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Introductory Terminology Puzzle
1. The normal type of ___ is negative.
7. The ___ portion of the body consists of the limbs and shoulder and
hip girdles.
9. Directional term that means the back of the body.
10. A plane that divides the body vertically into anterior and posterior
portions, also known as coronal.
11. Double serous membrane that lines and covers the organs of the
abdominal and pelvic cavities.
12. Inferior medial abdominal region that means below the stomach.
14. The ___ cavity is inferior to the diaphragm.
16. The basic living unit of all plants and animals.
17. A ____ plane would divide the body at right angles to the long axis.
19. Directional term that means toward the midline of the body.
20. Term used to refer to the anterior hip region.
21. An abdominal region that is located on the stomach.
23. The part of the serous membrane that is in contact with the organ.
25. The ___ portion of the body consists of the head, neck and trunk.
26. To lie or be placed with the anterior surface facing down.
27. Meaning behind the peritoneum.
28. Any living thing considered as a whole, whether composed of one
cell or many.
29. The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in
the presence of a constantly changing external environment..
30. The midline structural area of the thoracic cavity.
33. ____ feedback usually creates a “vicious cycle” leading away
from homeostasis and possible leading to death.
34. Deviation from the ideal normal value initiates ____ feedback.
35. Term used to refer to upper arm region.
37. The abdomen can be divided into nine abdominal ____.
42. Another term for inferior referring to the tail.
44. A scientific discipline that deals with the vital processes or functions
of living things.
45. The ___ cavity is surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from
the abdomen by the diaphragm.
46. Directional term that means the front of the body.
47. Directional term that is used to locate one structure from another
structure that is farther from the point of attachment to the trunk.
48. Type of membranes that surround and protect the ventral cavity
49. Term used for the under arm region.
2. Directional term meaning away from the surface.
3. The right and left ___ regions of the abdomen are lateral to the
umbilical region.
4. A____ plane runs vertically through the body and separates it into
right and left portions.
5. Another term for anterior.
6. Directional term that indicates a structure is closer than another
sturcture to the point of attachment to the trunk.
7. Regional term that refers to the forearm.
8. Large circular muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal
12. The left and right ____ abdominal regions are lateral to the
epigastric abdominal region.
13. Body erect, feet facing forward, arms hanging to the side with
palms of hands facing forward and thumbs point laterally is called the
anatomical _____.
15. Directional term used in place of posterior.
18. To lie or be placed so that the anterior side faces up.
22. Directional term that means toward or on the surface.
24. Directional term used in place of superior.
30. Double layered membrane that anchors some of the abdominal
organs to the body wall and provides a pathway for nerves and
blood vessels to reach the organs.
31. Scientific discipline that investigates the body structures.
32. Directional term to indicate that one structure is lower than
33. Serous membrane that surrounds the heart and its cavity.
36. Four regions that divides the abdomen into sections.
38. The right and left ____ regions are tow of the most inferior
abdominal regions lateral to the hypogastric region.
39. Term used to indicate a structure is higher than another.
40. A body part composed of two or more tissues that performs
specific functions.
41. Directional term meaning away from the midline of the body.
43. The serous membrane that surrounds the lungs and its cavity.
44. Imaginary flat surfaces passing through a body.