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Description of files in folders
Folder name: Excess CK2alpha
 Data of native mass spectrometry experiments of CK2 using excess CK2α at
various ammonium acetate concentrations
 E.g. CK2alpha-0.40AA.raw
 AA refers to ammonium acetate
 Numbers refer to concentration of ammonium acetate
Folder name: Excess CK2beta
 Data of native mass spectrometry experiments of CK2 using excess CK2β at
various ammonium acetate concentrations
 E.g. CK2beta-0.20AA.raw
 AA refers to ammonium acetate
 Numbers refer to concentration of ammonium acetate
Folder name: HDX
 Processed HDX–MS data using CK2α as search sequence
Folder name: Ion mobility
 Raw data of ion mobility experiments
 E.g. AH-H7.raw
 First identifier (e.g. AH) refers to protein
 Second identifier (e.g. H7) refers to wave height
 AH = alcohol dehydrogenase
 AVD = avidin
 CCA = concanavalin A
 PK = pyruvate kinase