Download quick tips to improve your mental health

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Don’t forget to eat healthier, excercise
more, and get enough sleep!
List 5 positive coping mechanisms that work
for you:
Create 5 new positive coping mechanisms:
Good mental health is
important to everyone.
When mental illness occurs, it is not a sign of
weakness. It is an illness and it deserves the
same recognition, support and understanding
that we give to other illnesses. An estimated 1
in 10 children between the ages 5-16 live with
a diagnosable mental disorder.
The SHINE Initative is a leader in recognizing
mental illness in children and young adults as a
mainstream health issue. Since 2004, the SHINE
Initative has been engaging the community in
conversation about mentall illness and diffusing
the stigma that has overshadowed mental illness
for generations. Through collaborations with
schools, youth serving organizations, business
and civic organizations, and providers of mental
health services, we are changing perceptions of
mental illness.
The health of young people, now and in the
future, depends on the resolve of the individuals
and communities to recognize, support and treat
mental illness as we do other illnesses, in other
words, as a mainstream health issue.
Young people and their caregivers throughout
Central Massachusetts are adding their voices to
the effort.
List 5 people you can trust
and reach out to for help.
Won’t you join the conversation?
To learn more, donate, or get involved: 978.870.1494
Did you know that proper nutrition and
excercise can benefit your body & your mind!
When your body and your mind are in good
shape you’re better equipped to manage
routine tasks, but also the stress that can
be the result of new challenges and life
Positive coping mechanisms can help relieve
stress or anxiety. Some common positive
coping mechanisms are: writing, drawing,
meditating, baking, taking a walk, or talking to
Did you know that depression and low self
esteem have been linked to poor nutrition
and weight issues? The next time you think
about reaching for junk food, think about
healthier alternatives or make access to junk
food more difficult by only buying healthy
options. When you’re bored go for a run or
walk, or do yoga instead of turning on your
game system.
There are many things that can affect your
mental health. This includes lack of sleep, poor
nutrition, lack of physical activity, and stressors,
such as school, social relationships, work and
career, even family obligations.
Lack of sleep can interfere with focus and
performance. Healthy amounts of sleep
can boost your memory and improve your
attention and performance at school, at
home, or at work!
There are also several things that everyone can
do to help improve one’s mental health.
Getting enough sleep can also help you to
make better decisions and to think more
clearly. It’s recommended that you get eight
hours of sleep a night. Take a half hour to
settle into bed, listen to music or take some
time away from electronics and get those
much needed and deserved Z’s.
These include changes to your diet, sleep
habits, and coping mechanisms. Some of these
changes can be easily applied to your daily
For more tips and helpful information, please visit
It’s advantageous to have several positive
coping mechanisms so you don’t over-use one
and reduce it’s effectiveness.
Make a list of ones that work for you so
you know what can help when you’re
overwhelmed. Try and come up with new and
effective coping mechanisms as well in order
to constantly keep your list fresh!
If you find that our tips aren’t helping, or your
health concerns persist, it might be a sign of
something deeper and you should ask for help.
Identify people in your life who you can trust
and you know will help you. These people can
be parents, caregivers, teachers, counselors,
religious leaders, family, and friends.
We all get overwhelmed from time to time and
we want to convey the simple message: Don’t
be afraid to ask for help. After all, asking for
help is a sign of strength of character.