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The Nation’s Favorite Fun Family Newspaper
Kidsville News! Brainworks Worksheet
January Enrichment Activities
Grades 3-6
Make a list describing each form of weather
The Nation’s Favorite Fun Family Newspaper
Kidsville News! Brainworks Worksheet
January Enrichment Activities
Grades 3-6
List all the facts you can find about Giant Pandas. Then write at least 3 opinions about the Giant Panda based on
the article.
The Nation’s Favorite Fun Family Newspaper
Kidsville News! Brainworks Worksheet
January Enrichment Activities
Grades 3-6
Answer key
Make a list describing each form of weather
A tornado is a narrow,
rotating column of air that extends from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. It is
visible when it forms a funnel
made of water droplets, dust and
debris that it picks up. Inside the
funnel, winds can swirl at 200
miles per hour. They are the most
violent of all atmospheric storms
and can be deadly.
Hurricanes have been in
the news recently and
cause a lot of damage
each year. Air is moving
all the time. In the summer and early fall, huge
masses of air move over
the warm oceans. They
get hot, pick up lots of
water and start swirling,
sinking and rising. That’s
when a hurricane is born.
A thunderstorm is a rain shower
during which you hear thunder.
Thunder is created from lightning, so all thunderstorms have
lightning. In addition to rain,
they can produce damaging
winds, floods and tornadoes.
Winter storms derive their energy from
the clash of two air masses of different
temperatures and moisture levels. Winter
storms usually form when an air mass of
cold, dry, Canadian air moves south and
interacts with a warm, moist air mass
moving north from the Gulf of Mexico.
The point where these two air masses
meet is called a front. If cold air advances
and pushes away the warm air, it forms
a cold front. When warm air advances,
it rides up over the denser, cold air mass
to form a warm front. If neither air mass
advances, it forms a stationary front.
The Nation’s Favorite Fun Family Newspaper
Kidsville News! Brainworks Worksheet
January Enrichment Activities
Grades 3-6
Answer key
Wildville possible answers
FACTS They have black patches around the eyes,
ears and body. One of the rarest animals in
the world, Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in China in bamboo forests.
Their diet is almost all bamboo — 99
percent. Sometimes they eat other grasses
and an occasional rodent. Pandas usually sit
upright, like a human, to eat. They use their
front paws to hold the bamboo, with the
help of a thumb-like bone in their paw.
They use their strong teeth and jaws to
crush the tough bamboo. They get a lot of
the water they need from the bamboo plant,
but also go to rivers and streams to drink
every day.
Even though they look cute, giant pandas
are bears and can be dangerous, like any
bear. They are about the same size as an
American black bear. They are usually
two-to-three-feet tall at the shoulder when
standing on all four legs and can be four to
six-feet long. Males are larger than females,
and can weigh up to 250 pounds.
The giant panda is an endangered species. Approximately 300 pandas live in
zoos and breeding centers, mostly in China.
Mei Xiang and Tian Tian are giant pandas
that live at the National Zoo in Washington,