Download adaptations – ways living things change over generations so the

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Interdependence: How Plants and Animals Interact with and Adapt to their Environments
Science Vocabulary
*behavior – how an animal interacts with its environment; its actions
*instinct –behavior an animal inherits; can do it without learning it
*learning- a change in behavior as a result of experience
*habit- a behavior learned through practice
*adaptations – ways living things change over generations so the species will survive
*migration – when a community of animals moves to another region,
usually due to a change of seasons
*hibernation – deep sleep, when body functions slow down to almost stopping
*environment – all living and non-living things around an organism
*habitat – the natural home or environment of a plant, animal, or other organism
*endangered species- species that are close to becoming extinct
*extinct species- plant or animals species that has no living members
*characteristics- traits present in an organism
(including such things as behavior and appearance)
*inherited trait- characteristics received from parents
*life cycle – the series of changes in the life of an individual
from reproduction through death
*dormant-when physical functions of an animal are slowed down
as if in a deep sleep
Interdependence : How Plants and Animals Interact with and Adapt to their Environments
Read chapter 1 to help answer the questions. ( Use another page if needed.)
1. What is the difference between inherited characteristics and learned behavior?
Name 3 examples of each.
Inherited characteristics
learned characteristics
Example 1
Example 1
Example 2
Example 2
Example 3
Example 3
2. Compare the life cycle of a hyacinth with the life cycle of a pine tree.
3. Compare and contrast the needs of a live Oak and an American Alligator.
4. Why does the monarch butterfly migrate?
5. Why would a frog need to hibernate?
6. How do adaptations of animals or plants enable them to survive in different environments?
Tell how an aloe plant’s thick leaves help it survive.
Tell how a mouse’s sense of smell helps it survive in the forest.
7. List 3 adaptations that protect adult insects from the cold.
8. How does an animal’s environment change from season to season?
Use an example to explain.
In winter ____________________________________________________
then in spring_________________________________________________
later in summer ________________________________________________
9. How does a changing environment affect the characteristics of plants and animals?
10.How can a new species affect the balance of an ecosystem?
11.How can humans affect the extinction of a species?