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Middle Ages Test
1. The Magna Carta was signed in this year:
a. 476
b. 1066
c. 1215
d. 1588
2. This woman lead the French to victory at Orleans:
a. Eleanor of Aquitaine
b. Joan of Arc
c. Cleopatra
d. Mary
3. What is the practice of kings choosing their own bishops and archbishops known as?
b. Lay investiture
c. Usury
d. Interdict
4. Which city did Christians look to take away from the Muslims in the Crusades?
a. Mecca
b. Jerusalem
c. Medina
d. Constantinople
5. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between:
a. Rome/Muslims b. France/England
c. Moors/Jews
d. Constantinople/Huns
6. The Holy Roman Empire is largely made up of the area that today is:
a. France
b. England
c. Italy
d. Germany
7. Pope Gregory VII & this Holy Roman emperor clashed over lay investiture. The monarch was forced to sit in
the snow to receive forgiveness:
a. Otto I
b. Henry IV
c. Frederick Barbarossa
d. John
8. What agreement gives the pope the power of appointing archbishops to specific kingdoms?
a. Edict of Milan b. Concordat of Worms
c. Magna Carta d. Treaty of Verdun
9. William the Conqueror won at this battle to control the English throne:
a. Tours
b. Legnano
c. Hastings
d. Marathon
10. This weapon helped the English be very successful against the French in the 100 Years’ War:
a. Cannon
b. Catapult
c. Longbow
d. Siege Tower
11. Which English ruler compiled the “Domesday Book?”
a. Richard the Lionheart
b. Henry II
c. William the Conqueror
d. John I
12. This body of law developed with the signing of the Magna Carta:
a. Estates General
b. Senate
c. Parliament
d. Congress
13. What relationship was Harold to Edward?
a. Son
b. Nephew
c. Grandfather
d. Brother-in-law
14. The Vikings were from:
a. Northern Europe
b. America
c. the Middle
d. EastAsia
15. This Anglo-Saxon king died with no heir, prompting a major battle for succession:
a. William the Conqueror
b. Harold
c. King Edward
d. Henry I
16. Who led the Christians to victory at the Battle of Tours?
a. Clovis
b. Charlemagne
c. Charles Martel
d. Napoleon
17. This European ruler was crowned “emperor of Rome” by Pope Leo III:
a. Charlemagne
b. John
c. St. Louis
d. Henry II
18. __ ____(s) could not leave the manor without permission.
a. Knight
b. Lord
c. Vassal
d. Serf
19. This man united the early Franks & converted to Christianity (481 CE):
a. Charles Martel
b. Charlemagne
c. Clovis
d. Pope Leo III
20. This weapon assisted the French while fighting the English during the 100 Years War:
a. sword
b. cannon
c. longbow
d. armor
21. Feudalism evolved in response to a need for ….
a. fertile land
b. new trading routes
c. protection
d. organized gov’t
22. Knighthood arose because feudal society was filled with….
a. chivalry
b. warfare and danger
c. peasants working the land
d. inequality
23. ________ required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word.
a. Benedictine Rule
b. Cluny Reforms
c. Code of Chivalry
d. Treaty of Verdun
24. The relationship between medieval Christians & Jews was one:
a. in which Jews rose to positions of power
b. in which Jews were persecuted by Christians
c. that improved during hard times
d. of mutual toleration
25. Under the feudal system, these two groups were largely on the same scale:
a. Kings/nobles
b. Peasants/Church officials
c. Nobles/Church officials
d. Knights/Peasants
26. Which of these things did NOT lead to troubles in the 1300s?
a. The Bubonic Plague
a. 100 Years’ War
b. Three field system
c. The Great Schism
27. About what percentage of Europeans died from the Bubonic Plague?
a. 25
b. 33
c. 50
d. 75
28. This system helped to protect nobles and serfs:
a. Feudalism
b. Simony
c. Tithe
d. Guilds
29. After the Great Schism, the problem is resolved, and it is decided that the pope will always live in this city:
a. Avignon
b. Rome
c. Constantinople
d. Tours
30. Why were Cathedrals built during the Middle Ages?
a. To establish that the middle ages was the greatest period of history
b. To reach the heavens and remind people of the power of God
c. To act as a sanctuary for peasants who have ran away from theirmanor
d. To serve as a secret home for the king and his court during an invasion
Which of the following best describes a knight?
A man who controls a manor
A mounted warrior who protects the kingdom
A man who invades other lands
A traveler who trades with other kingdoms
32. When was the Battle of Tours?
A. 732 CE
B. 632 CE
C. 800 CE
D. 512 CE
33. Who would participate in jousting tournaments?
A. Knights
B. Kings
C. Lords
D. Serfs
34. Which of the following words best describes the cathedrals of the Middle Ages?
A. Romanesque Cathedrals
B. Gothic Cathedrals
C. Mystic Cathedrals
D. Monastic Cathedrals
35. In the Middle Ages, the code of behavior for knights was called
A. troubadour
B. cavalry
C. loyalty
D. chivalry
36. Cathedrals built in the Middle Ages were built in the shape of what?
A. Diamond
B. Cross
C. Circle
D. Pyramid
37. Who is a lesser lord that controls a manor?
A. Peasant
B. King
C. Noble
D. Vassal
38. Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement? “All things were
under its domain. Its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny.”
A. the guild
B. the Church
C. knighthood
D. the nation-state
39. Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?
a. The Church encouraged individuals to question authority.
b. Church leaders were leaders were involved solely in spiritual activities.
c. The Church gained influence and power as its control over people grew
d. The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.
40. Members of the ruling class in medieval Europe were called:
A. fiefs
B. vassals
C. nobles
D. knights
41. Which group of Germanic barbarians emerged as the most powerful during the Middle Ages?
A. Vikings
B. Franks
C. Saxons
D. Bergundians
42. What was a squire?
A. A young knight in training.
B. Someone who is under the Pope.
C. The lowest class of feudalism
D. A supporter of the king.