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SouthEastAsia Fishers for Justice
Pepe Tanchuling
Reality Given in Fisheries
 Common Property , Open Access Management System
 Most traded Agricultural Product,
 Biological Limits, Carrying Capacity
 Most Vulnerable Sector on Changing Climate
 Concentration of Poorest Population
 Precautionary Principle
 WTO - Non Agricultural Market Access
Current Issues in NAMA
-Deeper cuts for developing countries than
developed countries (so where is the S and D for smaller
-Tariff cuts now linked with flexibility—meaning the greater
flexibility you invoke, the greater tariff reduction you will
need to do and vise versa
--Anti-concentration—is the current provision in NAMA that
will essentially prevent countries from producing all supply
chain inputs
Regional and National Trade
Agreements (ASEAN)
 0 – 5 % tariff by 2015
 Harmonization of product procedures and standards
 Integration to global economy
 Single market
 Predictability of the Market
 RECIPE for Trade Liberalization
 Government Promotion of High Value Fish Species
through Aquaculture and Marine culture….heavily
dependent to trash fish from capture fisheries
 De link small producer to the processing plants, using
imported fish for processing and canning plants
 Dual Market ( domestic and International market),
two product standards
 Overfishing and Overcapacity
 Violation of Fishery Rights ,
 Poverty
Aquaculture Expansion Mekong Delta
Shrimp Aquaculture
Catfish Aquaculture
Growth of Fishing & Aquaculture production in
Indonesia (1950-2006) KIARA .
(Fishstat, 2008)
Industrial aquaculture expansion and
mangrove degradation KIARA.
a. Kejahatan lingkungan: Pesisir Lampung
Citra Satelit 1982
Sekitar 80% mangrove musnah
Where are the fish?
T / km2
 Domestic Subsidy
 Fish Trading based on Biological Limits
 Prioritize development of coastal fisheries, addressing
food security and sovereignty
 Improve Post Harvest Facilities at the village level
 Realize Preferential Rights of Fishers on Coastal