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 Provide
Direction/Guidance to the gFSC on
key areas of synergy between the
Nutrition and Food Security Clusters
in humanitarian responses.
 Development
of Standard Operating
Procedures between the gFSC and
the GNC
What: Identification of present
coordination field practices between the
Food Security and Nutrition Clusters.
 Identify synergies and complementarities
 Identify gaps and limitations
 Identify Best Practices
How: Field Survey:
 Develop, analyze, write-up and disseminate findings
 Joint
Guidance Note with:
◦ Synergies
◦ Complementarities
◦ Gaps
◦ Lessons learned
Greater understanding of complementarities
between Food Security & Nutrition Clusters at
global & field level through survey.
Feedback received from field-level Cluster
Coordinators .
Better understanding of how to address
coordination gaps between both clusters.
Stronger communication network between
global-level FSC & GNC partners.
The objective of the survey was to evaluate the
adequacy of coordination between the Nutrition
and Food Security Clusters.
The survey was sent to nutrition cluster
coordinators and food security coordinators (27
The survey looked at the priority operational
areas where coordination is important and the
challenges faced at the field level.
Of those who responded:
 88.9% rated coordination as very important;
 84.2% rated coordination on information
sharing as very important;
 79.2% rated coordination on assessments as very
 and 75% rated response planning coordination
as very important.
Need for guidance that is simple, practical, and
concrete on how to more effectively work together
Guidance and support at the global level to country
clusters on improving coordination in certain program
areas (Assessments)
There are challenges relating to mandates and
understanding of roles at field level
 Personalities challenges in coordination and
information sharing
Letter on Mandates, Roles & Responsibilities: clearly defined,
agreed upon, and shared with cluster coordinators and partners
(at country as well as HQ level)
◦ First draft by end of November. Final letter to field by end of year.
Communication emphasizing working principles and linkages
btw. FSC & GNC, signed by Global Nutrition & Food Security
Coordinators and addressed to:
◦ Field Coordinators of both clusters
◦ Field-level Co-lead Agencies
Joint Guidance Note with:
◦ Concrete examples on how FS and nutrition coordination looks like
◦ Compilation of coordination best practices after consultation with field
Creation of an Online Discussion group either
via email or via the gFSC website where FS and
Nutrition practitioners can ask questions, share
information, solve problems
Joint Trainings for the cluster coordinators
Joint Missions