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Unit 1 – Geometry Basics
Math II - Task Checklist
Undefined terms
 Draw, name, label, and identify: point, line, segment, plane, ray, angle
 Apply the correct notation for figure names
 Classify figures as collinear, non-collinear, coplanar, non-coplanar, parallel, intersecting,
“on”, “through”, skew, etc.
 Apply the properties of figures and measurement of segments and angles
Algebraic proofs and properties
 Solve multi-step equations by showing all steps
 Check answers algebraically and graphically
 Apply and identify properties of equality (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
distributive, symmetric, transitive, substitution, etc.)
 Write the steps to solving an equation as a two-column proof
Parallel lines
 Understand similarities and differences of parallel and skew lines
 Classify special angle pairs (alternate interior, alternate exterior, consecutive interior,
corresponding, linear pair, vertical angles)
 Know and apply the relationship between special angle pairs and parallel lines to set up
equations to solve for variables and angles (i.e. congruent, supplementary, etc.)
 Know and apply the relationship between segment lengths associated with multiple parallel
lines through the same transversal
 Know and apply the midpoint formula
 Find the midpoint of a segment given the endpoints
 Find a missing endpoint given the midpoint and one endpoint
 Result should be an ordered pair in the form of (x, y)
 Know and apply the distance formula
 Find the distance between two points
 Exact = as a radical, reduced if possible
 Approximate = as a rounded decimal
Partition a directed line segment
 Identify the beginning and endpoints of a directed line segment
 Calculate the needed ratio (i.e. 2:3 has 5 parts (2+3), so the ratio would be ⅖ of the whole)
 Calculate the x-distance and y-distance and multiply by the ratio to find new measurement
Segment Addition
 Draw and label an appropriate diagram
 Create and solve an equation to represent the segment addition relationship
 Substitute values to find all individual segment lengths
Angle Addition
 Draw and label an appropriate diagram
 Create and solve an equation to represent the angle addition relationship
 Substitute values to find all individual angle measures