Download the carbon cycle - hendryscience10

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• Page 65
• #1,2,4,5,6a,7ad
• Page 65
• #1) Photosynthesis and cellular
respiration are complementary
processes because:
– Photosynthesis takes CO2 out of the
atmosphere and makes sugar
– Cellular respiration uses sugar and
puts CO2 into atmosphere
• Page 65
• 2) Decomposers are important to
carbon cycle because they
decompose or break down dead
plant/animal matter, putting carbon
into soil
• Carbon is then converted into fossil
fuels such as coal, petroleum,
natural gas
4) Burning of fossil fuels by humans
affects carbon cycle because we are
putting CO2 into atmosphere faster
than new fossil fuels are created.
5a) Carbon is cycled more slowly in
northern ecosystems than in tropics
because it is much colder there.
Bacteria and decomposers are not
as plentiful and work at a slower rate
in colder temperatures.
5b) Carbon is cycled more rapidly in
grasslands than in bogs because there is
more oxygen available. Bogs have huge
quantities of carbon, but very little oxygen
which is necessary for decomposition to
6a) Burning of forests could change oxygen
levels in atmosphere because combustion
uses oxygen and produces carbon
dioxide; therefore, there will be less
oxygen in atmosphere.
7a) Carbon entering atmosphere:
105+60+60+5+2 = 232
Carbon leaving:
120+107 = 227
More carbon entering than leaving
d) Suggestions to reduce flow of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?