Download Export of Invertebrate Drift from Headwater Streams

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Export of Invertebrate Drift from Headwater Streams
Jon Hollis, MS Gr aduate Student
Peggy Wilzbach, Principal Investig ator
Jon received his B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan Universit y
with a double major in Biology and Envi ronmental
Studies in 2007. Since graduating , he h as worked
continuously with both the USGS (West ern Ecological
Research Cen ter) and California’s Dep artment of Fi sh
and Wildlife conducting research involving long-term
monitoring of forest conditions in national parks
across California and Oregon, hydrology analysi s in
the San Fr anci sco and Klam ath region s, and salmon
spawning and life cycle monitoring acro ss the North
Coast .
Jon was admitt ed to the Fi sheri es Program at HSU in
Januar y 2015, and is currently pursuing a mast er’s
degree with Pegg y Wilzbach.
His project will attempt to quanti fy exp ort of invertebrate pr ey from headwat er
streams to downstream fish-bearing waters of the Lower Klamath River, and
evalu ate th e use of thi s resource by fish .
Jon sp ends hi s fr ee time fly fi shing the jetty for lingcod and rockfi sh, m aking
Spey casts to North Coast st eelhead, p ad dling kayaks and cano es, and br ewing
beer in his backyard.