Download Birding Big Day 2014

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Job 12:7-10 (NIV)
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will
tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform
you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? 10 In
his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Birding Big Day 2014 - Saturday 29 November 2014
“Big Birding Day” offers the opportunity to “get out there.... “ and enjoy God’s
Creation! Why not take this opportunity to get a group of birding enthusiasts and
enter the Birding Big Day Challenge! Here is an opportunity to involve your Parish
Community in a great time together!
BirdLife South Africa’s annual Birding Big Day has a number of categories to suit
the needs of all birders. 2014 marks the 30th annual Birding Big Day and an exciting
new category has been added. Bird your ‘Hood gives you 24 hours to go birding in
your garden, local park or school grounds; as long as it is close enough to walk, bike
or hike. Birding Big Day 2014 is not only around which team can see the most
species. During this year’s event, teams can contribute to one national species list to
see how close we can get to recording the 845 bird species that occur in South
Africa in just one day!
There is no entry fee. However, raise R250 or more in sponsorship for BirdLife South
Africa's important bird conservation work and you will receive a Birding Big Day cloth
badge and be entered into the lucky draw.
The categories
Bird your 'Hood
Record all the bird species seen or heard in your
garden, local park, school grounds or suburb during a
24-hour period.
You may count all birds seen or heard, including
those flying overhead. Only free-flying birds may
be recorded (no caged birds)
Teams can consist of one to ten people.
BirdLife South Africa would like to recommend that data submission be made
through the MyBirdPatch project.
Read more about MyBirdPatch at
Open "For the serious searcher"
The maximum area that can be visited is an area within
a radius of 50 km during a 24-hour period.
Teams can consist of two to four people. Individuals can
also enter.
The majority of the team members have to agree on a
call or sighting and only free-flying birds may be
recorded (no caged birds).
BirdLife South Africa would like to recommend that data
submission be made through SABAP2 (Southern Africa
Bird Atlas Project 2).
To find out more or to register as an atlaser, visit
Family/Community "For the fun of finding"
The maximum area that can be visited is an area within a radius of 50 km during
a 24-hour period.
Teams can consist of two to twenty
The majority of the team members have
to agree on a call or sighting and only
free-flying birds may be recorded (no
caged birds).
BirdLife South Africa would like to
recommend that data submission be
made through SABAP2 (Southern Africa
Bird Atlas Project 2).
To find out more or to register as an atlaser, visit
Birding with a purpose
As a birder, one of the most valuable contributions you can make is to ensure that
the information you collect whilst birding is recorded and put to good use. Most of
what we know about our birds, their behaviour and their movements is a result of
information from ordinary birders. BirdLife South Africa would like to encourage
teams and individuals to become "citizen scientists” and go birding with a purpose.
Consider participating in the Southern African Bird Atlas Project 2 (SABAP2) or
MyBirdPatch during Birding Big Day.
How to enter participate
Download the Entry Form BBD 2014 Entry Form (112 kB) or BBD 2014
Inskrywingsvorm (121 kB)
Choose your category, get out and go birding on Saturday 29 November 2014.
Bird checklists are available here
There is no entry fee. However, raise R250 or more in sponsorship for BirdLife South
Africa's important bird conservation work and you will receive a Birding Big Day cloth
badge and you will also qualify for the lucky draw.
For bank deposits or electronic transfers, please use the payment reference ‘BBD’
and your team name. The banking details can be found on the entry form. Please
send deposit slip or proof of payment via fax 086 581 9999 or email
[email protected]
Send your completed entry form to BirdLife South Africa by 5 December 2014 via
email [email protected] , fax 086 581 9999 or post to PO Box 515, Randburg,
2125 for attention Nikki McCartney.
For more information, please contact Nikki McCartney, Events & Marketing Manager
on [email protected] or 083 636 1060
Go out and have fun in God’s Creation!!!