Download U.S. HistoryMr. Green Unit 3 Study Guide Jefferson, War of 1812

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U.S. History
Mr. Green
Unit 3 Study Guide
Jefferson, War of 1812, Jackson and Manifest Destiny
CH 7-10
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
William Henry Harrison
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
John Marshall
Francis Cabot Lowell
Samuel Slater
Noah Webster
Eli Whitney
2nd Great Awakening
Cotton Gin
Marbury v. Madison
Treaty of San Ildefonso
Louisiana Purchase
Essex Junto
Market Revolution
Tariff of 1816
Erie Canal
Election of 1816
Seminole Wars
Adams-Onis Treaty
Panic of 1819
Missouri Compromise
The Monroe Doctrine
The Corrupt Bargain
Tariff of Abominations 1828
Election of 1828
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Berlin Decree
Orders in Council
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
Embargo Act 1807
Non-Intercourse Act
Macon’s Bill #2
War Hawks
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of Baltimore
Battle of Bladensburg and the Burning of the
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Nullification Crisis
Compromise Tariff 1833
Force Bill
Panic of 1837
Trail of Tears
“Five Civilized Tribes”
Manifest Destiny
How did the Cotton Gin lead to an increase in slavery?
What was ironic about Jefferson using a loose interpretation of the constitution to justify the Louisiana
Events that led to the War of 1812
Impact of the War of 1812
U.S. History
Mr. Green
Reason for Protective Tariffs
What led to an increase in Westward Expansion after the War of 1812?
Court cases that led to an increase in Federal Power at the expense of the states and strengthening the
economy under Chief Justice John Marshal.
What led to the death of the Federalist party?
The debate over State sovereignty v. Federal sovereignty and how it played out.
Causes and Effects of “Indian Removal”/Trail of Tears
The period after the War of 1812 is commonly referred to as the “Era of Good Feelings.” Support,
modify, or refute this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify your answer.
The Jacksonian Period (1824-1848) has been celebrated as the era of the “common man.” To what
extent did the period live up to its characterization? Consider TWO of the following in your response:
Economic Development, Politics, Reform Movements.
Analyze the impact of the market revolution (1815-1860) on the economies of two of the following
regions: Northeast, Midwest, South.
Compare and contrast the Democratic Party and the Whig Party of the 1830s and 1840s. Focus on two
of the following: the role of federal government in the economy, social reform, westward expansion.