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Economics 301 – Revision Checklist Marginal Analysis
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Marginal Analysis – Utility and Demand
Explain the difference between perfect and imperfect competition
Identify the characteristics of a monopoly
Identify the characteristics of a duopoly
Identify the characteristics of a oligopoly
Identify the characteristics of monopolistic competition
Identify the characteristics of perfect competition
Define Marginal and Total Utility
Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Explain the Optimal Purchase Rule
Explain the links between the Law of Diminishing MU and the Optimal
Purchase Rule to explain the shape of the D curve
Marginal Analysis – Costs and Supply
Give examples of Economic costs
Give examples of Accounting costs
Explain the difference between Economic and Accounting profit (in
words and calculated)
Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
Explain the link between the Law of Marginal Returns and Marginal Costs
Explain how the upward slope of the MC curve is the Supply curve
Define and give examples of Fixed Costs
Define and give examples of Variable Costs
Define/calculate Average Cost
Define/calculate Marginal Cost
Define/calculate Total Cost
Define /calculate Average Fixed Costs
Define/calculate Average Variable Costs
Explain the shape of the FC curve
Explain the shape of the VC curve
Explain the shape of the TC curve
Explain the shape of the AFC curve
Explain the shape of the AVC curve
Explain the shape of the AC curve
Explain the shape of the MC curve
Draw on a graph MC, AC, AVC correctly together
Explain why the MC curve cuts the AC and AVC at their minimum points
Marginal Analysis - Revenue
Define and calculate Total Revenue
Define and calculate Average Revenue
Define and calculate Marginal Revenue
Draw on a graph MR and AR for a perfect competitor
Draw on a graph MR and AR for a imperfect competitor (monopoly)
Explain why the shapes of MR and AR for perfect and imperfect
competition are different
Marginal Analysis – Profit Maximisation Perfect Competition
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Identify the profit maximising position for a perfect competitor
Illustrate clearly using the MR, AR, AC and MC curves the profit max
position on a graph for a perfect competitor
Identify the profit max price and quantity for a perfect competitor on a
Explain the difference between normal, super and sub normal profits
Illustrate normal, super and sub profits on a graph
Identify the shut down point for a perfect competitor
Explain in detail what happens if a perfect competitor produces at a
quantity where MR>MC
Explain in detail what happens if a perfect competitor produces at a
quantity where MC>MR
Illustrate graphically a perfect competitor in the SR and LR
Explain the changes to the perfect competitor in the SR and LR
Marginal Analysis – Profit Maximisation Monopoly Competition
Identify the profit maximising position for a monopoly competitor
Illustrate clearly using the MR, AR, AC and MC curves the profit max
position on a graph for a monopoly competitor
Identify the profit max price and quantity for a monopoly competitor on
a graph
Explain the difference between normal, super and sub normal profits
Illustrate normal, super and sub profits on a graph
Explain in detail what happens if a monopoly competitor produces at
a quantity where MR>MC
Explain in detail what happens if a monopoly competitor produces at
a quantity where MC>MR
Illustrate graphically a monopoly competitor in the SR and LR
Explain the changes to the monopoly competitor in the SR and LR
Marginal Analysis – Changes in curves
Graphically illustrate what happens in perfect competition when fixed
costs increase
Graphically illustrate what happens in perfect competition when variable
costs increase
Graphically illustrate what happens in perfect competition when demand
Graphically illustrate what happens in monopoly competition when fixed
costs increase
Graphically illustrate what happens in monopoly competition when
variable costs increase
Graphically illustrate what happens in monopoly competition when demand
Identify the new profit max position after any changes in curves
Explain the reasons for the firm moving to the profit max position
after any changes