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Aquaculture and Ocean Fisheries Study Guide
Chapter 16 (or look up on the internet)
Fishery Collapse
Aquaculture or Fish Farming
Estuary, Coral Reefs, Mangroves,
Salt Marshes, Kelp Forests
Mercury and Biomagnification
Breeding Grounds
Non-target Fish
By catch
Over fishing
Bottom Trawling
Drift Netting
Long Line
Marine Reserves
Consumer Certification (Dolphin
Safe Tuna)
Marine Stewardship Certification
Sustainable Fisheries Act
NOAA (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
UNCLOS (Law of the Seas)
1. Give specific evidence that ocean fisheries are not being used sustainably.
2. What is Aquaculture?
3. Give an example of an Invasive species that came from aquaculture.
4. Give an example of an invasive species that came from commercial shipping.
5. Describe how aquaculture can promote fish diseases.
6. Describe how aquaculture can promote antibiotic resistance.
7. Describe one problem caused by use of hormones in aquaculture.
8. Describe two ways aquaculture can cause eutrophication and dead zones in the ocean.
9. Describe how acquiring food for feeding aquiculture species creates ecological problems.
10. Describe how aquaculture can cause human health problems related to bioaccumulation
and biomagnification. Be sure to explain where the toxins come from.
Commercial Ocean (Wild-caught) Fishing
11. Read the central case on page 443 and explain what is meant by a “fishery collapse”.
12. What is a “Fishery”? Give an example.
13. What are the three methods of commercial ocean fishing?
14. For each method describe an ecological problem it can cause (besides overfishing).
15. What is a “Non-target” fish?
16. Give an example of Bycatch.
17. How are Mangrove forests, Estuaries, Saltwater Marshes, Swamps, Coral Reefs, and
Kelp beds important for the sustainability of ocean fisheries? (p449-454)
18. Besides damage to fisheries, describe two other ways humans damage the ocean
19. What does it mean to “fish down the food chain” and what problem does it cause? (Page
Fishery Restoration
20. Describe the provisions of one program that is designed to restore a fishery.
Fishery Protection
21. How do ocean preserves help make ocean fisheries sustainable?
22. Describe one United States government act or program that protects fisheries.
23. Describe one international treaty or program that protects fisheries.
24. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch website and find one fish species you
should avoid eating and explain why it is recommended that people stop purchasing and
eating this species. ( )
25. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium website and find one fish species that is a good choice
for eating and explain why it is recommended that people purchase and eat this species.
Fishing Links
Long Line Fishing
Gill Netting
Bottom Trawling
Purse Seine
Video: overfishing 3 min