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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorist Incident
Terrorism is a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal
laws of the U.S. or any segment, to intimidate or coerce a government, the population or
any segment of it, in furtherance of political or social objectives. Terrorist acts may
produce chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and/or explosive (CBRNE) events.
Although Franklin County has never been the victim of a direct terrorist attack, the
county has a history of terrorist activity.
Terrorism has become a fact of life in today’s society. Terrorists’ acts may result in the
destruction of public confidence in the ability of government to protect its citizens. Mass
casualties and fatalities; catastrophic damage to buildings, physical infrastructure, or
other types of property; contamination of buildings and property; psychosomatic
responses from non-affected citizens; contamination/targeting of first responders – all
could have a major impact on the county’s ability to respond and could place a major
burden on the medical system and area hospitals.
Local emergency-response agencies frequently train for the reality that terrorists may
employ secondary or multiple devices intended to injure responders, impede response
actions, or divert attention and resources from other activities. Devices may be
employed at numerous locations in any combination or sequence and are often
designed with anti-tampering devices.
The US Department of Justice uses the acronym CBRNE to describe the five
categories of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD):
 Chemical
 Biological
 Radiological
 Nuclear
 Explosive (including incendiary devices)
Chemical Weapons
Chemical weapons are man-made mixtures or compounds used to kill or disable
people. The deliberate release of a chemical warfare agent would have a highly
debilitating and largely unpredictable impact within a community. The probable target
choice would be a densely populated, highly visible site, such as a place of public
assembly, public buildings, mass transit system, or a location with historical or symbolic
significance. Such a site would put large numbers of people in danger and stress
support and infrastructure systems. Victims in the target area could suffer the effects of
a chemical agent immediately, or, with some agents, the effects can be delayed,
causing casualties hours or days after the initial impact.
Biological Weapons
Bioterrorism involves the release of infectious microorganisms or toxins intended to kill
or cause disease in a large number of people in an unsuspecting population. The result
is not immediate, becoming apparent over several hours or days. Biological agents are
a variety of either microorganisms or biological toxins.
Biological agents may be living bacteria, rickettsia or viruses that are able to establish
deadly infections in their victims. Biological toxins include poisonous chemical
compounds produced by plants, animals or microbes.
Radiological Weapons
The use of a radiological dispersion device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” is more likely than a
thermonuclear fusion bomb or atomic bomb. An RDD is a conventional explosive
charge laced with radioactive materials, which are Risk Assessment for Franklin County
Dispersed over a wide area upon detonation of the explosive charge. Weapons-grade
fissionable material is not required for this type of device. Radioactive materials used to
test bridges and buildings and radioactive medical material can be used to contaminate
an area. Cesium, a radioactive material used legally for the treatment of cancer, can be
weaponized and dispersed by an explosive device to contaminate the surrounding area.
Nuclear Weapons
A nuclear weapon is one that releases nuclear energy in an explosive manner as a
result of a chain reaction involving fusion or fission. Nuclear weapons are considered
the most unlikely CBRNE weapon to be used because of extreme expense and
enormous amount of technology needed. Considering the difficulty in producing a
nuclear warhead, the most feasible, and therefore most likely, form of nuclear terrorism
is a direct assault on a nuclear facility.
Explosives are defined as unstable chemical compounds and mixtures that, when
detonated, undergo a rapid reaction, producing large amounts of gas under pressure.
Historically, explosives have been the weapons of choice for terrorists. The materials
and technology needed are readily available. These types of bombs, also known as
homemade explosives (HMEs), have been detonated in Franklin County. Bombs have
the potential to generate mass casualties depending on the type, amount and
placement of the material.
Incendiary devices also fall in the explosives category. An incendiary device is any
mechanical, electrical or chemical device used to intentionally start a fire, e.g., gasoline,
lighter fluid.
For more information about terrorism visit: