Download You are to invent a new Greek god or goddess

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Greek god / goddess Project
Directions: You are to invent a NEW Greek god or goddess, similar to the Greek gods on Mt.
Olympus, but NOT JUST a variation of an ancient Greek one.
I am ______________________________________, the god / goddess of
(your god’s name)
elements your god/goddess control)
I am son or daughter of which other gods or mortals? ______________________________ &
My special powers include:
My magical weapon or possession is
I live and rule the kingdom of
The mortal I guide and support
I am trying to help this mortal accomplish what
The god / goddess I most often fight with is
The mortal I most often fight with is
The story most often told about is the one where I
Greek god / goddess Project
Here is a reminder to help you when choosing parents. Make sure that your new god
or goddess inherits some of their parent’s godly powers!
First Generation:
Zeus, King of the Gods, Ruler of Heaven. God of Thunder, Lightning, the Sky,
Hera, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Women, Marriage and Plenty
Poseidon, God of the Ocean and Earthquakes
Demeter. Goddess of Fertility, Agriculture, Nature and Seasons
Hades. God and Ruler of the Underworld, and riches
Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, Home and Fire
Second Generation
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty
Apollo, God of Music, Healing and Prophecy, also identified with the Sun
Ares, God of War and Warriors
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, the Wild, and Chasteness, also identified with
the Moon
Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Crafts and Warriors
Hebe, Goddess of Youth, also Cupbearer of Ambrosia and Nectar
Hephaestus, God of Blacksmiths, the Forge, and Fire
Hermes, The Messenger of the Gods, God of Commerce, Thieves and Trade
Dionysus, God of Wine, the Vine and Merriment
Greek god / goddess Project
Task 1: Fill in the attached “Profile Sheet” (page 1)
Task 2: Present your god or goddess to the class by reading off your profile sheet and
telling your anecdote. You must also
include a visual aid
during your presentation (a hand-drawn picture, a costume, a magical
Task 3: After all the gods have been presented, you must form an alliance with at least
five (and no more than twelve) other gods
to form a god tribe. You must meet together and name your god tribe.
Task 4: You must write a one page (double-spaced) story about your god having a
conflict with another god in your god tribe
concerning a mortal (either yours or another in your god tribe).
I am Athena, daughter of Zeus, goddess of Wisdom and Heroes. Although I live on Mt.
Olympus, I am patron saint of Athens, Greece and Mentor to Odysseus and his son Telemachus. I
compete with Poseidon, my Uncle, over the city of Athens and the King of Ithaca, Odysseus. I have
also fought with my father Zeus and sister Aphrodite over the Trojan War. Of course, I supported
Odysseus and the Greeks, while they favored the Trojans. I usually travel with an Owl, a symbol of
wisdom, and an olive branch, the symbol of peace. Because I am Zeus’ favorite child, I am permitted to
use his thunderbolt. I permit man to use the bridle to tame horses, to use the ship to travel on the seas,
to use the chariot in travel, and to use the trumpet and flute to play music.
Both Poseidon and I wanted to be patron deity of Athens. To prove my worthiness for the
honor, I caused an olive tree to spring up on the citadel of Athens, the Acropolis. Poseidon sought to
outdo me by striking the ground with his trident and causing a spring of water to gush forth. But as he
was god of the sea, the water was salty. My gift to the Athenians was considered to be more useful, so I
became the city's patron deity.
Score Sheet:
Profile Sheet:
Visual Aid
___________ (10 points)
___________ (25 points)
___________ (5 points)
___________ (30 points)
___________ (70 points) GRADE ____________