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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
4. fi l l e d with teet h: a. t w o sets o f dent i t i o ns: d ec i d uo us t e et h 1. n um b er 2 0, 2. er u pt f r om 6 - 32 mo nths, 3. l ost b et w e en 6 - 12 years. p er m an e nt ( s e co nd ar y ) teet h 1. n um b er 3 2, 2. er u pt f r om 6 yrs - adul t h oo d. b. function: to break food into smaller pieces. - increasing surface area of food; - increasing effectiveness of digestive enzymes. III A. 4. Oral Cavity/ Teeth (continued) c. 4 types with different functions: ! incisors = front teeth; 1. break food into bite-size pieces; ! cuspids = canine (eye) teeth; 1. grasp and tear food; ! bicuspids = grinding food particles; ! molars = grinding food particles d. ! Tooth ! Structure: c rown = exposed area of tooth; root = area below gum (gingiva); ! e n a mel =covering on crown; Ca+ salts; hardest substance in body; ! dentin = bulk of tooth. III. A. 5. O r al C avity (continued) Salivary Glands secrete saliv a. a. digestive functions: -lubric ation, - bind food together, - begi n dig estio n o f carbohydrates. 1. Enzyme = salivary amylase; 2. breaks polysaccharide s i nto disaccharid es; a. starch ----> disaccharid es. b. three types of salivary glands: -parotid = largest; lies over masseter, -submandibular = floor of mouth; lateral, -sublingual = floor of mouth, medial. III. Digestive Organs ( co ntinu ed ) B. Pharynx: 1. throat; 2. passagew ay of fo od i nt o esop hagus; 3. Swallowing m ec ha nism (deglutition ):. a. Chew f oo d & mix with saliva into bolus at b ac k of ph arynx; b. Swallowing reflex triggered (involunt ary): -epigl ottis closes over larynx ( no breat hing ), -mus cles i n low er pharynx relax, - esoph ag us opens & food moves in. C. Esophagus: 1. passageway for food from pharynx to stomach; 2. location: mediastinum; behind trachea; 3. many mucous glands; 4. movement of food: a. gravity; b. peristaltic waves from esophagus meet gastro- esophageal sphincter muscle, c. sphincter muscle relaxes, d. food moves into stomach all at once. I I I. Digestive Organs ( co ntinu ed ) D. Stomach (Gastric) 1. d escription = J-shaped, p ouch-lik e or ga n; 2. l oc ation = under diaphragm; le ft side; 3. c ap acity = 1 liter; 4. P arts of Stomach: a. c ar diac region - aroun d esophagus b. f un dic region - large ballooned area c. pyloric region - ne ar du od en um -The py loric regio n n arrows i nt o py loric c an al. -The py loric s p hinct er muscl e l ies b etwee n pylorus & du od en um. d. great er c urvat ure e. l es ser c urvat ur e f. b ody 5. Mucosal Structure a. Macroscopic rugae (mucosal folds b. Microscopically, these rugae are formed by: -gastric villi that project into the lumen which result in the formation of; -gastric pits that are located between the gastric villi. 1. gastric glands are located along these gastric pits a. gastric juice is secreted by these gastric glands. D. S t om a c h (Gastric) 6. G as t r i c Juic e: a. c om p ose d o f: - m u cus, F un ct i o n: l u br i c at i on, pr ot e ct io n o f m u co s a fr om digestion; - di g es t i ve enzyme p e ps in, F un ct i o n: pr ot ein digestion (i nto p e pt ide s ); - hy droc hl oric a ci d (HCl), F un ct i o ns: 1. d en at ur es pr ot e i ns, 2. kills m icr o b es i n fo o d, - i nt r i ns ic fact or, F un ct i o n: aids a bs or pt io n o f Vit am i n B 1 2. - g astrin, F un ct i o n: r e g ulat ory h or m on e. 7. Four types of gastric cells in Gastric Glands: a. Mucous cells secrete mucus; b. Chief cells secrete pepsin; c. Parietal cells secrete HCl & intrinsic factor; d. G-cells secrete gastrin. 8. Regulation of Gastric Secretions: a. Hormone = Gastrin; b. When stomach fills, the hormone gastrin is released. c. Actions: -increases secretions from gastric glands; -increases mixing action; -contracts gastroesophageal sphincter; -relaxes pyloric sphincter. 9. Gastric Absorption = Minimal (5%) 10. Gastric Movements: a. mixing of bolus of food + gastric juice = chyme; b. Peristaltic waves of stomach push chyme toward pyloric sphincter; it relaxes; food moves into duodenum a little at a time!!! E. Pancreas 1. Secretes pancreatic juice into a pancreatic duct; pancreatic duct leads to duodenum (small intestine); 2. Location: posterior to stomach; left side; 3. Function of pancreatic juice: Contains four classes o f enzymes that break d own: a. Carbohydrates -(amylase) ---> disaccharides; b. Fats/Triglyc erid es -(lipases) - - - > 2 f at t y a cids + monoglyc eride; c. Proteins -(proteinases) ---> peptides; d. Nucleic Acids -(nucle ases) ---> nucleotides. 4. Regulation of pancreatic secretions: a. Hormone = Secretin; -causes release of pancreatic juice into duodenum; b. Activation: -When duodenum fills with acidic chyme, - secretin is released, -which stimulates the release of pancreatic juice into duodenum. F. Liver (Hepatic). 1. Location: below diaphragm / right side 2. Structure: 2 lobes a. large right & small left; b. each lobe is made up of: -Hepatic lobules =functional unit of the liver 1. hexagon shaped around a central vein; 3. Functions: a. metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids & proteins, b. storage (glycogen, Vitamin A, B 12, D, iron), c. filtering of blood, d. destruction of toxic chemicals, e. production/secretion of bile. **For free: Cirrhosis of the liver: weakness fatigue loss of appetite nausea vomiting weight loss abdominal pain and bloating when fluid accumulates in the abdomen itching spiderlike blood vessels on the skin 4. Blood Supply: a. from 2 so urces: -hepatic artery (oxygenate d blood); -hepatic portal vein (deoxygenated blood filled with newly absorbed nutrients from small intestine). b. blood enters the liver sin usoids where h epatocytes remove the followin g: -oxygen, -nutrients (stored or use d to make new materials), -poisons (detoxified or store d). 5. 6. Liver Phagocytosis: -Kupffer's cells (liver macro phages) Bile a. compositio n: - bile salts (digestive function) - bile pigments - cholesterol - electrolytes b. f unction: Emulsific ation of f at mol ecules! -Definition: Emulsification = breaking up of f at globules i nto small dro plets (increases SA and i n creases e ffectiveness of lipases ). Gall Bladder: 1. 2. 3. 4. Stores bile between meals; Location: underside of l i v er, connected via cystic duct; Bile can flow to small intestine by either of 2 routes: the liver or gall bladder (see below); Bile secretion, storage, flow: From l iver: F rom Gall Bladder: Hepatic duct C y s t i c Duct COMMON * BILE DUCT Duodenum