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English 350-17
Essay 1
First read “Visual Rhetoric: Images as Argument,” which has been posted on blackboard. The
full article will give you some useful background on the issues involved with this question.
Then focus in on section, “Are Some Images Not Fit to Be Shown?” that appears on pages 9498.
Writing Assignment (3 pages):
Marvin Kalb, a distinguished journalist, was quoted as saying that the public has a
right to see the tape of Daniel Pearl’s murder but that “common sense, decency,
[and] humanity would encourage editors … to say ‘no, it is not necessary to put
this out.’ There is no urgent demand on the part of the American people to see
Daniel Pearl’s death.”
Write a well-organized and fully developed essay in which you discuss the sorts of images that
should be made public. Are there images that everyone should see? Are there images that no
one should see? How should we balance personal privacy with education of the public? Be sure
to take a clear position and make strong claims that are backed up by examples.
Use 2-3 examples from “Visual Rhetoric: Images as Argument,” and you may also add outside
material of your own choosing. Be sure to cite outside material that is not common knowledge.