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• A is for John Adams
(1797-1801) (2nd
president). He was the
first president to reside
in the White House.
He signed the
Declaration of
Independence. Died on
the July 4th same day as
Thomas Jefferson.
• B is for George Herbert
Walker Bush (19891993) (41st president).
He fought in WWII.
He ordered Operation
Desert Storm to
liberate Kuwait from
• C is for James Earl
Carter (1977-1981)
(39th president). He
was the first president
born in a hospital. He
brought the Israeli
president and the
Egyptian president
together to sign Camp
David Accords.
• D is for Franklin
Delano Roosevelt
(1933-1945) (32nd
president). He served
as president for the
longest time, 12 years!
He was president when
WWII began.
• E is for Dwight David
Eisenhower (19531961) (34th president).
He was the first US 5
star general, Supreme
commander of Allied
forces in Europe
(WWII), and directed
the Allied invasion of
Normandy (D-Day).
• F is for Gerald Rudolph
Ford (1974-1977) (38th
president). He was the
target of two attempts
of assassination.
• G is for James Abram
Garfield (1881) (20th
president). He was the
youngest Union
General in the Civil
War. He was
assassinated by Charles
• H is for Rutherford
Birchard Hayes (18771881) (19th president).
He was nicknamed
“His Fraudulency” and
“Rutherfraud.” He
won presidency by one
electoral vote.
• I is for William
Jefferson Clinton
(1993- ) (42nd
president). He became
nations youngest
governor. He was a
Rhodes Scholar and
studied at Oxford
• J is for Andrew
Jackson (1829-1837)
(7th president). He was
a general in the War of
1812 who defeated the
British. He is the
president on the 20
dollar bill. He survived
the first attempted
• K is for William
McKinley (1897-1901)
(25th president). He led
America during the
Spanish-American War.
He was the last Civil
War veteran to become
president. He was
assassinated by Leon
• L is for Abraham
Lincoln (1861-1865)
(16th president). He
legalized the
Proclamation freed all
southern slaves. He
was assassinated by
John Wilkes Booth.
• M is for James
Madison (1809-1817)
(4th president). He was
nicknamed the “Father
of the Constitution.”
He was president
during the War of 1812.
• N is for James
Buchanan (1857-1861)
(15th president). Only
bachelor president. He
was president during
the Dred Scott
• O is for John Calvin
Coolidge (1923-1929)
(30th president). He
was nicknamed “Silent
Cal.” A woman made a
bet with him saying
that she could get him
to say more than 2
words. He replied by
saying “You lose.”
• P is for John Knox
Polk (1845-1849) (11th
president). He believed
in Manifest Destiny.
The US acquired Texas
and California during
his presidency.
• Q is for John Quincy
Adams (1825-1829)
(6th president). He was
the son of John Adams.
They were the only
father and son to
become president.
• R is for Theodore
Roosevelt (1901-1909)
(26th president). He led
the “Rough Riders” in
the Spanish-American
War. He was the
youngest person to
become president.
• S is for Harry S
Truman (1945-1953)
(33rd president). The S
in Harry S Truman
stands for nothing. He
made the decision to
drop the atomic bombs
on Hiroshima and
• T is for John Tyler
(1841-1845) (10th
president). He was the
first vice president to
succeed a president.
He signed the
resolution that annexed
Texas in 1845.
• U is for Ulysses
Simpson Grant (18691877) (18th president).
He was the
commanding general of
the Union army in the
Civil War and accepted
Lee’s surrender.
Corruption ruined his
• V is for Martin Van
Buren (1837-1841) (8th
president). He was the
first president to be
born in the US. He
was also the first
president to not have a
role in the Revolution.
• W is for George
Washington (17891797) (1st president).
He was the general of
the American army in
the Revolutionary War.
He was the only
president to be elected
unanimously by the
Electoral college.
• X is for Richard
Milhous Nixon (19691974) (37th president).
He resigned his
presidency after the
Watergate scandal. An
anti-Nixon slogan was
“Would you buy a used
car from this man?”
• Y is for John Fitzgerald
Kennedy (1961-1963)
(35th president). He
was the youngest
elected president. He
won a Pulitzer Prize for
Profiles in Courage.
He was assassinated by
Lee Harvey Oswald.
• Z is for Zachary Taylor
(1849-1850) (12th
president). He had no
previous political
experience. He was the
last Whig (political
party) president.