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annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 23 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 996
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University of Madrid on the 17th and 18th of September 2009
CHAMI, Diego Esteban, The Obligations of the Carrier, CMI Colloquium on the
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Colloquium on the Rotterdam Rules, Rotterdam, September 21, 2009, in
European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL), 2010-1/2 issue, p.
DELEBECQUE, Philippe, Obligations of the carrier, in The Rotterdam Rules 2008,
Commentary to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, Edited by
Alexander von Ziegler, Johan Schelin, Stefano Zunarelli, Kluwer Law
International, 2010, 71
ESTRELLA FARIA, José Angelo, Règles claires ou obscures, Articles 6, 12, in Les
Règles de Rotterdam: le droit des transports maritimes au XXI e siècle,
Institut Méditerranéen des Transports Maritimes-IMTM and Centre de Droit
Maritimes et des Transport-CDMT, Colloquium in Marseilles 20-21 May
2010, Annales IMTM 2010, p. 92
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2004, p. 278
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care, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The Rotterdam
Rules, Edited by Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p. 89 and, for
a review of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco, A review of some recent
analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 965
NIKAKI, Theodora, The fundamental duties of the carrier under the Rotterdam Rules, in
International Maritime Law, Vol. 14, Issue 6, November-December 2008, p. 512
SÁENZ GARCÍA DE ALBIZU, Juan Carlos, Las obligaciones del porteador hasta la
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annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 29 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 996
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commercial risk allocation, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by
Sea – The Rotterdam Rules, Edited by Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext
Publishing, 2009, p. 138 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco,
A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto
Marittimo, 2009, p. 970
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Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The Rotterdam Rules, Edited by
Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p. 111 and, for a review of this
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siècle, Institut Méditerranéen des Transports Maritimes-IMTM and Centre de
Droit Maritimes et des Transport-CDMT, Colloquium in Marseilles 20-21
May 2010, Annales IMTM 2010, p. 115
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performing parties, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea –
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2009, p. 52 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco, A review of
some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2009,
p. 960
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Law International, 2010, 93
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21, 2009 and in Uniform Law Review, Vol. XIV, 2009, p. 931
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Hancock, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The
Rotterdam Rules, Edited by Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p.
34 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco, A review of some
recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 958
HANCOCK, Christopher, Multimodal transport and the new UN Convention on the
carriage of goods, in Journal of International Maritime Law, 2009, p. 484
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the UNCITRAL draft instrument, in European Transport Law, 2008, p. 257
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annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 73 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 1004
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La regulación del contrato de transporte internacional de mercancías por
mar, Marcial Pons, 2010, p. 201
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of Business Law, 2005, p. 647
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Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or
Partly by Sea, Edited by Alexander von Ziegler, Johan Schelin, Stefano
Zunarelli, Kluwer Law International, 2010, 131
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Maritimes et des Transport-CDMT, Colloquium in Marseilles 20-21 May
2010, Annales IMTM 2010, p. 84
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21, 2009
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Transportrecht (Neuwied, Germany) 2004, p. 284.
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commercial risk allocation, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by
Sea – The Rotterdam Rules, Edited by Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext
Publishing, 2009, p. 138 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco,
A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto
Marittimo, 2009, p. 970
BAUGHEN, Simon, Obligations owed by the shipper to the carrier, in A New Convention
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Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p. 169
BAUGHEN, Simon, Obligations of the shipper to the carrier, in International Maritime
Law, Vol. 14, Issue 6, November-December 2008, p. 555 and, for a review of
this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the
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annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 79 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 1005
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mercancías por mar, Marcial Pons, 2010, p. 73
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2008, Commentary to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, Edited by
Alexander von Ziegler, Johan Schelin, Stefano Zunarelli, Kluwer Law
International, 2010, 149
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CZERWENKA, Beate, Scope of application and rules on multimodal transport contracts,
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porteador y sobre las mercancías: valor probatorio, in Las Reglas de Rotterdam
– La regulación del contrato de transporte internacional de mercancías por
mar, Marcial Pons, 2010, p. 139
FUJITA, Tomotaka, Transport Documents and Electronic Transport Records, in The
Rotterdam Rules 2008, Commentary to the United Nations Convention on
Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea,
Edited by Alexander von Ziegler, Johan Schelin, Stefano Zunarelli, Kluwer
Law International, 2010, 159
GIRVIN, Stephen, Evidentiary Aspects of Transport Documents and Electronic
Transport Records under the Rotterdam Rules, in European Journal of
Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL), 2010-1/2 issue, p. 109
LORENZON, Filippo, Analysis of Chapter 8, in The Rotterdam Rules, A practical
annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 99 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 1008
SCHELIN, Johan, Documents under the UNCITRAL draft instrument on carriage of
goods by sea, in Scandinavian studies in law, 2004, p. 191
STURLEY, Michael F., Phantom Carriers and UNCITRAL’s Proposed Transport Law
Convention, in Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly, 2006, p. 426
WILLIAMS, Richard, Transport documentation – the new approach, in A New
Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The Rotterdam Rules, Edited by
Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p. 190
ZEKOS, Georgios I., The contractual role of documents issued under the CMI draft
instrument on transport law 2001, in Journal of Maritime Law and
Commerce, 2004, p. 99
DEBATTISTA, Charles, Analysis of Chapter 9, in The Rotterdam Rules, A practical
annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 123 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the Rotterdam Rules, in Il
Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 1011
DEBATTISTA, Charles, The Goods carried – Who gets them and who controls
them?, CMI Colloquium on the Rotterdam Rules, Rotterdam, September 21,
DELEBECQUE, Philippe, Le chapitre 9 des Règles de Rotterdam: la livraison, in Uniform
Law Review, Vol. XIV, 2009, p. 857
ROSAEG, Erik, New procedures for bills of lading in the Rotterdam Rules, in
Journal of International Maritime Law, 2011, p. 181
ZIEL, Gertjan, Delivery of the goods, rights of the controlling party and
transfer of rights, in A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The
Rotterdam Rules, Edited by Prof. Rhidian Thomas, Lawtext Publishing, 2009, p.
242; also in Journal of International Maritime Law, 2009, p. 597 and, for a review
of this article, BERLINGIERI, Francesco, A review of some recent analyses of the
Rotterdam Rules, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2009, p. 983
ZIEL, Gertjan, Delivery of the Goods, in The Rotterdam Rules 2008,
Commentary to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, Edited by
Alexander von Ziegler, Johan Schelin, Stefano Zunarelli, Kluwer Law
International, 2010, 187
ZIEL, Gertjan, Art. 45-47: To whom the goods must be delivered, in Les
Règles de Rotterdam: le droit des transports maritimes au XXI e siècle,
Institut Méditerranéen des Transports Maritimes-IMTM and Centre de Droit
Maritimes et des Transport-CDMT, Colloquium in Marseilles 20-21 May
2010, Annales IMTM 2010, p. 142
WILLIAMS, Richard, Transport documentation under the new Convention, in
International Maritime Law, Vol. 14, Issue 6, November-December 2008, p. 566
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annotation, Informa, 2009, p. 151 and, for a review of this article, BERLINGIERI,
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