Download Independents in Favor of Free Trade Agreement

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Representative/ Mayor
Dear Senator/ Congressman/ Mayor etc.
My name is ______________________, I’m the CEO/ president/ manager of ___company____.
As a company that operates in your district, we are extremely concerned in this period of slow
recovery about the future of U.S. manufacturing. [Couple sentences about your company.] We
believe it is in the best interests of small and medium-sized manufacturers and the U.S.
economy in general to have in place policies that support the wide availability of credit,
investment, fair trade and the freedom to hire the most skilled workers.
That is why [company name] supports the Free Trade agreements currently being considered.
As an American independent manufacturer, [company name] knows that the free trade
agreements will be good for business and American jobs. America’s manufactured goods trade
surplus with Free Trade Agreement partners is was $21 billion in 2010, even while we had an
overall trade deficit with the world. The proposed agreements with Panama, South Korea, and
Colombia would each improve America’s economy by giving us a more open market. [Include
personal example of how international trade is good for your company, if available]
Free trade agreements, however, can cause an interim loss of American jobs. The North
American Free Trade Agreement, for example, caused a net loss of 682,900 jobs, according to
the Economic Policy Institute. To rectify this, Trade Adjustment Assistance proposals have been
introduced as a way to benefit the American economy without abandoning the American
worker. [company name] also supports this solution as part of Congress’s approval of the Free
Trade Agreements currently being considered.
Thank you very much for taking our perspective into consideration.
CEO/ president/ manager
Company Address