, G. (2000). Outcomes of interventions for gay and bisexual male
methamphetamine users. Presented at the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, August.
Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Gulati, V., Gonzales, R. (2000). Sertraline and contingency management as treatment for methamphetamine
dependence. Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Reback, C.J., Larkins, S., Shoptaw, S. (2000). A qualitative analysis of drug and sexual HIV risks as an outcome of treatment among
gay male methamphetamine users. Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shoptaw, S. (2000). Combining substance abuse treatment and HIV prevention for men who have sex with men who inject crystal
methamphetamine. Paper presented at “A Comprehensive Approach to Effective HIV Prevention for IDUs”, at the CDCsponsored, “2000 Community Planning HIV Leadership Summit Institute”, Los Angeles, California, March 31.
Shoptaw, S. (2000) Immune Correlates Among Gay and Bisexual Male Methamphetamine Abusers. Presented at the ISAP Scientific
Meeting September 8. Los Angeles, CA.
Shoptaw, S. (2000). Medications development for substance dependence: Clinical implications. October.
Shoptaw, S. (2000). Sexual issues in drug abuse treatment: Clinical assessment and intervention. San Mateo, June 16.
Shoptaw, S., Chiappelli, F., Reback, C., Ling, W., Twitchell, G., Freese, T., Hucks-Ortiz, C., Rawson, R., Ling, W. (2000). Immune
correlates among gay and bisexual male methamphetamine abusers. Presented at UCLA's Integrated Substance Abuse
Programs' Weekly Scientific Meeting, September 8, 2000.
Shoptaw, S., Ling, W., Twitchell, G., Wilkins, J., Majewska, M. (2000). DHEA as a cocaine pharmacotherapy: Preliminary results
of a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Paper presented at the 62 nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems
of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E.R., Frosch, D.L., Nahom, D., Jarvik, M., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (2000). Smoking cessation in
methadone maintenance treatment: Evaluation of nicotine replacement and behavioral therapies. Paper presented at the
American Society of Addiction Medicine's 31st Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E.R., Frosch, D.L., Nahom, D., Jarvik, M., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (2000). Tobacco smoking
abstinence and abstinence from illicit drug use among methadone-maintained opiate dependent individuals. July 24.
Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E.R., Frosch, D.L., Nahom, D., Jarvik, M., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (2000). Treating tobacco
dependence in those with other addictions: Smoking cessation in methadone maintenance. Paper presented at the American
Society of Addiction Medicine's 31st Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Shoptaw, S., Twitchell, G., Reback, C., Gulati, V., Freese, T., Huber, A. (2000). Detailed behavioral risk assessments discriminate
between gay/bisexual HIV infected and HIV un-infected methamphetamine abusers in Los Angeles. July.
Shoptaw, S., Twitchell, G., Wilkins, J., Majewska, M., Ling, W. (2000). DHEA as a cocaine pharmacotherapy: Results of a
randomized placebo-controlled trial. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Chernin, J., Larkins, S., Freese, T., Shoptaw, S., Peck, J., Hucks-Ortiz, C., Kelly, A. (1999). Methamphetamine: From the streets, to
the clinic, to the community: The gay/bisexual male experience. Presented at the CPA Convention, San Diego, California.
Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Freese, T.E., Reback, C.J. (1999). Overview of AIDS/HIV and drug use rates in the U.S. Presented at the
Conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, May.
Reback, C.J., Shoptaw, S., Freese, T.E., Larkins, S.L., & Hucks-Ortiz, C. (1999). Preliminary treatment outcomes for gay and
bisexual male methamphetamine users in Los Angeles, CA. Poster presented at American Public Health Association.
Chicago, IL, November.
Reback, C., Shoptaw, S., Newton, T. (1999). Crystal methamphetamine and gay men: Science and community. June.
Scott, R.L., Shoptaw, S., Miotto, K. (1999). Crack use, sexuality, and HIV-risk behaviors among African Americans in Los Angeles.
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Presented at the Conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, May.
Shoptaw, S. (1999). Cigarette smoking cessation in vulnerable populations: Opiate dependent individuals. University of Southern
California, January 29.
Shoptaw, S. (1999). Substance abuse treatment as HIV risk reduction. Presented at the Conference of the American Society of
Addiction Medicine, May.
Shoptaw, S., Freese, T., Huber, A., Reback, C. (April 1999). HIV risk behaviors. Presented at the American Society of Addiction
Medicine’s 30th Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, New York, New York.
Shoptaw, S., Ling, W., Kintuadi, K. (1999). Outcomes when using the GABA-B agonist baclofen in human cocaine abusers. Paper
presented at the 61st Annual Conference of College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Acapulco, Mexico.
Shoptaw, S. & Reback, C.J. (1999). Crystal Methamphetamine and Gay Men: Empirical Findings. Paper presented at City of West
Hollywood Community Forum on Crystal Methamphetamine June 23.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Eggan, F., Freese, T.E., Kelly, A., & Peck, J. (1999). Methamphetamine from the streets to the clinic to
the community: The gay/bisexual male experience. Presented at the 52nd Annual Convention of the California
Psychological Association. March 28, San Diego, California.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., & Freese, T.E. (1999). Patient characteristics, HIV serostatus, and risk behaviors among gay and bisexual
males seeking treatment for methamphetamine abuse and dependence in Los Angeles. Poster presented at CSAT
Methamphetamine Conference. Honolulu, HI, December.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C.J., Larkins, S. (1999). Behavioral therapies for gay male stimulant abusers. November 2.
Shoptaw, S., Rotheram-Fuller, E., Frosch, D., Jarvik, M., Rawson, R., Ling, W. (1999). Smoking cessation in methadone
maintenance: Evaluation of nicotine replacement and behavioral therapies. Presented at the 61 st Annual Scientific Meeting
of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Acapulco, Mexico.
Freese, T., Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Rawson, R., Ling, W. (1998). Drug Treatment and HIV risk: It's not just about needles anymore.
Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Frosch, D.L., Shoptaw, S., Nahom, D., Ling, W., Jarvik, M.E. (1998). Differences in drug use among methadone maintained tobacco
chippers and heavy smokers. Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Gulati, V., Huber, A., Reback, C., Shoptaw, S., Freese, T., Rawson, R. (1998). HIV risk behaviors of methamphetamine users.
Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., Brethen, P., Ling, W. (1998). Methamphetamine: User characteristics and treatment response.
March 17.
Kalechstein, A. D., Newton, T. F., Shoptaw, S., & Ling, W. (1998). The neuropsychological sequel of methamphetamine
dependence in recently abstinent individuals: A preliminary report. (Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the College
on Problems of Drug Dependence).
Nahom, D., Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D., Jarvik, M.E., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1998). Successful smoking cessation among methadonemaintained tobacco smokers. June 8.
Shoptaw, S. (1998). Evaluations of cocaine medications. Presented at the Long Beach Research Foundation, July 22.
Shoptaw, S. (1998). Research career options for psychology majors. February.
Shoptaw, S., Ling, W., Kintaudi, K., Klett, J. (1998). Rapid evaluation of cocaine pharmacotherapy: Amantadine. June.
Shoptaw, S., Kintaudi, P.C., Charuvastra, C.V., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1998). Amantadine hydrochloride is effective treatment for
cocaine dependence. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Shoptaw, S., Reback, C. (1998). Treatment for crystal-using gay and bisexual men. May 6.
Shoptaw, S. Reback, C., Freese, T., Ling, W. (1998). Treatment effects on HIV-related risk behaviors for MSM. Paper presented at
the American Psychological Association (APA) Public Interest Miniconvention on HIV/AIDS, San Francisco, CA.
Sreenivasan, S., Shoptaw, S., Kirkish, P., Welsh, R. (1998). Neuropsychological, personality and substance abuse differences
between recidivistic violent criminally insane and mentally ill prisoners. September.
Frosch, D., Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1997). Preliminary experiences with opiate abusers seeking smoking
cessation treatment. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
Nashville, Tennessee. .
McCann, M., Rawson, R.A., Miotto, K., Obert, J., Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Ling, W. (1997). Opioid dependence treatment with
naltrexone: Value of a manualized psychosocial protocol. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Medical-Scientific Conference
of the American Society of Addiction Medicine; San Diego, California.
Nahom, D., Shoptaw, S., Charuvastra, V.C., Ajir, K., Ling, W. (1997) Methadone dose effects on treatment efficacy. Paper presented
at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Nashville, Tennessee.
Rawson, R., Ling, W., Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Dow, S. (1997). AIDS-related drug and sexual risk behaviors: What drugs and which
routes? Presented at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Nashville,
Shoptaw, S. (1997). Chemical dependency and communicable diseases. September.
Shoptaw, S. (1997). Intervention strategies for gay/bisexual male crystal users. June 21; November 1.
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Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D. (1997). Substance abuse treatment as HIV prevention for men who have sex with men. September 4.
Shoptaw, S., Nahom, D., Frosch, D., Portnoff, M., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1997). Efficacy of structured manual for improving drug
counseling among substance abusers with HIV. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Nashville, Tennessee.
Annon, J., Anglin, M.D., Danila, B., Annon, K., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W., Rawson, R. (1996). HIV-related risk behaviors among
homosexual and heterosexual recent arrestees. Paper presented at the 58 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., ling, W., Rawson, R.A. (1996). Contingency management for tobacco smoking in methadone maintained
opiate addicts. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Frosch, D., Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1996). Preliminary report on sexual HIV risk behaviors among urban gay male
methamphetamine abusers. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Gudeman, D., Shoptaw, S., Majewska, D., Scherf, S., Yeats, D., Ling, W. (1996). Preliminary report of baclofen as a cocaine craving
medication. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Jarvik, M.E., Madsen, D., Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D. (1996). Ambient and outdoor carbon monoxide levels among non-smokers in Los
Angeles. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Ling, W., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Charuvastra, V.C., Bridge, P., Chiang, N., Herbert, S., Dow, S., Compton, P. (1996). First clinical
experience with buprenorphine-naloxone combination sublingual tablet. Paper presented at the 58 th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
McCann, M.J., Rawson, R.A., Shoptaw, S., Huber, A., Miotto, K., Ling, W. (1996). Outpatient clonidine/oxazepam detoxification
for opioid withdrawal: Completers characteristics. Paper presented at the 58 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Raisch, D.W., Jones, M.S., Garnand, D., Johnson, E.L., Sather, M.R., Ling, W., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S. (1996). Remote drug transfer
information system in a trial comparing buprenorphine sublingual liquid to tablets. Paper presented at the 58 th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rawson, R.A., Huber, A., McCann, M., Hasson, A., Shoptaw, S., Ling, W. (1996). Two years after the NDA: Extent of LAAM
usage. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J., Huber, A., Shoptaw, S., Miotto, K., Ling, W. (1996). Protocol to facilitate naltrexone treatment for
opiate addiction. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shoptaw, S., Frosch, D., Rawson, R.A., Portnoff, M. (1996). Comparisons of drug-free and methadone counselors who treat
substance abusers with HIV. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., Ling, W., Rawson, R.A. (1996). Contingency management for tobacco smoking in methadone maintained
opiate addicts. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
Scottsdale, AZ.
Shoptaw, S., Jarvik, M.E., Rawson, R.A., Ling, W. (1995). Contingency management for smoking cessation among methadone
maintained addicts: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., Huber, A., Frosch, D., Nagata, T., Ling, W. (1995). Substance abuse treatment as an HIV prevention
strategy for stimulant addicts. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Ling, W., Klett, J., Rawson, R., Shoptaw, S. (1994). A composite score for evaluating treatment response in cocaine
pharmacotherapy trials. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Palm Beach, Florida
Rawson, R., Shoptaw, S., Obert, J., McCann, M. (1994). Effectiveness of desipramine in treating cocaine dependence. Paper
presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Beach, Florida.
Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R., Anglin, M.D., Grella, C. (1994). Effectiveness of integrating enhancements to standard methadone
treatment for subjects at high risk for HIV transmission. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Beach, Florida.
Nagata, T., Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R., Minsky, S. (1993). Cultural influences on self-reported HIV risk behaviors during psychosocial
drug treatment. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence.
Obert, J., Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R., McCann, M. (1993). Retention, engagement, and psychosocial outcomes for subjects in
neurobehavioral treatment for stimulant dependence. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence.
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Rawson, R.A., Shoptaw, S., McCann, M.J., Minsky, S. (1993). Characteristics of stimulant addicts who responded positively to
outpatient treatment. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence.
Shoptaw, S., Rawson, R.A., McCann, M.J. (1993). The Behavioral Change Index: A new assessment tool for addicted populations.
Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence.
September, 1994 Senior Behavioral Scientist; Friends Research Institute and UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs.
Conduct a systematic program of research that focuses on co-morbidities among substance abusing
populations. Treatments include medication and behavioral treatments for dependence on stimulants that
include cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, and nicotine. Comorbidities include substance abusers who
smoke cigarettes and multidiagnosed individuals (HIV and mental illnesses/chemical dependencies).
September, 1994 Research Director, Los Angeles Addiction Treatment Research Center. Project Director for
rapid trials evaluation protocols for developing new cocaine pharmacotherapies under five-year, NIDA
funded medication treatment evaluation center. Two medication and behavioral NIDA-grants funded.
Principal Investigator for acamprosate for alcohol dependence study (pharmaceutical funded).
February, 1992 Research Director, Matrix Institute, Los Angeles. As a member of the board of the Matrix Institute and as
research director, responsible for advising research program in overall system of clinics. Publish papers
and advise research direction.
February, 1992 Research Director, Matrix Center and Institute, Los Angeles. Completed role of Project Director of a
NIDA demonstration project of stimulant drug treatment as HIV prevention and of two medication trials
funded by pharmaceutical companies. Responsible for data management and analyses tasks. Research
topics include evaluation of behavioral and pharmacological treatments for cocaine and alcohol
dependence. NIDA grants funded for developing (R43 DA08786-01) and evaluating (R44 DA08786-02)
a counselor manual for treating HIV-positive substance abusers, co-principal investigator on a five year
NIDA funded project into relapse prevention versus contingency management for cocaine dependence.
October, 1990 Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA/VA Medical Center, Sepulveda, CA. Designed data analysis and
October, 1991
participated in writing papers evaluating a large treatment outcome study at the UCLA Pain Clinic.
Actively involved in the execution and subsequent reporting on an on-going study into the perception of
clinical pain among Diabetic and normal subjects under normal and hyperglycemic conditions. Two
papers submitted for publication, two presentations at national conferences. Received clinical and
academic training in behavioral medicine and related topics.
August, 1988 Dissertation Project: Functions of Risky Self-Disclosures in Programmed Self-Help Groups.
October, 1990
Original research of self-disclosure in leaderless, self-help groups for recently divorced women aged 40 to
60. Data were audiotaped and transcribed open-discussions from eight groups. Results showed that the
experience of risk when disclosing is associated with admissions of deviance and deficiency. Results
being prepared for publication in traditional and popular journals.
April, 1989 Research Director, Alcoholism Research Laboratory, VA Medical Center, Sepulveda, CA.
September, 1990
Directed the collection and analyses of outcome data for hospital-based treatments for alcoholism and
substance dependence: One published paper and one conference presentation.
September, 1985
Master's Thesis: The influence of family and the decision to join a cancer support group. Investigated the
role of family support for both cancer support group attenders and non-attenders. Research involved
analysis of family-related questions on a large questionnaire that was part of a National Cancer Institute
funded study assessing cancer patients' opinions regarding social support: One publication.
September, 1983 Research Assistant, Social Support Project, UCLA. Organized effort to contact all cancer support
September, 1985
group leaders and oncologists in Southern California. Helped design and distribute questionnaire portion
of three year, National Cancer Institute-funded study at UCLA. Responsible for analysis of data from
31-page questionnaire.
June, 1982 Research Assistant, Self-Help Center, UCLA. Co-facilitated the Technical Assistance division of
May, 1986
the UCLA/California Self-Help Center. Investigated programmatic interventions such as the Common
Concern Program. Helped create, produce, and distribute materials for self-help groups for members
coping with issues such as the death of a child, recent divorce, infertility, breast cancer, and trauma
resulting from child physical abuse.
September, 1981 Honor's Thesis: The effect of methylphenidate on the interaction styles of
June, 1982
hyperactive boys in the classroom. Developed a behavioral code; recruited and supervised observers for
videotaped interactions; completed literature review and data analysis.
June 2003 Instructor. Phillips Graduate Institute. Designed and taught 2 unit intensive course on statistics to
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Page 9
July 2003
September 1999 Present
October, 1993Present
June, 1992 May, 1999
January, 1991 December, 1991
September, 1987 June, 1990
October, 1985 June, 1990
August, 1982 September, 1983
students in doctoral program in psychology. Also taught courses in Applied Research Methods and Tests
and Measurements. Teaching ratings average 3.7 of 4.0.
Instructor, UCLA Extension. Teach average of two courses for UCLA Extension: Communicable
Disease and Chemical Dependency; HIV and Chemical Dependency. Course ratings 8.9 of 9.0.
Training Instructor, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certifications. Train mental health professionals (e.g.,
Ph.D. and M.A.) candidates for state licensure in drug and alcohol abuse counseling issues. Trainings
have been conducted at city-wide.
Seminar in family therapy, Glen Roberts Child Study Center, Glendale, CA. Led five week January,
1994 training seminar on family therapy to graduate student interns.
Instructor, University of Judaism, Continuing Education. Instructed class entitled, "The Intimate
Science of Communicating in Close Relationships."
Course Instructor, UCLA. Responsible for developing syllabus and course materials for upperdivision, undergraduate class, "Counseling Relationships". Prepared and delivered five lectures per
quarter. Assigned grades for 60 students per term.
Graduate Teaching Associate, UCLA. Led discussion groups for "Counseling Relationships."
Supervisor of Psychology Tutors, Academic Advancement Program, UCLA. Hired and trained
psychology tutors to provide services to 300 students. Conducted in-house workshops pertaining to
improving communication skills and to referring students needing psychological intervention.
September 1992 Dissertation Chair/Committee member. Guide dissertation research on substance abuse treatment
evaluation projects for graduate students.
January, 1989 Statistical Consultant, Glen Roberts, Roberts' Apperception Test for Children. Developed strategy
October, 1991
for re-norming test and devising more sensitive subscales. Provided general consultation services to the
Glen Roberts Child Study Clinic.
September, 1987 Statistics Consultant. Provided consultation and statistical services to UCLA, USC, Fuller, and
CSPP-LA doctoral students in psychology.
March, 1990
Communication Skills Workshop, UCLA-California Self-Help Center. Conducted 4-hour training in
communication skills for phone referral specialists using experiential and mini-lecture format.
September, 1986 Community Agency Consultant, Visiting Nurses' Association, Pasadena, CA;
August, 1987
Garvey School District, Rosemead, CA. Met with agency management and created description and time
plan for providing psychological services to agency personnel.
Psychometrics Minor, UCLA. Fluent with computer statistical packages for mainframe (SPSS-X, SAS,
BMDP) and microcomputers (BMDP386, SPSSPC+, SASPC, SYSTAT). Program data management
routines with microcomputer packages (Lotus, DBase-IV, RBase).
California Psychologist License #PSY 13300
Adjunct Research Faculty, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, UCLA Department of Psychology
Chair, Outreach Committee, Los Angeles Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.
COMMUNITY ACTION Chair, HIV Workgroup, Clinical Trials Network, National Institute on Drug Abuse Member, City of Los
Angeles Mayor’s Commission on HIV/AIDS Board Member, Matrix Institute and Mission City
Community Network
July, 1995 Leader of Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Discussion Groups, Matrix Center/AIDS Project LA.
Developed harm reduction-based materials for a weekly discussion group for gay/bisexual men with HIV
using methamphetamine in Los Angeles. Responsible for leading the discussion groups.
July, 1995 Clinical Supervisor of Psychosocial Counseling, LAATRC. Provide ongoing supervision to study
coordinators and to study counselors in NIDA-funded medication and behavioral studies of drug abuse
October, 1991 Associate Coordinator, Alcohol Treatment Program, VA Outpatient Clinic, Los Angeles.
February, 1992
Responsibilities included supervision of psychology interns in substance abuse and family therapy
treatments. Conducted assessments for Cocaine and Alcohol Treatment Programs at the Clinic.
Revised 10/31/2006
October, 1990 October, 1991
October, 1990 May, 1991
September, 1988 June, 1990
September, 1986 August, 1987
October, 1985 August, 1986
June, 1984 June, 1985
Organized seminars in cultural sensitivity when working with lower SES clients. Performed 3-4 hours of
individual psychotherapy sessions and 8-9 hours of group therapies per week.
Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA-NPI/VA Medical Center, Sepulveda, California. Health psychology/
behavioral medicine training in techniques including pain control, stress management, weight loss,
smoking cessation, biofeedback, and relaxation training. Veteran population primarily involved chronic
psychiatric and health-related problems.
Self-Help Group Development, UCLA. Contacted interested UCLA Hospital physicians to encourage
use of self-help groups for patients with various medical conditions. Designed scheme to evaluate impact
of this cost-containment, service-oriented intervention on patient compliance and satisfaction.
Clinical Supervisor of Psychology Trainee, UCLA Psychology Clinic. Supervised second year, UCLA
psychology graduate student in performing cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
Psychology Intern, Ingleside Hospital, Rosemead, CA. APA approved predoctoral internship at private
psychiatric hospital. Internship consisted of five rotations: inpatient adolescent, inpatient adult,
outpatient clinic, community/liaison, and partial hospitalization, day-treatment.
Psychology Intern, Adolescent Substance Abuse Program, Coldwater Canyon Hospital, North
Hollywood, CA. Primary therapist and case manager, interfaced with community agencies including
residential treatment facilities, schools, 12-step programs. Conducted weekly family therapy sessions and
twice weekly multiple family group therapy to inpatient, adolescent substance abusers and their families.
Neighborhood Youth Association, Venice, CA. Provided leadership for a group of Hispanic women
who were illegal immigrants and whose children were enrolled in the Venice school system.
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