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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
UDC: 330.322/341.1:334.7 INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISES, SYSTEM ASPECTS A. Zorgach, assistant Abstract. In today's market economy, the degree of social development is derived from production and use of intellectual goods. A fast paced progressive development over last decades, change organizational and economic conditions for functioning of all sectors of industrial activity. Agroindustrial production transformation to next level requires research of innovation and investment, as a system. Innovation, investment, foundations, activities, system, farmers . Introduction. In many researches of local and foreign scientists, the problems of innovation and investment activities are studies, for example in the researches of Hudzynskoho O.D., Kuznetsov A.J., Fedorenko V., Blank I.A., Glazyev S.Y. Fundamental researche of scientists dedicated to the development of principles and management methodology development. But the formation of innovation and investment in farms require more detailed study, as a system. Method. Localization of scientists in one place increases the concentration ofs scientific ideas and options for proceeding in an alternate world. Attracting businesses and local government to set up innovative investment structures increase success on a market. Formation of innovation and investment, and the definition of a framework for the development is quite important object of study. Purpose of the study. The development of science and technology is a determining factor in a progress of society and is a welfare factor of its members, their spiritual and intellectual growth. This is due to the need for priority public support of science as a source of economic growth and an integral part of national culture and education, the creation of conditions for realization of the intellectual potential of citizens in the area of scientific and technological activities of a policy to ensure the achievements of national and international science and technology to meet the social, economic, cultural and other needs [ 6]. 1 There are several systematic patterns of innovation and investment : innovation centre , innovation business incubator , technopark , agrotehnopark , technopolises , leasing centers , cooperatives , holding companies , agricultural holdings . The main objective of the innovation center support existing and new innovative enterprises and consulting information and analytical and organizational services. Innovation Center Association of enterprises and organizations united in order to achieve high business results through the use of scientific and technological developments and inventions . [8] An indication of the innovative business incubator is a creation of conditions for the development and implementation of innovation in small and medium enterprises [7 ]. You can select the following favorable conditions for innovation development of the business expertise, innovation financing , advisory services , technological support of a business formation . A primary goal is to provide lower than market prices and rental services. This organizational structure provides offices premises equipment, machinery , information and communications services on favorable terms. There are non-profit (municipal ), profit (commercial ) Educational incubators . Technopark ( Technology Park ) - a legal entity or group of entities that operate under the joint venture agreement without creation of a legal entity or association without joint deposits to create an organizational basis for project implementation process of industrial parks, with implementation of high development, high technology and software industrial production of globally competitive products [ 3]. It is compact research and technology complex, the operation of which is based on the commercialization of research and technical activity , which main task is introduction of scientific and technological development and integration of the various stages of the innovation process. According agrotehnopark characterized by the association of innovative projects in the agro-industrial sector : conducting research in animal , plant breeding, using modern scientific developments in harvesting forage base and other processes of agricultural production. The main goal is to create conditions for the introduction of 2 modern scientific ideas , technologies and management techniques. Improving quality of production, and improving the nutritional value of products. Support for medium and small agricultural companies to further reduction of production costs . [8] Technopolis is specially designed scientific -industrial complex, which includes businesses and organizations covered by the full innovation cycle that contributes to the necessary infrastructure to provide services in marketing, finance, patent protection and marketing of innovative products. Enhancing international cooperation research and development programs (research and technical activity) and innovation [8 ]. Leasing centers are defined as an entity that transfers possession rights of no leased object with individual characteristics and identified in accordance with the laws of capital assets, a person or entity (the lessee ) in accordance with the lease agreement (other ways of financing economic activity ) more profitable a bank loan. Leasing is defined as a long-term rent of machinery, equipment technological licenses, "know how", software etc. Leasing in a competitive environment makes possible for small, medium and large businesses , which are in dire financial position to survive [2 ]. Cooperatives - a legal entity created by physical or legal subjects, which have voluntarily joined together on the basis of membership to conduct joint economic and other activities in order to meet their economic , social and other needs on the basis of self-management [1]. There are production and service cooperatives ( at the same time clients and owners) cooperative serves its owners as a non-profit organization. Service cooperative is a nonprofit organization which serving owners and members of the cooperative based on support and economic cooperation. This provides a high level of technical and technological support in the stages of production, processing and marketing of crop production, livestock, forestry, fisheries. Holdings is a public company which owns use and dispose corporate shares of two or more corporate enterprises . The following types of holdings : portfolio , investment , mixed portfolio-investment , financial and economic management, with a risk reduction of investment and mutual deliveries, transaction cost savings , growth opportunities for financial and tax maneuvering and others [ 4]. 3 Holding companies improve the functional interaction of different enterprise according to the type of it including direct merging and loss of independence. As part of the holding economic problems are solved which could be beyond the power of any given single business: the development and creation of complex technical issues , the development of high technology , obtaining substantial loans for certain programs , the creation of new production facilities and others. Agroholding term often used, although there is no legal definition in the Commercial Code of Ukraine. In the scientific literature , this interpretation of agroholding - a business structure which is based on a top management, that manages and monitors packetsof authorized agricultural, processing , sales and service organizations. It has a complex system of vertical hierarchies and business management. An indication is that agroholding lease land in several parts of a country. They could be classified by the following types: specialized, no specialized and portfolio. The main goal is mutual beneficial economic cooperation with land used for agricultural production. Investment attraction guaranteed by production scale and relevant product range. Invested capital enable the introduction of new production technologies, innovative means of production [8 ]. Venture capital funds - a structure responsible for investing equity capital in promising companies with significant growth potential , and participation in the management of these companies. Venture funds attract cash investors in innovative enterprises , research institutions, technology parks , science parks , business incubators , ahrotehnoparkiv [5 ]. Clusters-association interrelated and complementary businesses, organizations , institutions, and connected with them by geographic and functional features of government, academia , and various infrastructure components , working in a particular area for a specific purpose . The mission is to enhance the functioning of clusters connections between different areas of activity which provide conditions for its development as an integrated system and strengthen competitive advantage in domestic and foreign markets, on the basis of evidence-based and implemented technological solutions [3 ]. 4 The structure of innovation and investment activities provide innovative projects development and support innovations on all stages of the production process as well as the final stage of implementation of new products. Mutual different businesses inside organizations reduce costs of the production process and integrates innovative developments in the market environment . Results. Public financing of major projects such as scientific and technological parks, technopolises unfortunately not possible in full scale, but the State provides innovative investment climate and legal base of foundation activity unions, by the following methods: taxation advantage, simplification of patenting process, rent incentive, creation of favorable environment for international investors and support of local developments internationally, and so on. These issues require further complex study. REFERENCE LIST 1. Vedomosti Verkhovna Radaof Ukraine (VVR ), 2004 , N 5, Ar. 35 The Law of Ukraine "On Cooperation " 2. VVR, 2004 , N 15, pg. 231 . The Law of Ukraine "On licensing " 3. VVR, 2006 , N 22, pg. 182 . The Law of Ukraine "On Special Regime Innovation of technology parks " ( 4. VVR, 2006 , N 34, pg. 291 . 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