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(The effect of Electronic Publication of
information on the efficiency of Saudi
stock market)
Prepared by
Noora Almusailem 200700066
Sec: 203
 This research is to examine the effect of the
electronic publication of information on the
efficiency of the Saudi stock market , as one
of the most important advantages of efficient
markets, is to provide information to all
users, allowing equal opportunity to compete
and equitable access to information for all of
Statement of Problem
 The research problem is to study
the effect of publishing the
electronic information and
electronic dealing in Saudi stock
market(TADAWUL) in 2003, on
the market’s performance, and
Motivation of Research
 The importance of research as it will
examine the benefits of the huge amounts
that spent on electronic publishing
programs as to provide information for
users, and the effect on Saudi stock market
efficiency , and in order to reach
information equally and fairly to all users.
Research Hypothesis
 The research suppose the followings :
 Hypothesis : There is a positive effect
of electronic publishing on the
efficiency of the Saudi Stock Market.
 Null Hypothesis : There is a negative
effect of electronic publishing on the
efficiency of the Saudi Stock Market.
Research Methodology
 Methodology in this research followed the
quantitative approach of methodology , as the
research implemented a comparative
analysis between the performance of the
stock market before publishing electronic
information (before year 2003) , and the
performance of stocks after the publishing in
Saudi Stock Market( from 2003 since 2012) .
Data Analysis Method
 The data which collected was analyzed in
a comparative way between the period
before 2003 , and after 2003 , as to
examine the effect of electronic
information publishing and electronic deal
on the performance of the Saudi stock
Summary of Findings
 Based on the literature review and the
practical study , the research founded that
Saudi stock market was been more
efficient and less risky as a result of
electronic publication of information and
data about the stocks movements , prices,
and values .
Research Conclusion
 Throughout the study analysis , the
study accept the hypothesis of research
that there is a positive effect of
electronic publishing on the efficiency
of the Saudi Stock Market. While the
research reject the null hypothesis .
Research Conclusion
The study conclude the followings
regarding the effect of information
publication on the Saudi stock market :
 Electronic Information was increased
the efficiency of Saudi stock market in
the shape of display these information ,
and the features of these information.
Research Conclusion
 Information is a good indicator for
efficiency of capital markets , it
determine the strength and weakness of
each market, for that it should appear in
a clear, sufficient, and quick as to help
investors in investing Saudi stock
 Saudi stock market deal was
increased after entering
electronic information, and the
values of deal also increased .
 Recommendation for this study is
 information should appear in the
high level of quality and
transparency, as investors builds
their decisions and future on that
 Another recommendation regarding
companies that listed in the Saudi stock
market should contribute in publishing
the information and data about their
events, news, and all other information ,
whether they can put it in their websites
or publish it on Tadawul website .
At End
Thanks To All..