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Press Release
Issued By
Regional Development Department
04 April 2012
Livestock Development Instructors and Private Artificial Insemination Technicians
were paid incentives for their performance in 2011
As in the previous years, Central Bank of Sri Lanka has paid
incentives to Livestock
Development Instructors (LDIs) and Private Artificial Insemination Technicians (PAITs)
appreciating their performance in 2011 in dairy development activities. These incentive
payments were made on the achievement of targets given to LDIs and PAITs under Agro
Livestock Development Loan Scheme (ALDLS) implemented by CBSL. The scheme is assisted
through an interest subsidy by the government on behalf of the dairy farmers. The loan
scheme has been operative island-wide since 2008.
Increasing liquid milk production,
encouraging farmers to adopt modern dairy farming techniques, developing agro based
processing industries and creating more employment opportunities are the main objectives
of ALDLS. In consultation with the Ministry of Livestock and Rural Community Development
this incentive package was introduced in 2008 by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to motivate
Veterinary Surgeons (VSs), Livestock Development Instructors (LDIs) and Private Artificial
Insemination Technicians (PAITs) to give advice and assistance to dairy farmers to develop
dairy industry.
In order to promote Scientific dairy farming, construction of modern cattle sheds, farmer
awareness on best animal husbandry practices including nutritional requirements of animals,
identification and control of diseases and relevant treatments, artificial insemination and
animal care have been identified as pre-requisites for the development of dairy industry.
Under the incentive scheme Veterinary Surgeons are rewarded for undertaking farmer
education by conducting classes on scientific dairy farm management.
Incentive scheme is designed by establishing annual targets for LDIs and PAITs for
introducing farmers to financial institutions, artificial insemination to have live calf births,
tree and fodder cultivation and establishment of bio gas units.
The incentive payment scheme has gained popularity from its inception. Number of LDIs and
PAITs who receive incentives has been on the rise. In 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 incentive
payments were received by 08, 75, 108 and 137 LDIs/PAITs respectively. The amounts
received by them in those years were Rs 0.28 million, Rs. 2.40 million, Rs. 4.04 million and Rs.
4.91 million respectively. The number of live calf births achieved through Artificial
Insemination (AI) by the LDIs and PAITs has steadily been increasing from 1423, 11730,
19109 and 23525 during the respective years. LDIs/PAITs introduced a total number of 981
dairy farmers to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) recommending loans under ALDLS
in 2011.
The PFIs under ALDLS include Bank of Ceylon, People’s Bank, Pradeshiya
Sanwardena Bank, Hatton National Bank, Commercial Bank, Sampath Bank, Union Bank,
Sanasa Development Bank, DFCC Bank,
Lankaputhra Development Bank and National
development Bank.
Under the ALDL scheme, farmers could obtain loans up to Rs. 400,000/- for construction of
cattle sheds, purchase of cows, purchase of concentrated cattle feed, veterinary services,
drugs, construction of bio gas units and any other requirements recommended by Veterinary
Surgeons through the eleven PFIs at an interest rate of 8 per cent per annum. Credit facilities
are available up to a maximum of Rs. 300 million at an interest of 12 per cent per annum with
a maximum repayment period of 5 years for liquid milk processing industries under this loan
scheme. More details of this loans scheme could be obtained from VSs and LDIs, Branches of
PFIs or from the Regional Development Department of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.