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Personal nutrition tips
Based on your 3-day food diary, below is a recommendation of choices for you to adopt in a typical day.
Times have not been allocated, nor have portion sizes, but you should work to the principle of not overeating, “little and often” is the key.
Alternate choices based on inspired principles
Cereal bars
Cereals; Porridge
Fruit – RDA is 5-a-day
*Look at slow release carbs such as Fruit, oats, bread
Aim for 5 fruits/veg per day
White meats/red meats/fish; Pasta
Jacket potatoes with filling
*This is the ideal time to have carbs in your diet, particularly on training days
Fruit, cereal bars, nuts/raisins
Look for a good balance between meats and fish, always aim for a mixture of veg (make up the
remainder of veg from your 5-aday).
Low-carb foods in the evening.
Cereals (small portions)
Avoid high-carbs at the end of the day.
Look at drinking at least 1-2 litres of water per day – especially before bedtime to avoid hunger
Gavin, your food diary shows a good diet. Varied, and substational in vitamins and minerals. To aid weight-loss, I have
noted some general pointers for you to consider. Start looking at portion sizes –the size of your fist should represent a
typical serving of any meats, pasta/rice, potatoes. You can have double the size on fruit and vegetables.
Keep up the good routine of breakfast (high carbs), lunch (carbs/good fats/proteins) and dinner (low carbs/proteins), by
spacing out your meals throughout the day which will help you. (It takes 15 minutes for your brain to register that you’re
in fact full).
Fruit and vegetables are great in between snacks and can be eaten with a combination of other snacks, such as
chopped-up in yoghurts, mixed in with cereals. Think of fruits before and after training days. This is a great energy
source and high in goodness, low in calories. Certain types of fruit like the prickly pear actually helps absorb fat content!
This will also give you energy for training, but also help maintain and repair muscle tissue afterwards which is very
Try to also avoid eating heavy meals towards the end of the day. If you have to eat, make sure it is not high in carbs
– what you don’t use in the day you will store. To aid weight-loss you can also look at having a day on day off approach
to meats. Hunger pangs at night can be helped by drinking a pint of water.
We shall look at another food diary in 4 weeks time to compare results.
Wednesday, 02 August 2017 00:25
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