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Skill Study Competence
Skill Program competence
Skill Competence
Standard Competence
Basic Competence
: Art and Tourism
: Culinary
: Cookery
: Processing continental dishes
: Processing seafood dishes
A. Introduction
Fish interpreted by all bloodless animal which
live in water and breathe with the gill. Fish can be
classified into two that is fin fish (fish have soft
husk) so-called fish, and shellfish that is hard skin
fish. The outer of fish covered with scales. And
shellfish covered by hard skin.
Based on habitat, fish classified into 2 (two),
that is fish of brine and freshwater. Fish of brine
have higher aroma than fish freshwater. Fish with
high fat have aroma more than fish with low fat.
Fish contain fat between 0,5–20
B. Penggolongan Ikan
1. Leanfish, or no fat, fat containing is 2% or less
2. Medium fat fish, or fatty fish, fat containing
between 2–5%. Fat of leanfish and medium fatfish
most contained in fish liver, such as cod fish and
halibut which commercially made oil fish liver.
3. Fatfish, or high fat fish, fat containing above 5%.
Fatfish have color pigment more than other, so that
these fish can be seen yellow or pink compared
with leanfish which white chromatic. Some fatfish
as follows salmon, mackerel, herring, and eel
Fish classification based on physique classified into 2,
that are:
1. Flatfish: the shape is flat. Plaice commonly live near by
bottom of sea. Swim body horizontally, its eyes be at one of
same side or side. Body which is 272 facing to for having
darker than body facing downwards. Fish type which have
flat body for example: fish side (halibut), tongue sole, black
black pomfret, silver pomfret, rays, and others lain.
2. Round fish: the shape is rather ellipse, and
flatulent. This fish have circular body for example
tuna fish, Spanish mackerel, mackerel, and salmon.
Beside that congereel include to species.
C. Classification of shellfish
Shellfish is different with finfish. shellfish has
hard skin/shell. Shellfish does not have back bone
or internal skeleton. The body of this animal is soft,
hard shell/skin is as protector.
1. Mollusks
Mollusk is animal which live in territorial water
and its body have an eggshell. Beside that there is
mollusk which have only one shell, for example:
snail, oyster and clam.
There is mollusk that don’t have shell for
example squid and octopus. Mollusk don’t have
backbone, they live in the sea, and also some of
them live in the freshwater
2. Crustacea
Crustacea is animal with segment. On its feet found
joints. Crustacea consist of various kinds of crustacea.
Crustacea have 5 feet knuckled with pincer on the edge. Its
body covered calcium as secretion so that the shell is hard.
In catering business, crustacea which is delighted in such
as lobster, rock lobster, shrimps, crab.
D. Fish Structure
Fish is the usual plural form. This matter
represent the clearest difference between fish and
meat. This difference if related to a fish processing,
hence mean the fish will quickly rare, using
moistness cook method to keep 273 moistness not
to mellow the fish flesh. Plural form found more in
tail and part of red colored fish flesh. Plural form
that found is easy to hydrolysis. In a state of raw
the structure of fish flesh very soft and refine.
E. Nutrient
Fish is one of foodstuff that have high protein.
Fish nutrient consist of 17% protein, 4,5 % Fat,
76% water, 2,5% - 4,5% mineral and vitamin.
Fish as protein have an excess than other
protein. Fish protein contains amino acid and rich of
lysine. Beside high protein it contain high fat acid
and also vitamin and mineral.
F. Selecting Fish
Selecting fish should select the best quality.
How to select fish by using sense of sight, touch
and sense of smell.
Selecting fish by the sense should be follow the
1. Skin fish color is clear and light. Different with
putrid fish the color is not good and stale.
2. Scales of fish patch on its skin
3. If the fish pressed, meat of fish immediately turn
back or tough, it means the condition of fish is
rigor mortis or not decayed yet
4. 4. Part of fish gill still be fresh red colored and the
gill is clear.
5. Eye ball of fish clear, fear and fresh and also do
not enter into eye socket
6. Fresh fish have good aroma/smell. If found fish
ammonia smell or sulfur it means the fish is
On the contrary, signs fish which is not fresh:
1. Eyes: unclear, pale and turbid. If the eyes
pressed they will dissolved.
2. Gills: dirt and full of liquid, the gills is not red
3. Scale: easy to remove
4. Smell: removing smell bad (ammonia), stale or
5. Flabby.
G. Storing Fish
1. Wet and chill storing technique
Wet and chill storing can be divided into 2 ways:
a. In freezer. Using drip-an in order that melted ice
can flow out, and replaceable ices fraction every
b. In refrigerator. With the temperature between -1 to
1° C. Firstly, wrap fish or put on plastic bag then
entered into refrigerator.
2. Preserving technique
Observed from final product that wanted, preserving fish
can be done by 3 (three) ways:
a. Preserving of fresh fish; this ways done with
temperature control, refrigeration, freezing, drying,
smoked, and canning/preserving.
b. Preserving by using chemical, pickling/salting, and
c. Preserving by microbiology; preserving fish in salt
(Nugraheni, 2005)
H. Handling Fish
1. Handling fish
a. After fish die, it will be finding “rigor mortis” where
is the body of fish is stiffness caused of
biochemical reaction.
b. Next step is decayed process caused of
microorganism producing mucus on its body that
caused by rigor mortis process, autolysis, and
c. Autolysis process, is dealing with the action of
protein and fat in fish because the influence of
enzyme that caused by structure of flesh of fish. It
will make the flesh be soft and easy to part from the
2. Cleaning fish instruction:
a. Wash fish to remove entire dirt and sand that may
on it.
b. Cut entire fins and gill, then take the gill out.
c. Make a shallow cut from the anus to head.
d. Take entire intestines.
e. Take blood bag that patch on backbone
f. Remove fins if needed.
g. Wash off with water, then dry on the place that
may the water dripped.
3. How to cut fish
Filleting and skinning Flatfish. Meat of fish on the
two side or backbone pressed is called “fillet”. This
part consist of thick meat fish. Fillet is a process for
slicing or be apart fillet, and skinning is
peeling/removing skin from meat. it dari daging).
4. Filleting process
a. Put fish on chopping board, the dark side face
upwards and the tail face to our body.
b. Make a shallow cut on the backbone of fish (in the
center between head and tail)
Fillet Process
If the head still patch on its body, make a shallow
cut to separated head with fillet
Fillet Result
5. Skinning process
a. Put a fillet on chopping board, the skin face
downwards, part of tail on left.
b. Hold the tail by left hand, cut the a little meat
without cutting the skin.
c. Moving the knife as movement saw from tail to
head. The knife move between skin and meat.
d. Repeat this process for other fillet.
e. Put out left fillet, by press the fillet to left
f. Knife above the bone, from backbone to outside
(fillet 1 has been put out)
g. Turn around the head of fish towards our body,
then put fillet 2 out by repeating step 4th.
h. Turn over the fish so the bone face downwards
and repeat step 4th and 5th to put fillet 3 and 4 out
J. Fish Dishes variation
K. Shellfish Dishes variation
L. Seasoning and sauce seafood
M. Storing fish/seafood
1. Storing fish product in cold temperature; for
example: fish sausage, fish nugget.
2. Storing fish product with Smoked; for example
smoked fish.
3. Storing fish product by frying; for example fish
shreded and fish snack.
4. Storing fih product by drying; for example: jerked
meat (dendeng)
Smoked fish
Fish shredded