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Skeletal & Muscular System Packet-Please be sure to cut and paste each section on the correct page of your spiral
Page 31 (“Skeleton Diagram”): Label the diagram. Color the axial skeleton one color and the appendicular another color.
Make a Key. Ref. Pg: 941
Page 32 (“Skeleton Notes”): To be filled out in class.
I. Function of the Skeletal System
A. Support – Provides a framework that supports the body
B. Protection – Protects many ________________ from mechanical injury
C. Movement – Movement occurs when muscles attached to bones contract.
D. Blood Cell Formation
E. Storage - Storage site for _____________________________ and ___________________.
II. Human Skeleton
A. The human skeleton has two divisions:
1. Axial – Forms the main _____________ and includes the ______________________________
2. Appendicular – Contains the bones that form the _______ & _________ and includes the bones
that connect them to the axial skeleton including the _____________________________
B. Joints - Point where two bones meet. Bones are held together by ______________________. Joint are
classified according to the amount of movement possible and the appearance of the bones involved.
1. Immovable or ____________ Joints - _________ movement. Example:_______________________.
2. Movable Joints - Most joints are moveable. The ends of the bones that form moveable joints are
covered with a thin layer of _________________ to ________________________________. The space
between the two bones is filled with a fluid to moisten and lubricate the joint called
___________________ fluid. Some examples of movable joints are:
a. Ball & Socket – Greatest range of movement. Examples: ___________________________
b. Hinge – Back and forth movement. Examples: ______________________
c. Pivot – Bones twist against each other. Examples: ______________________
d. Saddle – One bone slides in two directions. Examples:___________________________________
Page 33 (“Bone Structure Diagrams”): Color and label the bone structure diagram. Color the long bone
anatomy diagram.
Page 33 (“Bone Structure Diagrams”), Con’t.: Color image of the long bone anatomy.
Page 34 (“Bone Structure Notes”): To be filled out in class.
III. Bone Structure
A. Embryonic Development – Embryo skeleton is composed entirely of ______________________. The
process of converting cartilage to bone requires the addition of ___________. This process is not
completed until after birth. The adult skeleton is completely composed of bone, except
B. Bone Structure - Bone is an _____________ composed of living tissue. It is surrounded by a tough,
protective layer called the ______________________. There are two types of bone tissue:
1. Compact Bone – Outer bone; dense, almost solid tissue that provides ___________________.
2. Spongy Bone – Less dense, porous tissue provides __________________________________.
The spaces are filled with soft tissue called _____________. There are two types of bones marrow:
a. Red Marrow - Location of ___________________ cell production
b. Yellow Marrow – Site of ________ storage.
Page 35 (“Skeletal Damage Diagrams”): Color diagrams
Page 35 (“Skeletal Damage Diagrams”), Con’t.
Page 36 (“Skeletal Damage Notes”): To be filled out in class.
IV. Skeletal System Damage
A. Osteoporosis – Associated with _________________. Characterized by loss of ______________ which
results in increased risk of fracture
B. Scoliosis - __________________ curvature of the spine
C. Arthritis - Inflammation of the _________________. Caused by wear and tear on ______________
Cushioning the joints.
Page 37 (“Muscle Types Diagrams”): Color & Label the types of muscles
Page 38 (“Muscular System Notes”)
I. Purpose: The primary function of the muscular system is to produce ___________________. The
contraction of muscle tissue requires _______, so muscles are constantly carrying out ___________________
and require a large number of ____________________________.
II. Description
A. Muscle Fibers
Individual muscle cells are called muscle _________________. All humans have the __________
number of fibers. Muscle bulk occurs because of ________________________ of muscle fibers,
not an increase in the number of muscle cells.
B. Muscle Types
1. Skeletal Muscle - ________________, ___________ muscle cells that fuse together to form a
__________________________ muscle fiber. Muscle fibers are arranged end-to-end to produce
strong contractions. If the oxygen supply to muscle cells is depleted, they can switch to
___________________________ for energy production.
2. Cardiac Muscle - _____________________, ____________________ muscle cells found
only in the ______________, with each cell having its own nucleus. Cardiac muscle cells are
arranged in chains that lattice together. When the muscle contracts, the entire lattice of cells
contracts together producing a powerful contraction.
3. Smooth Muscle - ________________, ___________ muscle cells. Smooth muscle contractions
are slow and prolonged. Found in the ______________________________________________
Page 39 (“Skeletal Muscle Diagrams”): Color the diagram.
Page 39 (“Skeletal Muscle Diagrams”) Con’t: Color & label the diagram.
Page 40 (“Skeletal Muscle Notes”): To be filled out in class
III. Skeletal Muscle
A. Anatomy - Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tough bands of tissue called ____________.
Every muscle has at least 2 tendons, each attached to a different bone:
1. Origin – Muscle attachment site(s) that ______________________________________
2. Insertion – Bone that is ___________________________________________. For example,
the ______________________________ has __________________ attaching it to the
____________________ and __________________. The origin is the ____________________
and the insertion is the _____________________.
B. Movement - Skeletal muscles attached to the bones of the __________________ skeleton work in
opposing pairs.
1. Flexor – muscle that causes limb to _____________ at ____________.
2. Extensor – muscle that causes limb to ___________________ at ___________. For example,
contraction of the biceps brachii _____________ the arm so it acts as a _____________, while
contraction of the triceps brachii __________________ the arm so it is the ________________.
Page 41 (“Muscle Contraction Diagram”): Color Diagram
Page 42 (“Muscle Contraction Notes”): To be filled out in class.
C. Muscle Contraction
Each muscle fiber contains thousands of contracting units called ___________________.
Sarcomeres are made up of two types of protein filaments:
1. Actin - ___________filaments that form the border of each sarcomere.
2. Myosin - _______________ filaments found in the _______________ of the sarcomere.
Actin and myosin overlap to produce the _________________ pattern seen in ________________
and __________________ muscle. When a muscle contracts, the actin and myosin filaments slide
over each other and the sarcomere ________________________. Every sarcomere within a
single muscle fiber contracts as a unit, thereby shortening the entire __________________. The
number of fibers that can contract at one time determine an individual’s _________________. The
length of the contraction time is known as __________________________.