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Part 3
Developing the New Venture Business Plan
The Harvest Plan
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PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook
The University of West Alabama
Looking AHEAD
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of having a harvest, or exit,
2. Describe the options available for harvesting.
3. Explain the issues in valuing a firm that is being
harvested and deciding on the method of payment.
4. Provide advice on developing an effective harvest
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The Importance of the Exit
• Harvesting (or Exiting)
The process used by entrepreneurs and investors to
reap the value of a business when they get out of it.
The process involves:
 Capturing
value (cash value)
 Reducing
 Creating
future options
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Methods for Harvesting a Business
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Selling the Firm: Buyers’ Reasons for
Purchasing a Firm
• Sales to Strategic Buyers
A purchase in which the value of the business is
based on both the firm’s stand-alone characteristics
and synergies that the buyer thinks can be created by
the strategic fit of the firm and a potential buyer.
• Sales to Financial Buyers
A purchase in which the value of the business is
based on the stand-alone cash generating potential of
the firm being acquired.
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Financial Acquisitions
Types of
Buyouts (LBOs)
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Selling the Firm: Buyers’ Reasons for
Purchasing a Firm (cont’d)
• Sales to Employees
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
method by which a firm is sold either in part or in
total to its employees.
– Employees retirement contributions are used to purchase
shares in the firm.
– Frequently is the exit method of last resort.
– Motivates the employee-owners
to perform.
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Leveraged ESOP Buyout Process
1. Employer firm
guarantees payment
of loan.
5. Employer firm
makes annual
contribution for
employee stock
3. Cash from loan
is used to buy
owner’s stock.
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2. ESOP trust
borrows money
from lender.
6. ESOP trust
makes payment
on loan.
4. Stock is sent to
ESOP trust for
benefit of employees.
Releasing the Firm’s Cash Flows
• Harvesting by Withdrawing Firm’s Cash
 Retain
control of firm while harvesting investment.
 No
need to seek a buyer or incur expenses
associated with sale of business
 Loss
 Tax
of development potential and opportunities
disadvantages of cash withdrawal
 Requires
patience to siphon off cash slowly
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Harvesting: Going Public
• Initial Public Offering (IPO)
 Benefits of the sale of shares of stock to the public:
1. Signals to investors that a firm is a quality
business and will likely perform well in the future.
2. Provides access to more investors when the firm
needs to raise capital to grow the business.
3. Helps create ongoing interest in the company
and its continued development.
4. Makes firm’s stock more attractive as incentive
pay to key personnel.
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Going Public: The IPO Process
1. The firm’s owners decide to go public.
2. If not already completed, an audit of the last three years financial
statements is conducted.
3. An investment banker is selected to guide the IPO process.
4. An S-1 registration is drafted.
5. Management responds to suggested comments by the SEC, and
issues a Red Herring/Prospectus.
6. Firm goes “on the road” explaining its attributes to investors.
7. On the day before the public offering, an offering price is decided
8. Offering the stock to the public and seeing how it is received.
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Harvesting: Using Private Equity
• Private Equity (Capital)
Money provided by venture capitalists or private
• Factors in the Transfer of Family-Owned Firms
Liquidity for exiting family members
Continued financing for company growth
Maintenance of family control of the firm
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Private Equity Financing
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Firm Valuation and the Harvest
• The Harvest Value
Opportunity cost of funds
 The
rate of return that could be earned on another
investment of similar risk
• Harvest Value/Market Comparable Valuation
Establishing the value of a privately held company
based on the value of a similar or comparable publicly
traded company.
Multiple of earnings method is frequently used.
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Harvesting: The Method of Payment
• Payment Alternatives
 Immediate
and stable in value
 Tax liability consequences
 Immediate but uncontrollable
in value
 Potential problems with
disposal of stock
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Developing an Effective Harvest Plan
• Manage for the Harvest
Manage for the long-term.
Avoid playing the harvest game.
• Expect Conflict—Emotional and Cultural
Strains of selling own business
Personal ties to the business after sale
• Get Good Advice
Advisors with harvest transaction experience
Other entrepreneurs who have sold their firms
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Developing an Effective Harvest Plan
• Understand What Motivates You
 Motives for exiting:
 Money
 Independence
 Health
of the company
 Your management team
 An heir apparent taking over
 Personal identity and the
business itself
 Avoid “seller’s remorse”
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What’s Next
• Whatever you decide to do, do it with passion
and let your life bless others in the process.
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harvesting (exiting)
leveraged buyout (LBO)
bust-up LBO
build-up LBO
management buyout (MBO)
employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
leveraged ESOP
initial public offering (IPO)
private equity
opportunity cost of funds
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