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World History
Chapter 4 Notes
Ms. Litza
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Chapter 4: Ancient Greece—Notes
Section 1: The First Greek Civilizations
The Impact of Geography
o Greece consists of a mountainous _______________________________ and numerous islands.
o The ____________________________ and the _____________ were the most important
geographical influences on Greece.
 The many mountain ranges caused small, independent communities to develop
__________________________________ ways of life.
o Their size and ____________________________________ probably encouraged political
participation within, and war among, the different communities.
o Greece has many _______________, inlets, and islands.
o The Greeks became ___________________________________.
o They sailed into the Aegean, the Black, and the Mediterranean Seas, making contact with the
outside world and setting up _______________________ and trade throughout the
Mediterranean area.
The Minoan Civilization
o By 2800 B.C., a __________________________ civilization called the Minoan civilization was
established on Crete.
o It was named after the legendary king of Crete, ______________, by the British archaeologist
Arthur Evans, who discovered the ruins on Crete.
o The Minoan civilization flourished between 2700 and 1450 B.C.
o Evans discovered the remains of a rich trading culture based on seafaring at the city of
o The Minoans sailed to southern Greece and _______________________ for trade.
o The elaborate palace at Knossos contained many brightly colored living rooms, workshops for
making vases, ivory figurines, and _________________________, and bathrooms with drains.
 Giant jars for oil, wine, and grain held the taxes paid to the king.
o The Minoan civilization on ___________________ suffered a catastrophe around 1450 B.C.
o Some historians believe that a tidal wave caused by a ___________________________
eruption on the island of Thera was the cause.
o Others believe the civilization was destroyed by an ______________________________ of
mainland Greeks known as the Mycenaeans.
The First Greek State: Mycenae
o The term Mycenaean comes from ___________________________, a fortified site in Greece
first discovered by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann.
o The Mycenaean civilization thrived between 1600 and 1100 B.C., reaching its height between
1400 and 1200 B.C.
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o It was made up of an alliance of powerful ___________________________, each living in a
fortified center within large stone walls.
 The rest of the population lived _____________________________ these walls.
o One interesting architectural feature is the large beehive-shaped _________________ tombs,
where the royal family was buried.
o The Mycenaeans had a ____________________ culture.
 Their murals show the typical occupations of a warrior aristocracy–hunting and fighting.
o They also developed an extensive commercial network.
o Their __________________________ has been found throughout the Mediterranean area.
o They conquered some of the Greek islands, perhaps even Crete.
o The most famous of their supposed military adventures comes to us in the poetry of
 According to Homer, the Mycenaeans sacked the city of _______________, on the
northwestern coast of modern Turkey, around 1250 B.C.
 _______________________________________, king of Mycenae, led them.
 Ever since Schliemann’s excavation of Troy, some people have believed Homer’s
account is based in fact, but no one is certain.
o The Mycenaean states began to war on each other, and ________________________ damaged
their civilization.
o It collapsed by 1100 B.C. after new waves of ______________________________ moved into
Greece from the north.
The Greeks in a Dark Age
o The period from 1100 to 750 B.C. in Greece is called the __________________________
because few records of that period exist.
o Both population and _____________________ production fell.
o Around 850 B.C., farming revived and the basis of a new Greek
____________________________ began to be formed.
o During the Dark Age, many Greeks __________________________ to the west coast of modern
Turkey to Ionia.
o The Aeolians settled in ________________________________ Greece and colonized Lesbos;
the Dorians established themselves in the Peloponnesus and southern Greek islands.
o ________________ replaced bronze during the Dark Age, improving weaponry and farming.
o During the eighth century B.C., the Greeks adopted the ____________________________
alphabet, which made reading and writing simpler.
o The works of Homer, one of the world’s great poets, appeared near the end of the Dark Age.
 Homer’s two great ___________________ poems were the Iliad and the Odyssey.
 An epic poem is a long ___________________ that tells of a great hero’s deeds.
 Homer’s epic poems were based on stories passed down for generations.
 The ________________ takes place during the Trojan War.
 Paris, a Trojan prince, kidnaps Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta.
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o The Mycenaean Greeks lay siege to Troy for ten years, finally taking the
city with the famous Trojan horse.
o The Iliad, however, is more a tale about the destruction caused by the
anger of the Greek hero Achilles.
The ______________________ tells of the Greek hero Odysseus’ ten-year return to his
home and family.
 Both of Homer’s poems gave the Greeks an ideal past and a set of ___________.
 The values in them were used to educate Greek males for generations.
Fathers even had their sons memorize all of Homer to learn how to act well and be
virtuous ______________.
The basic Homeric values were ____________________ and ____________________.
 The Greek hero struggled for excellence, or___________, which is won in a
struggle or contest.
 Through fighting and protecting _____________________ and
_____________________, the man preserves his and his family’s honor.
 He also wins an honorable reputation, the sign of arete.
Section 2: The Greek City-States
The Polis: Center of Greek Life
o By 750 B.C., the ________________ (city-state) became the central focus of Greek life. (Our
word politics comes from the word polis.)
o It was a town, city, or village serving as a center where people met for political,
____________________________, social, and religious activities.
o The main gathering place was usually on a hill, topped with a fortified area called the
 This was a refuge and sometimes a place for ____________________________ or other
public buildings.
 Below was the ___________________________, an open area for people to assemble
and for a market.
o ___________________________________ varied in size. Most were between a few hundred
and several thousand people.
o By contrast, Athens’ population exceeded ________ hundred thousand by the fifth century B.C.
o Most of all, the polis was a community of people who shared an identity and goals.
o There were _________________ classes: citizens with political rights (adult males), citizens
without political rights (women and children), and noncitizens (slaves and resident aliens).
 Responsibilities accompanied rights.
o As the Greek philosopher Aristotle stated, “We must regard every citizen as belonging to the
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This ________________________, however, made the city-states fiercely patriotic and
distrustful of one another.
o The city-states’ independence and warring helped bring Greece to _________________.
o A new ______________________ system based on hoplites developed by 700 B.C.
 _________________________ were infantry who carried a shield, sword, and spear.
 They fought shoulder to shoulder in a formation called a ________________________.
 This close formation made the hoplites a powerful force.
Greek Colonies
o Between 750 and 550 B.C., many Greeks settled distant lands.
o The growth of ____________________ and wanting good farmland were two motives.
o Each colony became a new ________________________ and spread Greek culture and ideas.
o Colonies were founded in Italy, France, Spain, and northern Africa.
o The Greeks also settled along the shores of the Black Sea, setting up cities on the Hellespont
and Bosporus.
o The most notable was __________________________________, which later became
Constantinople and then Istanbul.
o Increased _________________ and _____________________________ in such exports as
pottery, wine, and olive oil and such imports as lumber, grain, and slaves created a new wealthy
class of merchants who wanted political power.
o They found it hard to get because of the ruling ________________________________.
Tyranny in the City-States
o The creation of this new wealthy class led to the rise of ________________________ in the
Greek city- states.
 They were not necessarily _____________________________ rulers.
o In this sense, the word tyrant simply refers to a leader who seized power by
________________from the ruling aristocrats.
 Because the aristocrats oppressed them, the peasants supported the ______________.
o Tyrants seized and kept power by using hired _________________________.
 They built new ________________ and ____________________, which glorified their
cities and made them popular.
o By the end of the sixth century B.C., however, tyrants had fallen out of favor.
 Their rule contradicted the rule of law that was a Greek ideal.
o The end of tyranny allowed new classes to participate in _______________________________.
 Some city-states became _______________________________, ruled by the many.
 Others became ______________________________________, ruled by the few.
 _____________________ and _____________________________ show the differences
between these two kinds of government.
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o Like many Greek city-states, ______________________ needed more land.
o It gained land through _____________________ of the neighboring Laconians and Messenians.
 These peoples became _______________ who worked for the Spartans.
 They were called _____________________, from the Greek for “capture.”
 To maintain power over the helots, Sparta created a military state.
o Between 800 and 600 B.C., the lives of the Spartans were rigidly controlled and
o Boys learned military discipline, entered the military at _____, and lived in the barracks until
 They ate all meals in ____________________ dining halls.
 They ate a foul broth of pork boiled in animal blood, vinegar, and salt.
o Spartans could marry at 20 and vote in the assembly at 30. They stayed in the army until _____.
o Spartan women lived at ___________ while their husbands lived in the __________________.
 Thus, they had more freedom of movement and greater power than women in other
Greek city-states.
 They were expected to remain ______ to bear and raise healthy _________________.
 They expected their husbands and sons to be ___________ in battle, to win or be killed.
o Two kings who led the Spartan army headed the Spartan ___________________________.
 Five men known as _________________________ were responsible for the youths’
education and the citizens’ conduct.
 A council of two kings and _____ men over 60 years of age decided on the issues the
assembly would vote on.
 The assembly did not ____________________________, but only voted.
o Sparta closed itself off from the ________________________________ world.
 Travelers and travel were __________________________, except for military reasons.
 Spartans frowned upon _________________ ideas and the arts.
o Only the art of ______________mattered.
o A king ruled early Athens.
o By the seventh century B.C., however, it was ruled by an oligarchy of
_______________________ who owned the best land and controlled political life.
o By the end of the seventh century B.C., however, Athens had _________________________
economic and political troubles.
 Many Athenian farmers were sold into ______________________ for nonpayment of
their debts to aristocrats.
 Cries arose to cancel the debts and give land to the poor.
 The reformist aristocrat __________________ was appointed leader in 594 B.C. to
handle these problems.
 He _________________________ the debts but did not give land to the poor.
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Because the poor could not obtain land, internal strife continued. It led to
o Pisistratus seized power in 560 B.C.
 He helped the_______________________ and gave the poor _______________.
 Even so, the _____________________ revolted against his son and ended the tyranny in
510 B.C.
o The Athenians appointed the reformer Cleisthenes leader in 508 B.C.
 He created a new _______________________ of five hundred to propose laws and
supervise the treasury and foreign affairs.
 Under Cleisthenes, the assembly of all _____________ citizens had final authority to
pass laws after free and open debate.
 For this reason, __________________________ reforms laid the foundation for
Athenian democracy.
Classical Greece
o The Challenge of Persia
 The Greeks came into contact with the _____________________ Empire to the east.
 The Ionian Greek cities in western __________________________________ revolted
unsuccessfully against the Persians in 499 B.C.
 _______________________, the Persian ruler, sought revenge.
 In 490 B.C., the heavily outnumbered Athenians ____________________________ the
Persians at the Battle of Marathon, only 26 miles from Athens.
o After Darius died, __________________________ became the Persian king.
 He vowed ______________________, which caused the Athenians to rebuild their navy.
 By 480 B.C., the Athenian _______________ was about _____________ hundred strong.
 Xerxes invaded with a massive army: about 180,000 troops and thousands of
____________________________ and supply vessels.
 Seven thousand Greeks held them off for two days at the pass of
____________________________, until a traitor showed the Persians a mountain path
to outflank the Greeks.
o The Athenians abandoned their city.
 But near the island of Salamis, the swifter Greek ____________ outmaneuvered the
Persian ships and defeated their navy.
 A few months later, at _____________________, the Greeks formed their largest army
ever and defeated the Persians.
The Growth of the Athenian Empire and The Age of Pericles
o After the Persian defeat, Athens became the ____________________ of the Greek world.
o The Athenians formed a defensive alliance called the
____________________________________, headquartered on the island of Delos.
 Under Athenian leadership, the league ___________________ the Persians from almost
all the Greek city-states in the Aegean.
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The League’s chief officials were ____________________________, and its treasury was
moved from Delos to Athens in 454 B.C.
 By controlling the Delian League, the Athenians created an _____________________.
o Under _______________________, the prime figure in Athenian politics between 461 and 429
B.C., Athens expanded its empire.
 Democracy and _______________________ thrived at home.
 This period, now called the ___________________________________, was the height
of Athenian power and brilliance.
 Pericles turned Athens into a __________________________________________.
 The people participated in government decision making through mass meetings.
 Every male __________________ could participate in the general assembly and
vote on major issues.
o Most residents were __________ citizens, however.
 Forty-three thousand male citizens over 18 made up the assembly, but only a
few thousand attended _____________________________.
 The assembly passed all laws, elected public officials, and decided on ________
and foreign policy.
 Anyone could speak.
 Pericles made lower-class male citizens _________________________for public office,
and he paid officeholders.
 In these ways ___________________ citizens could participate in political life.
 Ten officials known as ____________________________ directed the policy of the
Athenian government.
o The Athenians developed ___________________________ to protect themselves from overly
ambitious politicians.
 If six thousand assembly members voted so, a person was __________________ from
the city for 10 years.
 Pericles used the Delian League’s treasury to _________________________ Athens
after the Persians looted and burned it.
o Athens became the __________________ of Greek culture as art, architecture, and philosophy
 Pericles boasted that Athens had become the “school of Greece.”
The Great Peloponnesian War
o The Greek world came to be __________________ between the Athenian Empire and Sparta.
o __________________ and Sparta had built very different kinds of societies, and
______________ and its allies feared the growth of the Athenian Empire.
o After a series of disputes, the Great Peloponnesian War broke out in __________ B.C.
 Athens planned to win by staying behind its _____________ and receiving supplies from
its colonies and powerful navy.
 The Spartans _____________________________ Athens and hoped the Athenian army
would come out and fight.
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o Pericles knew that the _____________________________ army would win in open battle, so
the Athenians stayed behind their walls.
o In 430 B.C., a _____________________ broke out in Athens.
 __________________ of the people were killed.
o Pericles died in 429 B.C.
o Nonetheless, the Athenians fought on for about another 25 years.
 Athens was finally ____________________ in 405 B.C. when its navy was defeated.
 Its walls were torn down, the Athenian Empire was destroyed, and the war ended.
o The Peloponnesian War weakened the Greek city-states and ___________ cooperation among
 For the next ________ years, Sparta, Athens, and Thebes struggled for domination.
 These internal struggles caused the Greeks to ignore the growing power of
____________________________, an oversight that cost the Greeks their freedom.
Daily Life in Classical Athens
o Athens had the _______________ population of any fifth-century B.C. Greek city-state, about
150,000 citizens and 35,000 foreigners before the plague of 430 B.C.
o Only ___________________ citizens had political power.
o Foreigners were ___________________________ by the laws and shared some responsibilities,
such as military service and funding of festivals.
o Athens also had about 100,000 slaves.
 Slavery was __________________ in the ancient world, and many Athenians owned at
least one slave.
 They worked in _____________________, the fields, and the household.
 State-owned slaves worked on public ___________________________ projects.
o The Athenian economy was based largely on farming and trade.
 ______________ and ___________________ were cultivated for wine and olive oil.
 Athens had to import from 50 to 80 percent of its ____________, a basic item in the
Athenian diet.
o Trade was important, therefore.
 Building its ____________ at nearby Piraievs helped Athens become the leading
_____________ it was in the fifth-century Greek world.
o Women were citizens who could participate in religious festivals but had no other
_________________ life.
 They could not own _____________________ beyond personal items, and always had a
male guardian.
 If they left the house, they had to have a _________________________.
 An Athenian woman was expected to be a good wife, bear children, and keep up the
 Girls did ______________ get a formal education and married around 14 or 15.
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Section 4: The Culture of Classical Greece
Greek Religion
o _____________________________ affected all aspects of Greek life because Greeks considered
religion ____________________________ for the well-being of the state.
o ______________________ to the gods and goddesses were the major buildings in Greek cities.
 Homer described the ____________________ of Greek religion.
 Most important were the _______________ gods and goddesses that lived on Mount
 The chief god and father of the gods was ____________; Athena was the
goddess of wisdom and crafts; ______________ was the god of the sun and
poetry; Aphrodite was the goddess of love; Zeus’s brother, _________________,
was the god of the sea.
o Greek religion did not have a body of doctrine, nor was it focused on ___________________.
 Principally, it was focused on making the deities look favorably on people.
o Hence, ____________________–ceremonies or _____________–were the most important
element of Greek religion.
o After death, the spirits of most people, good or bad, went to a gloomy
______________________ ruled by ___________________.
o Religious festivals were used to honor the gods and goddesses.
 These festivals included athletic events.
 The games at _____________________ honoring Zeus, first held in 776 B.C., are
the basis of the modern Olympic Games.
o The Greeks wanted to know the will of the gods and goddesses.
 To this end, they consulted ________________, sacred shrines where priests or
priestesses revealed the future through interpreting the will of the deities.
 The most famous oracle was at the shrine to __________________ at Delphi, on
the side of Mount Parnassus overlooking the Gulf of Corinth.
 Representatives of states and individuals traveled to this oracle.
 The responses of the priests and priestesses often could be
_________________________ in more than one way.
 For example, Croesus, king of Lydia, asked the oracle if he should go to war with
the Persians.
o The oracle replied that if he did he would destroy a great empire.
 Thinking he would destroy the Persians, Croesus went to war and
destroyed his own empire.
Greek Drama
o The Greeks, principally in Athens, created Western drama.
o Plays were presented as part of _______________________ festivals.
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o The original Greek dramas were _____________________, presented in trilogies around a
common theme.
 Only one complete trilogy survives today, the ____________________ by Aeschylus.
 It tells about the fate of Agamemnon and his family after he returned from the Trojan
 Evil acts are shown to breed evil and suffering, but in the end reason triumphs over evil.
o Another famous Athenian playwright was Sophocles, whose most famous play was
 Even though Oedipus knows an oracle has foretold he will kill his father and marry his
mother, he commits these tragic acts.
o A third important Athenian dramatist, __________________________, created more realistic
characters and showed more of an interest in real-life situations and individual psychology.
 He also questioned traditional ____________________; for example, he showed the
horrors of war and sympathized with its victims, especially women and children.
o Greek tragedies examined such universal themes as the nature of _______________ and
____________, the rights of the individual, the role of the gods in life, and the nature of human
o Greek comedy developed later, and criticized society to invoke a reaction.
 Aristophanes is the most important Greek _______________ playwright.
Greek Philosophy
o ____________________ (“love of wisdom”) refers to an organized system of rational thought.
o Early Greek philosophers were concerned with the nature of the universe explained through
unifying principles.
 For example, Pythagoras taught that the essence of the universe was found in music and
o In the fifth and fourth centuries B.C., Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle raised questions that have
been debated ever since.
 _________________________ taught many pupils but accepted no payment.
 He believed the goal of education was only to improve the individual’s ________.
 He introduced a way of teaching still used today called the
o It uses a ____________________ of question and answer to get students
to understand things for themselves.
o Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
 The belief in the individual’s power to _________________ was an important
contribution of Greek culture.
 Socrates and his pupils questioned __________________________.
o After losing the Peloponnesian War, Athenians did not trust open
o Socrates was tried and convicted of corrupting the _________________.
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He was sentenced to death and died by
___________________ was one of Socrates’ students and considered by many the
greatest Western philosopher.
 He was preoccupied with the nature of _______________________ and how we
know reality.
 According to Plato, an ideal world of _______________ is the highest reality.
o Only a mind fully trained by philosophy can grasp the nature of the
o The material objects that appear in the physical world (e.g., a particular
tree) are images or shadows of these universal Forms (e.g., treeness).
 Plato was concerned that the city-states be virtuous–just and rational.
o Only then could citizens achieve a good life.
 He explained his ideas about government in ___________________________, in
which he outlines the structure of the ideal, virtuous state.
o The ideal state has three groups–________________, motivated by
wisdom; ___________________, motivated by courage; and
__________________________, motivated by desire.
o Only when balance was instilled by the rule of a philosopher-king, who
had learned about true justice and virtue, would there be a just state.
o Then individuals could live the good life.
 Plato also believed that men and women should have the _______________
education and equal access to all positions.
 Plato established a school in Athens called the ________________________.
His most important pupil was __________________________, who studied there for 20
 Aristotle did not believe in a world of ideal Forms.
 He thought of forms, or ________________________, as part of the things of
the material world.
o We know treeness, for example, by examining individual trees.
 Aristotle was interested, therefore, in analyzing and classifying things by
_____________________ and __________________________.
o In this way we could know reality.
 He wrote on ethics, logic, politics, poetry, astronomy, geology, biology, and
 Like Plato, Aristotle was interested in the best form of
_____________________________, one that would rationally direct human
o He tried to find this form of government by
analyzing_____________________ governments.
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o He looked at the constitutions of ___________ states and found three
good forms: monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government.
 Of these, the third was the best.
o Aristotle’s ideas about government are in his Politics.
The Writing of History
o The writing of history began with ____________________ and his History of the Persian Wars.
 He understood the conflict as a war between Greek __________________ and Persian
 Herodotus traveled widely and was a great storyteller.
o Many consider ___________________________ the greatest historian of the ancient world.
 He was an Athenian general who was exiled for a ___________________.
 During this time he wrote his History of the Peloponnesian War.
 Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides explained events by human ____________________
more than by divine forces.
 He also emphasized having __________________ facts and had great insight into
human psychology and the human condition.
 He believed studying _____________________ was beneficial for understanding the
The Classical Ideals of Greek Art
o The standards of classical Greek art ___________________ most of Western art history.
o Classical Greek art was concerned with expressing ___________________ ideals that would
_______________________ civilize the emotions through the moderation, balance, and
harmony of the artwork.
o Classical Greek art’s chief subject matter was an _________________ beautiful human being.
o The most important architectural form was the ________________ dedicated to a god or
 The greatest example is the ___________________________, built between 447 and
432 B.C. and dedicated to the patron goddess of Athens, Athena.
 It showed Athens’ pride in itself and exemplified the principles of classical architecture:
calm, ____________________, and freedom from _________________________ detail.
o Greek sculpture often depicted idealized, lifelike male ____________________.
 The sculptor Polyclitus, in his book the __________________________________,
explained the ideal proportions based on mathematical ratios found in nature that he
used to create his idealized nudes.
Section 5: Alexander and the Hellenistic Kingdoms
The Threat of Macedonia and Alexander the Great
o The Greeks viewed their northern neighbors, the ___________________________________, as
barbarians because they were rural people who did not live in city-states.
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o By the end of the fifth century B.C., however, Macedonia was a powerful
o In 359 B.C., _____________________became king of Macedonia.
 He ____________________ Greek culture and wanted to unite all of Greece under
Macedonian rule.
 The Macedonian army crushed an army of Greek city-states at the Battle of
_________________________in 338 B.C.
 He insisted that the conquered Greek city- states form a league under his control and
help him conquer Persia.
 Before he could fulfill his goal, he was ____________________________.
o Alexander the Great, Philip’s son, became king of Macedonia when only 20.
 He had been educated by the great Greek philosopher _________________________.
 Alexander considered non-Greeks the ___________________ of Greeks and envisioned
a world in which mixed cultures would live together.
 To this end, he ____________________ two Persian princesses and encouraged his
generals to marry Persian princesses.
 His ___________________ had taught him military tactics and leadership.
 Alexander moved immediately to fulfill his father’s dream of conquering
 Alexander wanted _______________, empire, and ____________________ for the
Persian burning of Athens in 480 B.C.
 Alexander entered _________________________ in 334 B.C. with an army of
thirty-seven thousand Macedonians and Greeks, including five thousand cavalry.
 By 331 B.C., Alexander had conquered the Persian Empire and established the
city of _______________________________ in Egypt.
 It was and is one of the most important cities in Egypt and the Mediterranean
 Alexander was not content.
 In 326 B.C., he crossed the Indus River and entered _________________.
 Weary from many hard battles, his soldiers refused to continue on, and
Alexander _____________________ to return home.
 In 323 B.C., he died in __________________________, exhausted from wounds, fever,
and alcohol.
 Alexander’s military success was due to his ___________________ and a
_________________of military tactics.
 He modeled himself on __________________, the Greek hero of the Trojan War.
 His example _________________________ his men to follow him.
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Alexander created a new age, called the ________________________________.
 The word Hellenistic means “to imitate ____________________.”
 This era saw the ______________________ of the Greek language and ideas to
the non-Greek world of Southwest Asia and beyond.
The Hellenistic Kingdoms
o After Alexander’s ______________________, his empire fell apart as Macedonian generals vied
for power.
o There were four Hellenistic kingdoms: Macedonia,____________, Pergamum in western Asia
Minor, and _____________________.
 All were conquered later by the ____________________.
o Unlike Alexander, these Hellenistic _____________________ included only Greeks and
Macedonians in their ruling class.
o In Egypt, Alexander founded Alexandria, which became the largest city in the
__________________________________ region by the first century B.C.
o Later Hellenistic rulers also founded cities and military settlements.
 They encouraged Greek colonization in Southwest _____________.
 These cities became home to many Greek ________________________________ who
were recruits in the army, workers who contributed to the economy, and artists who
spread Greek culture.
o The Hellenistic Era saw considerable cultural _________________________, especially in
science and philosophy.
 The most important cultural center was ________________________, home to scholars
of all kinds– philosophers, scientists, and writers.
 Alexandria’s library was the _______________________ of its kind, with over five
hundred thousand scrolls.
 Founding and rebuilding cities provided opportunities for
__________________________ and _______________________________.
 The baths, theaters, and temples that characterized the Greek homeland lined the
streets of the ______________________________ cities.
 Hellenistic sculptors added ______________________ and emotion to the classical
period’s technical skill.
 Important advances in ____________________________ and astronomy were made
during the Hellenistic Age.
 Aristarchus developed the theory that the sun is the_______________________
of the universe and that the earth rotates around the sun.
 Eratosthenes determined that Earth is____________________ and nearly
calculated the correct circumference of the Earth.
 Euclid wrote a textbook on plane ____________________, the Elements, that
was used up to modern times.
World History
Chapter 4 Notes
Ms. Litza
Page 15
Archimedes was one of the most important Hellenistic ____________________.
o He established the value of ____ and did important work in the geometry
of spheres and cylinders.
o He also invented machines to repel attackers during his city’s siege and,
perhaps, the Archimedes screw, used in pumping and
o It is said that when he discovered specific _______________ while in the
bath, he jumped up and ran down the street naked shouting,
“__________________!” (“I have found it!”)
o He thought levers were so significant that reportedly he told the king of
Syracuse, “Give me a lever and a place to stand on and I will move the
o Athens remained a center for philosophy.
 It became the center of two new schools of thought, Epicureanism and
 Epicurus believed that human beings were free to follow their ____________________.
 ________________________ was the goal of life, and happiness was achieved
by pursuing pleasure, the only true good.
 ___________________________, however, was not satisfying physical appetites
but rather the freedom from anxiety that comes from a mind at rest.
 Achieving this ____________________ meant removing oneself from public life,
but not social life.
 Life could only be fulfilled when centered on virtuous _____________________.
 A teacher named Zeno founded Stoicism.
 This school of thought also emphasized achieving happiness.
 For the ________________, however, happiness was gained by living in harmony
with the will of God.
 Then life’s problems could ___________ disturb a person.
 Stoics also regarded public service as ___________________ and did not remove
themselves from public life.