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Conditions requiring urgent notification:
Acute gastroenteritis/food poisoning
Notify if: Two or more cases of acute gastroenteritis are suspected to be linked to a
common source.
A person with acute gastroenteritis is at high risk of infecting others (for example
someone who works as a food handler or childcare worker).
Single case of chemical, bacterial, or toxin food poisoning such as toxic shellfish
poisoning or scromboid poisoning.
Avian influenza (highly pathogenic)
Chemical Poisoning arising from hazardous substances or from chemical contamination
of the environment¹
Haemophilus influenzae B invasive disease
Hepatitis A (acute illness only) 1
Hepatitis B (acute illness only) 1
Measles 2
Meningoencephalitis – primary amoebic
Neisseria meningitidis invasive disease
Rabies 3
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Toxic shellfish poisoning
Tuberculosis (all forms)
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever
Yellow fever
Verocytotoxic Escherichia coli
Viral haemorrhagic fevers
Outbreak of any notifiable disease: an outbreak is classified as two or more cases linked
to a common source.
Notification must include a faxed copy of serology confirming acute hepatitis and LFTs
Notify on suspicion and send confirmatory serology (IgM) for Measles/Mumps/Rubella or Nasopharyngeal swab result
(Pertussis) to RPH when available.
Currently, only rabies is listed in the notifiable infectious diseases schedule. Reporting of other lyssavirus infections by
medical practitioners is recommended with informed patient consent