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Review 18
1. Understand Chemical equilibrium- all graphs
-dynamic, reversible
2. Equilibrium Constant expressions
3. What does K mean? if it is large? if it is small? if it is equal to 1
4. Solve p. 559, 1-4
5. LeChatelier's principle- Pressure, Concentration, Temperature
Describe equilibrium shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Chatelier’s
Predict shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Chatelier’s Principle).
Predict the extent reactants are converted to products using the value of the equilibrium constant.
Review 19
What is reduction? How do you know something is being reduced?
What is oxidation? How do you know something is oxidized?
Be able to assign oxidation numbers
What are reducing and oxidizing agent? Be able to identify each.
Be able to identify a redox reaction, p.595, #'s
Know the battery
Know the cathode and anode: Red Cat.
Balance half-reactions and describe them as oxidations or reductions.
Explain oxidation occurring when two different metals are in contact.
Identify the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode in an electrochemical cell.
Review 18
1. Understand Chemical equilibrium- all graphs
-dynamic, reversible
2. Equilibrium Constant expressions
3. What does K mean? if it is large? if it is small? if it is equal to 1
4. Solve p. 559, 1-4
5. LeChatelier's principle- Pressure, Concentration, Temperature
Describe equilibrium shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Chatelier’s
Predict shifts in a chemical system caused by changing conditions (Le Chatelier’s Principle).
Predict the extent reactants are converted to products using the value of the equilibrium constant.
Review 19
What is reduction? How do you know something is being reduced?
What is oxidation? How do you know something is oxidized?
Be able to assign oxidation numbers
What are reducing and oxidizing agent? Be able to identify each.
Be able to identify a redox reaction, p.595, #'s
Know the battery
Know the cathode and anode: Red Cat.
Balance half-reactions and describe them as oxidations or reductions.
Explain oxidation occurring when two different metals are in contact.
Identify the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode in an electrochemical cell.