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A Basic Introduction to
Geographic Information Systems
Rev. Ronald J. Wasowski, C.S.C.
Associate Professor of Environmental Science
University of Portland
Portland, Oregon
3 September 2015
Introduction to GIS
• Geographic Information Systems/Science (GIS)
– Computer–assisted system for…
…of geographic data
• Fundamental components of every GIS
– Spatial & attribute databases
Cartographic display system
Map digitizing system
Database management system
Geographic analysis system
Image processing system
Statistical analysis system
Decision support system
Introduction to GIS
The Heart of Every GIS
• Two closely related databases
– Spatial database
• Shape & location of Earth’s features
– Subsurface
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Attribute database
• Data regarding a land parcel…
– Owner
– Value
– Use
• Basic approaches
– Completely separate spatial & attribute databases
– Completely integrated spatial & attribute databases
• IDRISI’s approach
• Option to keep some elements separate
IDRISI’s Cartographic Display System
• Display
– Existing thematic maps
– Existing
• Display
– New
thematic maps
– Restored, enhanced & classified imagery
• Display cartographic output
– Composition
Map layers
Scale bars
– Output
• Hardcopy
• Softcopy
Various printers & plotters
Various graphics formats
IDRISI’s Map Digitizing System
• Early
IDRISI versions
• Present IDRISI version
– Existing paper maps
• Digitizing tablets
• Large-format scanners
– Images
• Traditional aerial photography
– Analog acquisition
Digital input
• Digital aerial photography & satellites
– Digital acquisition
Digital input
– Supported file formats
Tagged Image File format
• Related capabilities
– CAD & CoGo (Coordinate Geometry)
IDRISI’s Database Management System
– Traditional
Database Workshop
Analysis of attribute data
– Specialized utilities
• Spatial data
• Attribute data
Traditional DBMS capabilities
– Represent results as an image or map
• Related capabilities
– AM/FM (Automated Mapping/Facilities Management)
• Associated with public utilities
Water, electricity …
• Allows users to manage & analyze utility network data
IDRISI’s Geographic Analysis System
• Ability to…
– digitize spatial data
– attach attributes to stored features
– Analyze spatial data based on stored attributes
– map out the result
• Analyze joint occurrence of geographic features
– Example:
Radon risk in residential areas
• Map all bedrock types associated with high radon levels
• Map all residential areas
• Overlay these two maps
• Generate a new map for the GIS database
IDRISI’s Image Processing System
• Image restoration
– Geometry
• Not a perfectly polar orbit
• Earth rotates under the spacecraft
– Sensor banding
• E/W for cross-track scanners
• N/S for pushbroom scanners
• Image enhancement
– Contrast
– Color
– Edges
• Information extraction
– Transformations
– Multispectral classification
IDRISI’s Statistical Analysis System
• Traditional statistical analyses
– Single & multivariate statistics
– Mean, standard deviation…
• Specialized analyses for spatial data
– Changes over both space & time
– Simple distances & cost distances
IDRISI’s Decision Support System
• Decisions regarding resource allocation
– Produce models incorporating error into the process
• Usually overlooked in GIS analyses
• Increases with the number of layers and/or steps involved
– Construct multi–criteria suitability maps
• Buffer zones +
land cover/use type
• Water storage + recreation + flood control + …
– Address allocation decisions with multiple objectives
• Population density +
• Tree species
average income
+ tree diameter/height + …
Map Data Representation
• Two data types
– Geographic definitions
of Earth features
• Latitude / Longitude, UTM coordinates …
– Attributes / characteristics of Earth features
• Tree species, diameter, height, health, age …
• Representation of those data types
– Vector
Magnitude + direction
• Points, lines & polygons
– Scalar [Raster]
Magnitude only
• Digital numbers [DN] Integer (discrete) & real (continuous)
Vector & Raster Data Representations
Vector Data Representation
• Defined using (x,y) coordinate pairs
– Representation of points in space
• Latitude / longitude
• UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid
• Interpret the coordinate pairs
– Points
Benchmarks, intersections…
– Lines
Boundaries, roads, shorelines…
– Polygons
Fields, land cover areas…
• Identify the coordinate pairs
– Simple feature identifier numbers
– Attributes identified with identical numbers
Raster Data Representation
• Areas represented by an array of pixels
– No “features” are defined
• Each cell is assigned a number
– Simple feature identifier numbers
• Spectral class numbers
– Qualitative attribute code
• Ranking from first to last
– Quantitative attribute value
• Reflectance value in some spectral band
• Pixel characteristics
– Position
– Characteristics
• Brightness
• Color
• Shape
Defined by (x,y) pairs
Raster vs. Vector
• Raster data representation
Analysis oriented
– Data intensive
• Every pixel must be represented in the spatial database
– Space is simply & uniformly represented
• Substantially increased analytical power
– Ideally suited to study of continuously changing phenomena
• Matches computer & digital image architecture
• Vector data representation
DBMS oriented
– Data conservative
• Very efficient in storing map data [boundaries]
– Can produce simple thematic maps
• Pen plotters produce traditional-style maps
– Excel at analyzing movement over networks
– Elements from both data representation styles
Database Concepts: Organization
• Vectors mimic map collections
– Vector systems come closest to this organization
• Differ from a collection of maps
– Each contains information on only one feature type
• Buildings
• Roads
• Sewers
– Each contains a series of attributes about features
• Buildings: Owner, age, value, tax rate, tax amount …
• Roads:
Width, number of lanes, paving material …
• Sewers:
Diameter, wall thickness, wall material…
• Rasters establish unitary datasets
• Building owner
• Building age
• Building value
Database Coverages / Layers
Database Concepts: Georeferencing
• Coverages (vectors) & layers (rasters)
– Reference systems
• Latitude / longitude
• UTM coordinates
Universal Transverse Mercator
• State plane coordinates
– Reference units
• Degrees / minutes / seconds
45° 34' 12"
• Decimal degrees
– Bounding rectangles
• North, East, South & West coordinates
• Required even if coverages & layers are not rectangles
Unusual Database Characteristics
• Scale differences are gracefully handled
– Input layers with different pixel dimensions
Landsat MSS
Landsat TM
80 m ground resolution cells
30 m ground resolution cells
20 m ground resolution cells
10 m ground resolution cells
– Resolution strategies
• Resample pixels to a common size
• Multiply number of pixels by a scale factor
• Map reference systems are easily changed
• Map
are easily changed
– Fully automated
– Extremely fast
– Metric, British, nautical…
• Resolution remains a critical issue
Analysis In GIS
• Analytical tools
– Database query
– Map algebra
– Distance operators
– Context operators
• Analytical operations
– Database query
– Derivative mapping
– Process modeling
Analytical Tools: Database Query
• Retrieve stored information from the database
– Ask questions by location
• What is present at a particular location?
– Ask questions by attribute
• What attributes does this location have?
• Two steps involved
– Produce reclassifications from existing layers
• Combine similar
– Pines, firs & cedars all classified as evergreen trees
• Produce Boolean layers
– 0 [unacceptable] or 1 [acceptable]
– Overlay the reclassifications
• Logical
• Mathematical combinations
Addition, subtraction …
Reclassification & Overlay
Analytical Tools: Map Algebra
• Combine map layers mathematically
– Mathematical modeling absolutely requires this
• Mean annual temperature as a function of altitude
• Soil erosion a function of erodability, gradient & rainfall
• Three kinds of mathematical operators
– Modify
within a single layer
• Add, subtract, multiply or divide using a constant
– Transform data
within a single layer
• Trig functions, log transformations …
– Combine
data across multiple layers
• Snowmelt = ( 0.19 . Temperature + 0.17 . Dew Point )
Analytical Tools: Distance Operators
• Construct buffer zones
– Constant distance from a point, line or polygon
• Hard boundaries
• Evaluate distance to all features in a set
– Actual distance to various points, lines or polygons
• Soft boundaries
• Frictional effects
– Cost distances
• Low frictional costs
• High frictional costs
Money, time, effort…
– Anisotropic costs
• Going uphill costs more than going downhill
• Barriers
– Frictional costs too high to overcome
Distance Operators
Analytical Tools: Context Operators
• Neighbors often affect one another
– Elevation layer produces both slope & aspect layers
– Digital filters change the neighborhood
• Raster systems well suited to context operators
– Surface analysis
– Digital filtering
– Contiguous areas
– Watershed analysis
– Viewshed analysis
– Supply / demand modeling
Analytical Operations: Database Query
• Database query tools for multiple variables
• Apply appropriate procedures
– Measurement
– Statistical analysis
• Key features
– Take out only what is in the database(s)
– Make a withdrawal from an existing data bank
• Key activity
– Looking for spatial patterns
Analytical Operations: Derivative Mapping
• Knowledge of relationships
• Combine selected variables into new layers
– Example:
Soil erosion potential
• Topographic elevations
– Slope aspect Compass direction toward which the slope faces
– Slope gradient Slope steepness
• Soil erodability
• Create new data from old data
– Ability to produce models
• Use map algebra tools
– Foundations for those models
• Theoretical
• Empirical
Basic scientific principles
Curve-fitting (e.g., regression lines)