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Support for Arms Control and the S.A.L.T. II Treaty
Executive Council Minutes, Apr. 19-20, 1979, Greenwich, CT, p.
Church in Society (report 3)
Whereas, The President of the United States is near the conclusion of negotiations with the government of
Russia on the nuclear armaments treaty to be known as "S.A.L.T. II" (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II);
Whereas, The ratification of such a treaty is beneficial to the people of the world and of this nation in that
it will remove certain categories of weaponry from the area of concern in the mutual defense of the United
States and of Russia, thereby reducing the economic drain upon the resources of both nations to some extent;
Whereas, The ratification of this proposed treaty is essential to the effective continuation of the negotiations
between the United States and Russia, on which depends the economic and military welfare of our two
nations and of the world; therefore be it
Resolved, That this Executive Council:
Reaffirm the need for a continuing process of negotiation between nations for the
reduction of all armaments especially nuclear weapons;
Support the efforts of the United States to achieve security and avoid increasingly
disastrous arms competition with the U.S.S.R. through negotiation of a proposed
S.A.L.T. II treaty;
Urge the support of the Church and of all Christian people for the ratification by
the Senate of the United States of a proper treaty that achieves the desired goals
Maintaining the security of the nation;
Reducing the expenditure of this nation on armaments;
Creating a continuing process for the maintenance of peace with a
minimum of essential expenditure for national security;
Releasing resources for the improvement of society.
Archives Research Report, EXC041979.37
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