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Workshop on the Implementation of the Large Combustion Plants Directive (2001/80/EC)
in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty Directive 2001/80/EC on the limitation
of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from Large Combustion Plants.
Available funds for the LCP
directive implementation - Poland’s experience
Gerard Lipinski
Coordinator of Strategic Program
”Advanced technologies for energy generation”
The National Centre for Research and Development
National Centre for Research and Development
established in 2007
governmental agency supervised by the Minister of Science and Higher
main task is to implement the strategic R&D programmes dedicated
to innovativeness of the economy
Strategic program
Advanced technologies of energy generation
High energy efficiency;
Low emission technologies;
Resource efficiency;
Development of Renewable Energy technologies.
Total cost of 4 projects ~360 000 000 (~EUR 88 000 000)
Planned co-financing
in 2010-2015 ~ PLN 300 000 000
(~EUR 73 000 000)
Structure of the presentation
1. Technical possibilities for achievement of
Emission Limit Values for dust, SO2 and NOx
2. Future BAT requirements for new plants
3. Estimated costs of pollution reduction
4. Domestic funds
For R & D
For Investments
5. EU funds
6. Other sources Ecofund, bilateral agreements
Technical possibilities for achievement
of ELVs for SO2
Example of ”Laziska” Powerstation research study for pulverised fuel (few
kinds of coal used for tests) fired boiler with steam drum OP – 650K wet
methode desulphurisation
SOx Input: 3560÷3950 kg/h
SO2 2680÷2985 mg/m3USR
Desulpurisation absorber
wihout tested additives
SO3 21÷29 mg/m3USR
PM 99÷121 mg/m3USR
SOx Input: 1750÷4595 kg/h
SO2 1200÷ 3100 mg/m3USR
SO2 : 152÷199 mg/m3USR
SO3 9÷14 mg/m3USR
SOx 159 ÷ 211 mg/m3USR
PM 12÷14 mg/m3USR
Desulpurisation absorber
wih tested additives
SO3 10÷30 mg/m3USR
Pył 50÷180 mg/m3USR
Desulphurisation rate (SOx): 93,0÷94,1 %
Desulphurisation rate (SOx): 86,1÷99,5%
SO2 6÷405 mg/m3USR
SO3 2÷14mg/m3USR
SOx 8 ÷ 430 mg/m3USR
PM 10÷21 mg/m3USR
Source: Silesian University of Technology
Technical possibilities for achievement
of ELVs for dust (PM) and NOx
Example of Wroclaw Institute of Technology research study for pulverised fuel
(bituminous coal) fired boiler with steam drum OP – 430 (part of CHP unit)
Emission limin value
(2010/75/EU Directive,
Annex V)
Emission after purification
(2 stages with ozone)
NOx, mg/m3 (6%O2)
PM, mg/m3 (6% O2)
BAT conclusions – possibility for
strenghteen ELV (art. 15. 3)
The competent authority shall set emission limit
values that ensure that, under normal operating
conditions, emissions do not exceed the
emission levels associated with the best
available techniques as laid down in the
decisions on BAT conclusions referred to in
Article 13(5) …
The National Fund for Environmetal
Protection and Water Management
The National Fund of Environmental Protection
and Water Management (NFEP&WM) which was
established in 1989 as a result of the regime
transformation in Poland, in cooperation with
voivodeship funds for environmental protection
and water management is the pillar of the Polish
system of financing environmental protection.
The basis of the National Fund’s operation as a
State legal person is the Act on Environmental
Protection Law.
The National Fund for Environmetal
Protection and Water Management
• Payments for use of environment by enterpreneurs
(emissions to the air, water, waste production etc.).
• Polluter pay principle – payments proportional to
the quantity and kind of pollution.
• Payments connected to not fulfiled enviroment
friendly obligations – share of renewable energy,
energy from CHP, energy efficiency certificates, etc.
• The collected money distributed by the National
Fund with support of local funds.
NFEP&WM incomes
Main principles of the Fund
• Is not included to the state budget;
• Supervised by Minister of Evironment, Minister of
Finance and NGOs;
• Competition of projects and beneficiaries;
• Loans, co-financing or financing of the
environmental projects according the Fund
• The main goal – environmental effect (not
economical effect!);
• Respected EU regulations (public support intesity
Example 1 (Efficient generation)
• Extention of Lublin-Wrotków Power Plant Gas-Steam Unit
• average total cost - PLN 587 million,
• NFEP&WM average contribution –
PLN 70 million;
Lublin Power Plant
Example 2 (Efficient generation)
• Extention of Rzeszów Power Plant - GasSteam Unit (Elektrociepłownia Rzeszów S.A.)
• average total cost
364 PLN million,
• NFEP&WM contribution
av. PLN 140 million;
Steam-Gas Unit in Rzeszów Power Plant
SO2 and NOx emission indicators
CO and dust emission indicators
CO2 emission indicator
EU funds (after accession)
• Structural funds - Operational Programme
Infrastructure and Environment, which include
the i.a.: adjusting Polish entrepreneurs to
environmental requirements, highly effective
generation and efficient distribution of energy.
• Cohesion funds (for worse developed regions of
EU) ~4 178 M EURO in years 2004-2006 for
environment and transport.
• Funds connected with EU programms (not
Energy Efficiency in EU Funds
Operational Programme
The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E)
is a response to the opportunities and challenges brought about by
the membership in the European Union.
Priority Axis IX: Environment-friendly energy infrastructure and
energy efficiency.
The main objective of the Priority Axis
Decreasing the impact of the energy sector on the environment.
The National Fund for Environmental
Protection & Water Management OPI&E
activities 2007-2013
Million EUR
9.1 Efficient
electricity generation
9.2 Efficient
electricity distribution
9.3 Thermo110,54
modernisation of
public buildings
Ecofund – part of Poland’s debt
transfered to fund for environment
friendly investments
• Polish debt-for-environment swap program.
• Started early ’90.
• The USA, France, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, and
Norway reduced their receivables from Poland as
the debtor.
• Technologies imported from the countries
• Limited lifetime of the fund (1992-2010/11).
Norwegian Financial Mechanisms
and EEA Mechanisms
• Pursuant to the provisions of art. 128 of the
European Economic Area Treaty, new member
countries of the European Union join, upon
submitting a relevant application, the
European Economic Area (EEA).
• A relevant agreement was signed by the Polish
government on 14 October 2003.
Thank you for attention
Gerard Lipinski
[email protected]
[email protected]
Coordinator of Strategic Program
”Advanced technologies for energy generation”
The National Centre for Research and Development