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Outline for today’s class
 Relative effectiveness discussion paper
 Negotiation theory & practice
 Guest lecture on this Thursday
 How to analyze and graph data
Treaty 1 – overarching thoughts
 Good strategy: look at analysis of similar treaty in
chapters in any of the many books I have put on
reserve in the library for the course. Imitate that
 Polar bears: use 1973 treaty and research question is
WHICH countries were influenced – some were and
some weren’t and want to use evidence to make
convincing claim about which.
Discussion paper Thurs, next week
Relative Effectiveness
 Fully described in assignment packet
 Goals of exercise
 Compare problem effect/effectiveness in light of
differences in problem structure – a REALLY hard thing
to think about
 Practice THINKING about graphing
 Practice GRAPHING
 Lay foundation for Treaty Assignment 2
Negotiation Theory
 Sprinz and Vaahtoranta
 Positions states take in negotiations (the DV) are
determined by two IVs: the costs states face to take action
to protect the environment (abatement costs) and the
benefits they receive if the environment is protected
(ecological vulnerability)
 Betsill and Corell show:
 Need to clarify research question – WHAT is influence?
 Evidence of NGO influence
 Use of process tracing AND counterfactuals
 Building on work of prior others
Questions in a negotiation
 Who to involve – which states, which non-states
 What to discuss and how to discuss it (framing)
 How ambitious to be
 Means of implementation
 Response to compliance and noncompliance
 Different general strategies of negotiation process
Why States Take Positions They Do
in Int’l Negotiations
Ecological Vulnerability
Sprinz and Vaahtoranta, 1994.
–Start at minute 19:10
Variation in negotiation practice
 Agreements reached or not
 No forest agreement; no nitrogen-fixing agreement
 Many agreements in other issue areas
Marine pollution: 11 treaties, 4 protocols, 74 amendments
Whaling – annual amendments since 1946
LRTAP: 8 protocols; Montreal: 17 amendments/adjusts
Desertification: no additional agreements
 Strength of agreements
 Montreal vs. climate
 Timing of agreements: why in 19xx vs. earlier/later?
 Approach to agreements: fisheries v. regional v. global
Why do negotiations succeed?
 Type of problem
 Structural and contextual factors
 Concern about the issue and costs
 Scientific influence
 Actors involved
 Institutional design factors
How do choices about what’s in
climate change agreement affect
whether there is one?
 Choice #1: Single or comprehensive - is linkage across
issues good or bad?
 Choice #2: Few actors or universal
 Choice #3: Fixed targets or renegotiable
 Choice #4: Binding treaty (hard law) or informal
guidelines (soft law)
 Choice #5: World Environmental Organization