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Describe It
Administration of
its American
and unfocused British policy
As a result of English Civil War, for one example
Creation of the Dominion of New England to
gain more political control over colonies (fails)
“Salutary Neglect”
Glorious Revolution places William and Mary
on the throne
Britain is lax in its administration of its colonies
Colonies develop a measure of self-governance
Colonies developed a habit of selfgovernance
(However, while the king no longer
had the power to veto acts of
Parliament, the governors of royal
colonies enjoyed this power, as well as
wide-ranging powers to appoint and
remove officials and to grant
Colonies are used to:
taxing themselves,
voting on colonial issues,
colonial representation
Colonial assemblies (the
lawmaking branch of the
government) were elected
by a popular vote of the
Often modeled after
Parliament, took control of
colony’s budget as well as
voting on taxes.
Glorious Revolution
House of Burgesses,
Other colonial assemblies
Describe It
Theory of economics
The main aspect of mercantilism was that there
was a finite amount of gold and silver in the
world, and the best way for a nation to gather
it was to earn it
Colonies were seen to be a way that
Great Britain could increase its total
wealth through its raw resources
Colonies not allowed to manufacture
Navigation Acts supported
the theory of mercantilism
Direct Trade Routes
Triangle Trade Routes
Colonies provide raw resources
Colonies provide Britain buyers for
their manufactured goods
Navigation Acts
(Before French &
Indian Wars)
Trade restrictions that required an increasing
number of British sailors on British ships
transporting British goods to British ports
In short: Britain would control all trade
Too expensive for Britain to enforce Navigation
Colonies enjoy a little bit of smuggling
to make some money on the side
Attempt to gain back control by
Charles II through Lords of Trade
Rum is smuggled to other
nations directly instead of
going through British
controlled shipping
Describe It
French and Indian
Primarily between French & English European
powers with Indian allies
France created trading posts, not self(Known as Seven
sustaining colonies.
Years War in
As a result, a preponderance of males were
sent, and they often integrated into the tribes
of Native Americans by taking Indian brides.
War begin when
This allowed them to have some strong Indian
British colonists
crossed into the
However, the French were small in number
Ohio River Valley,
compared to the British numbers (colonies).
which both England
and France claimed British had Indian allies, too—particularly those
who were enemies of the tribes that were
In response, the
supporting the French.
French erected
forts in western
Spain was in decline as a presence in No.
Pennsylvania to
America since their settlements here never
prevent further
became prosperous
Fight over dominance of North
Sent to fight in French & Indian War
Gains experience in war
Begins to earn respect
Primary Source:
First Political
By Benjamin Franklin
First political cartoon in colonies
Urged colonies to unite against the French in
Would become popular again twenty
years later urging colonies to unite
against British policies
British are victorious
See image on p. 180
Topic/Person/Event Describe It
Albany Congress
Convened to discuss Franklin’s Plan of Union
Forerunner to the Articles of
British Victorious
Britain took all of France’s
North American provinces
from the Mississippi east to
the Appalachian mountains
and all of Spanish Florida
and Canada. Great Britain
now controlled all of the
landmass east of the
Mississippi River.
Plan called for creation of a confederation of
the colonies
Peace of Paris of
Ends French and Indian War
Britain was hoping to obtain
the Louisiana Territory as
well, but through a secret
treaty, France gave the land
to Spain so that it would not
be taken by Britain.
Britain at End of
French and Indian
Great Britain has double the amount of land
(all the way to the Mississippi)
Britain begins to manage its colonies
more aggressively
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
British displeased by the colonists’ refusal to
stop trading with the enemy while the
Redcoats were fighting a war the colonists had
Enforcement of Navigation
Stamp Act
Britain faced a massive national debt that
demanded payment.
Describe It
Pontiac’s Rebellion Widespread Indian attacks erupted along the
new frontier in 1763 under the leadership of
Ottawa chieftain named Pontiac
Angered that their land had been ceded to the
British by the French without their approval,
they fought to regain it.
Great Britain wanted to keep the
colonists out of the newly acquired
lands to:
● prevent another war from erupting
● prevent adding further to the
burdensome debt.
Focus Questions:
Why did New England suffer more than other regions of North America during the wars of the eighteenth century?
What were the long-term financial, military, and political consequences of the wars between France and Britain?
How did the British Empire administer the economy of its colonies?
How were colonial governments structured, and how independent were they of the mother country?
How did the presence of the French to North America affect Britain and its colonies?
What were the causes of the French and Indian War?
How did victory in the Seven Years’ War affect the British colonies in North America?