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January 1974
equations in terms of chlorophyll
quantum yield, and upper limit to production
T. T. Bannister
of Biology,
of Rochester,
For eventual incorporation
into a general theory of phytoplankton
dynamics, an equation
for gross daily production
in a water column is needed which is an explicit function of
and which does not contain parameters
or coefficients
dethe production
equations of Steele, of Vollenpendent on phytoplankton
weider, and of Fee are transformed
to meet this requirement.
It is also desirable, in order
to simplify theoretical analysis, that the parameters in production
equations be chosen so as
to minimize the range of values needed to describe the variation of photosynthesis
in nature.
This can be achieved by choosing the quantum yield of photosynthesis
in weak light as
parameter instead of the maximum rate in saturating
In lakes, the value of the
quantum yield in weak light is likely to be about 0.06 moles carbon per einstein absorbed.
An additional
advantage of the transformed
equations is to make evident a simple relation
between actual daily production
and the upper limit to production.
Equations for gross daily production in a
water column are important both in analysis
of field data and for eventual development
of a general theory of phytoplankton
dynamics. A number of treatments of daily
production have appeared. Vollenweider
( 1965) has pointed out shortcomings of the
earlier work, including the nonequational
form of the expression of Ryther ( 1956a),
the insufficiently
accurate light curve equations adopted by Riley (1946), Tamiya et
al. ( 1953)) and Oorschot ( 1955)) and the
inaccuracy of the approximate depth integral proposed by Talling ( 1957b). These
deficiencies have been overcome in the
more recent production equations of Steele
( 1962)) Steele and Menzel ( 1962), Vollenweider ( 1965)) and Fee ( 1969). Nevertheless, these equations are still not ideal in
two respects.
First, the equations have not been given
in the most fundamental and general form.
That is, they have not been written as functions of those factors which most directly
determine production in a column. These
factors are:
i) the illumination
I0 incident on the
column; I0 is an environmental variable dependent on latitude, season, time of day,
and local weather;
ii) the intensity of light absorption by the
water and its nonphytoplankton
components; this intensity, which can be expressed
by an extinction coefficient k,, is at least in
part an environmental variable dependent
on the content of silt, dissolved pigments,
and other nonalgal matter in the water;
iii) the concentration of phytoplankton
pigments (most conveniently measured as
chlorophyll concentration C ) ; the product
of chlorophyll concentration and a phytoplankton extinction coefficient k, is a mea1
1974, V. 19 ( 1)
sure of the intensity of light absorption by
phytoplankton; together k,, k,, and C detcrmine the fraction of the incident light
absorbed by phytoplankton;
iv) the efficiency with which light absorbed by phytoplankton. generates photosynthetic products (e.g. reduced carbon) ;
this efficiency is a function related to the
photosynthetic light curve (the characteristic dependence of the instantaneous rate of
photosynthesis on illumination) ; the efficiency function, therefore, contains light
curve parameters.
Also, previous production equations have
not included the most fundamental light
curve parameters. The often used parameter
p,,,,, (the instantaneous rate of photosynthesis per unit volume of water at saturating
varies widely and is dependent on chlorophyll concentration, temperature, and the state of physiological adaptation of the algae. A more nearly constant
therefore a more fundamental one-is the quantum yield of photosynthesis in weak light; it is independent of
chlorophyll concentration and temperature
and is less sensitive to adaptive state. The
most general and fundamental equations for
daily production will be, therefore, functions of the two environmental variables IO
and k,, the chlorophyll concentration C, the
phytoplankton extinction coefficient k,, and
light curve parameters which are indcpendent of chlorophyll concentration and have
been chosen for greatest possible constancy.
Secondly, the manner in which a production equation will be eventually incorporated into a general dynamic theory also
generates a demand for an equation that is
an explicit function of chlorophyll concentration and that does not contain parameters
dependent on chlorophyll
This requirement arises from the following
considerations. Even for the simple case of
a well mixed, vertically homogeneous column, several interdependent
equations will be needed to describe gross
production, losses of several kinds, nutrient
supply rate, the behavior of primary consmlrers, and the characteris tic dcpendcncc
of phytoplankton
composition and parameters on growth rate and adaptive state.
Since several of the equations will involve
the phytoplankton concentration (most often
expressed as the chlorophyll concentration)
as a dependent variable, the simultaneous
solution of the equations will be simplified
if the production equation is an explicit
function of chlorophyll concentration. Similarly, the mathematical treatment will be
by choosing the most nearly
constant light curve parameters.
No previous treatment of daily production has given attention to the choice of
most nearly constant parameters.
attention has been devoted to the relation
between daily production and chlorophyll
concentration, but, up to now, no general
equation, which is an explicit function of
has been published. Ryther and Yentsch ( 1957) showed
how chlorophyll
could be
taken into account in Ryther’s (1956a)
graphical estimation of daily production.
Murphy (1962) was first to “partition” the
total extinction coefficient into chlorophylldependent
and chlorophyll -independent
components, but he dealt only with relative
production and his mathematical treatment
had weaknesses (see Patten 1968). Steele
(1962) and Steele and Menzel (1962)
clearly knew how a production equation
might be expressed as an explicit function of
chlorophyll concentration. They recognized
the means of partitioning the extinction coefficient and they showed how the photosynthetic parameter p,,,,, could be expressed
in terms of chlorophyll concentration. They
did not, however, give a general equation
but rather one in which specific numerical
values OF parameters had been substituted.
Furthermore, their treatment was complicated by an attempt to take account of
The equations most recently advanced for
daily production are two proposed by Vollenweider ( 1965). The first, identified as
“Vollenweider’s equation,” neglected photoinhibition
at high light. The second, referred to as “Fee’s production equation,”
since Fee (1969) elaborated on it, did take
gross procluction
Neither cxaccount of photoinhibition.
pressed their equations in terms of chlorophyll
Lorenzen (1972) derived an equation for
the time rate of change of phytoplankton
concentration; into this “growth equation”
was incorporated Vollenweidcr’s production
equation recast in terms of phytoplankton
concentration. The recast production cquation implied by the growth equation, but
not actually written, has two deficiencies.
First, it does not specify how phytoplankton
concentration is to bc measured. Secondly,
it includes a parameter K,,, defined as the
component of the growth rate constant contributed by gross production.
This parameter is not appropriate for a production
equation since it is not a basic photosynthetic parameter, it is not easily evaluated
and it is the ratio of daily
production (the quantity a production equation is intended to give! ) and the phytoplankton carbon concentration in the water
column. Thus, like Steele and Steele and
Menzel, Lorenzen knew how to recast a
equation in terms of phytoplankton concentration, but did not actually
write the production equation in its most
general and fundamental form.
Under appropriate conditions, the cquations of Steele, Vollcnweidcr,
and Fee are
all potentially useful rcprcsentations of daily
production in a water column. My purpose
here is to show how these equations can bc
rewritten in forms that are the most gcncral
and fundamental and that will bc most useful in developing a general dynamic theory,
After a short review of the properties of
light curves and their parameters, I show
how their equations can be recast as functions of chlorophyll concentration and the
often used but widely variable paramcterthe assimilation number. I then show that
the production equations can be written in
terms of the more nearly constant parameter
quantum yield of photosynthesis in
weak light. Finally, I point out that the
transformed equations make cvidcnt simple
relations between actual daily production
and the upper limit to daily production, discussed by Ryther ( 1959)) and also between
this upper limit and the maximum daily
production per unit chlorophyll, a quantity
used by Megard ( 1972).
Light curves (also called “P vs. I curves”)
are graphs or equations describing the charactcristic dependence of the instantaneous
rate p of photosynthesis on the incident
illumination I. Light curves always refer to
photosynthesis in an optically thin layerthin enough so that the incident illumination is essentially unattenuated by the layer
and all algae are uniformly
Photosynthetic light curves have well known
propertics. Over a low illumination
the rate of photosynthesis rises almost linearly with illumination.
At higher illuminations, the rate rises more slowly and evcntually rcachcs a maximum rate p,,,,, at light
saturation. At yet higher illuminations, the
rate generally declines due to photoinhibition.
Directly related to the characteristic dcpendcnce of rate on illumination
is the
equally characteristic
dcpcndcnce of the
quantum yield + of photosynthesis on illumination
As defined by physiologists
(see Kok 1960)) the quantum yield 4 is the
ratio of the rate of photosynthesis ( in moles
of oxygen cvolvcd or of carbon incorporated
per unit time) and the rate ( in einsteins
absorbed per unit time ) at which light is
absorbed by the phytoplankton.
The quantum yield has the dimensions moles oxygen
or carbon per cinstcin absorbed. Over the
low illumination
range of a light curve, the
quantum yield has an essentially constant,
maximum value (blllns, and this value is directly proportional to the slope of the light
curve. [If a light curve were graphed as
rate (in molts carbon per unit time) versus
absorbed illumination (in eins teins absorbed
per unit time), then +,,],, would be equal to
the slope.] Above the linear region of the
light curve, the quantum yield + steadily
declines as illumination
incrcascs and approaches a limit of zero at infinite illumi4
Up to light saturation, light curves of
photosynthesis can be crudely represented
by the equation of a rectangular hyperbola
(Tamiya et al. 1953; Oorschot 1955) and
more accurately by the equation of a nonrectangular hyperbola ( Itabinowitch
or by the equation of Smith (1936). The
latter may be written as
p (g C m-3 day-l)
+ I”]-‘*
Here p is the instantaneous rate of photosynthesis and I is the illumination
on an optically thin layer. Of the two
parameters, p ,nnx is the light-saturated rate,
and I,-,.7is the illumination at which the rate
p reaches 70% of the light-saturated rate.
To represent light curves both below
and above saturation (i.e. to take account
of photoinhibition
at high light),
(1962) used an exponential function that
can be written as
p ( g C n-? day-’ ) ==
p,,, ( I/I,,,,, ) el- wind.
Here, the parameter p,,,, has exactly the
same meaning as in Smith’s equation; it is
the maximum rate at light saturation. The
parameter I,,,,, is the illumination
at which
the light-saturated
rate p,,,, occurs. An
analysis of equation 2 shows that the rate p
declines as the illumination
I rises above
I nlas Steele’s equation can provide an accurate fit of light curves up to light saturation,
but, as Vollenweider
(I965) pointed out,
may provide only a rough representation in
the range of photoinhibition
at high light.
To obtain a better fit to experimental data
at high light, Vollenwcider (1965) proposed
a modification of Smith’s equation:
p( g C m3
day-l) = p’,d[
[ 1 + (aI/Ir$]-%‘?
In this equation, the two parameters a and
n characterize photoinhibition.
The parameters plmax and IR are analogous to, but
different from, plllax and Ioa7in Smith’s equation. If Smith’s and Vollenweider’s
equations were fitted to the same set of light
curve da& (Smiths equation being fitted
only to points at and below saturation), it
would be generally found that p’,,, # p,,,,,
and II1 # Ioa7. p’nlnx is not a rate cvcr actually attained, and IK is not the illumination at which p reaches 70% of the maximum attained rate.
From a mathematical point of view, the
choice of particular parameters in a light
curve equation is an arbitrary one. For
example, in place of p,,,,, and IO.7 in Smith’s
equation, one might choose as parameters
the half-maximum rate ~0.~ and the illumination IO.5 at which the half-maximum rate
occurs. Smith’s equation would then be
written as
p ( g C m-3 day-r) =
2po.J[ (31,.,)”
+ I”]-%
Relation between cpflLarn
and p,,,
and p’,,,
An alternative choice of parameter is that
of the maximum quantum yield +,,,,, in
place of p,,,,, or p’,,,. The following derivation shows the relation bctwcen +,,,, and
P mnx and p’maxConsider an optically thin layer of algal
suspension with a surface area of 1 m2 and
a shallow depth dx (m). The chlorophyll
concentration in the layer is C (mg Chl m-“).
The instantaneous incident illumination
the 1 rn” surface is I (einst m-2 day-l).
cinst m-2 day-l of visible (400-700 nm) solar
light corresponds to about 0.0084 g cal (total
solar energy) cm2 minL. This equivalency
is based on the close approximation that the
average energy of an einstein of visible solar
light is 52 kcal and that visible energy is
43% of the total (Withrow
and Withrow
1956) .] From the differential form of Beer’s
Law, the instantaneous rate dIA at which
light is absorbed by phytoplankton
in the
layer is
dIa (einst absorbed m-2 day-l) =
-dI = k,CIdx.
Here k, is the average spectral extinction
coefficient per unit of phytoplankton
concentration, where phytoplankton
concentration is expressed as the concentration of
chlorophyll a in the water. The dimensions
of k, arc m2 mg;-’ Chl a. The instantaneous
gross production
rate of photosynthesis,
equation, will be
pdx ( g C n+ day-l ) =
or, in moles carbon,
pdz/12( molts C m-2 day-’ ) =
[ (10.7)~ -t- I”]-%.
The quantum yield (Pwill be
+ (moles C cinst-’ absorbed) = pdx/
12dL = (prnas/l2k,C)[(I0.7)~ + I”P.
The quantum yield will reach a maximum
in weak light, i.e. when I becomes small
compared with 10.7; therefore,
4 mnx = +I + o = pmns/l%CIo.~,
Pmax = 12+ndo.~kcC.
An analogous derivation, for Steele’s light
curve ( equation 2)) leads to
Similarly, for the Vollenwcidcr
( equation 3))
light curve
p‘max = 12~m,&k;C.
Substitutions of equations 10, 11, and 12 into the rcspectivc light curve equations transforms the latter into functions of the parameter ~h,ll,s.
Production equations of Steele,
Vollenzveider, and Fee
Vollenweidcr ( 1965) derived an equation
for daily production in a totally absorbing,
homogcncous water column. On the assmllptions that Beer’s Law
I = IO e-cc
applies in the column, and that the light
curve is represented by Smith’s equation,
Vollenweidcr showed that integration over
depth and time leads to the production
n( g C m-2 daily) =
is hereafter
dt’. (14)
this equation x is the time in days between
sunrise and smlset, and t’ ( = t/h) is a dimensionless time of day such that t’ = -Y2
at sunrise, zero at noon, and +X at sunset.
To calculate the approximate production on
a sunny day, Vollenwcider assumed that the
incident illumination
IO varied during the
day according to
IO = 0.510 m:1s(1 + cos 21rt’).
I 0 mu7 the maximum illumination
at noon,
varies with season and latitude.
Smith’s equation applies accurately only
below light saturation; it might bc expected,
therefore, that Vollcnweider’s
equation would bc limited to situations
where IO dots not exceed Ioa7. However, an
analysis by Vollenwcider showed that, for a
totally absorbing layer, equation 14 ovcrestimates daily production by only about
15% even though photoinhibition
is neglected and cvcn if the noonday illumination I,-, InaSis 10 to 20 times larger than 10.7.
For many applications, a 15% error may be
For a column that is not totally absorbing,
at high light becomes more
important, and it is necessary to adopt a
light curve such as Steele’s (1962) or Vollenwcider’s (1965). Steele’s light curve (equation 2) is easily integrated over depth. For
a homogenous, partially
absorbing layer,
daily production is given by
rl[( g C m-2 daily) =
-~ ( e-T1o/lm=- e-lo/lmax) dt’. (16)
IIere T ( = e-e”) is the fraction of the incidcnt illumination IO transmitted out of the
bottom of the layer, located at x = d. Equation 16 is hereafter refcrrcd to as “Steele’s
Production equation,” al though Steele did
not in fact write it in this form.
The Vollenweidcr
light curve (equation
3) cannot bc integrated analytically
tither depth or time; an equation of daily
production must therefore remain in the
form of the double integral. For a homogeneous, partially absorbing layer in which
Beer’s Law holds, daily production is
II( g C m-2 daily) =
(P’mxVE) ss-I/ Tlo[ (III-)” + I”]-‘/ X
[l+ (aI/11c)2]-“/2 dI dt’.
This equation, first stated by Vollenweider
and later discussed by Fee ( 1969)) is hcrcafter referred to as “Fee’s production
n(g C m-2 daily) = [vCx/(k,C
+ km)] x
-1/2 sinh-l (IO/IO.,) dt’.
The same substitutions transform
production equation into
Production equations in terms of
v, k,, ancl k,V
Production equations 14, 16, and 17 are
not explicit functions of the chlorophyll concentration, and they contain the parameters
pmas or p’ mnx and the absorption coefficient
E, which are dependent on chlorophyll concentration
One way to convert these production equations to the required form is to
replace the parameters p,,,,, and P’,,~~~with
the appropriate functions of the chlorophyll
concentration and the maximum assimilation number v (g C mg-l Chl day-l), which
is a chlorophyll-independent
Also, since Beer’s Law can be written as
I = I 0 e-fkcC+kw)Z,
by the product of the maximum assimilation
number v and the chlorophyll
concentration. This substitution, together with that
for E, transforms Vollcnweider’s
it is apparent that the chlorophyll concentration-dependent
coefficient E can be replaced by ( k,C -I- k,) . As stated earlier, C
is the chlorophyll a concentration (mg Chl
in-“) due to phytoplankton
in the water,
and k, is the average spectral extinction
coefficient (m2 mg-l Chl) for the absorption
of light by phytoplankton pigments, per unit
of chlorophyll concentration. k, is the avcrage spectral extinction coefficient (m-l) for
absorption by water and its nonphytoplankton components. k, can be regarded as a
constant to a good approximation; its value
appears to bc about 0.016 m2 mg-l Chl (see
p. 1U). In contrast, k, will vary widely
in different waters dcpcnding on the content of silt, dissolved pigments, and other
In the production equations of Vollenwcider (equation 14) and of Stecle ( equation IS), the parameter p,,,, is the instantaneous rate actually
attained at light
saturation; p,,,,, may therefore be rcplaccd
n(g Cm-2 daily) = [vChe/(k,C
+ k,,cl)] x
( 20)
_~ (e-TIo/Imax_ e-Io/Imnx)dt’.
In the production equation of Fee (equation 17)) the same substitution for E may be
made, but the replacement of p’m,, by VC
would be incorrect. The difficulty, as mentioned before, is that p’m:,, is not the maximum rate actually attained.
The latter
quantity Fee termed pol,t, and he derived a
production equation in terms of popt. Since
Popt = vC, his transformed equation can be
rewritten as
IT (g C m-2 daily) =
+ kw,]I;A;
[(IRJ2 + I”]-% x
Here, 6 is a complicated
parameters a and n:
6 = [ 1+ (IOP&)2]
dI dt’.
of the
+h[I + ‘;Ij$il”)2’m’2,
Iol,J-L = ((I- @/en
-I- { [ (1-n)/2n12
+ l/na2}W)lh.
Equations 22 and 23, in which Ioljt is the
at which the maximum rate
popt occurs, are correct; in Fee (1969) the
analogous equations erred in dropping IK.
Although the transformed production equation ( equation 21) is in the form required
for general theory, the need for the two
auxiliary equations (22 and 23) is a nuisance.
It will be seen shortly that this complication
is avoided when the maximum quantum
is chosen as parameter
gross production
of v.
of the parameter +,zam
The parameters pInas, pkax, popt, and v,
and also the light saturation parameter Io.7,
I,,,,, and IK, are functions of tcmperaturc
and of the state of algal adaptation. The
temperature dcpendcnce of these paramcters has been demonstrated many times by
both physiologists (see Rabinowitch 1951)
and limnologists (e.g. Talling 1957a). Concerning adaptive changes, Steele ( 1962)
pointed out that p,,,,, and Io.7 vary over an
at least fourfold range in adaptation to
strong or weak illumination.
Myers and
Graham ( 1971) reported an equally large
variation in p,,,, and IoS7when the growth
rate of Chlorella in well nourished turbidostatic cultures varied in response to illumination A wide variation in the assimilation
number also occurs; experimental values
compiled by Rabinowitch
( 1951) indicate
as much as a 50-fold range. It is evident
that a single value of v will describe with
reasonable accuracy only a limited segment
of the full range of variation in nature.
In contrast, available evidence indicates
that the maximum quantum yield is much
more nearly constant. It has long been
recognized by physiologists
(see Rabinowitch 1951; Kok 1960) that +,,1,, is not a
function of temperature. This has also been
dcmonstratcd by limnologists; for example,
Talling ( 1957a) showed the tempcraturc
indepcndcncc of the slope of light curves in
the low light range where the slope is proportional to +,,,,. As yet there are insufficicnt data to determine the extent of change
On the one
in ha, in algal adaptation.
hand, the data of Myers and Graham (1971)
show that (P,,,~~did not change at all while
p,,,,, and Io.7 varied fourfold. On the other
hand, in cultures synchronized by light-dark
cycles, ~nl:Ls, although relatively constant
during the light period, dots fall off about
50% during a part of the dark period
(Govindjcc et al. 1968; Wang 1968; Sengcr
and Bishop 1967). Oorschot (1955) claimed
an about 70% decline of +ll,ns in batch culturcs in which growth had ceased as a result
of nitrogen exhaustion. IIowever, the scvcre
loss of chlorophyll Lmdcr these conditions
raises questions about the accuracy of the
yield determination.
Because +,,a, is indcpcndent of temperature and does not change in at least some
cases of adaptation (when p,,,,, and IO.7 do
change), it is certain that (plllaXis more constant than pm,,, v, and Io.7. Therefore, to
the same dcgrcc of accuracy, a single value
of +,,,,, will be able to represent a larger
segment of the full range of variation in
nature than can a single value of pm,, or v.
To write the production
equations of
( equation 14)) Steele ( equation 16)) and Fee (equation 17) in terms
of (Pmllx,I make USC of the previously derived
equations (10, 11, and 12) relating +,,,,, to
Af tcr substituting for p,,,,,
pnms or p mar'
and E, Vollenweider’s equation becomes
n (g C m-2 daily) =
k,C + k,
1 -1/ sink1 (IoPo.7) dt’,
Steele’s equation
II (g C m-2 daily) =
12+,x I,,, kcCA x
k,C + k,
-1/2 (e-TIo/Imnx_ e-IdImax) dt’,
( 25)
and Fee’s equation becomes
II (g C m-2 daily) =
+% IO
11 TIo[ (I#
k,c + k,
+ I”]-‘/
[ 1 + ( aI/I1,-) 2] -w2 dI dt’.
( 26)
Note that Fee’s equation can be written in
terms Of $Ilnnx without the added complexity
of the auxiliary equations ( 22 and 23).
For calculation of r[ by equations 24, 25,
and 26, the light saturation parameter (10.7,
I mns, and IR) before the integral sign must
be expressed in cinstcins mm2day-r; this is
ncccssitated by +nns being expressed as
moles carbon per einstcin absorbed. Since
the integrals are dimensionless, the light
saturation parameters and the incident
appearing ufter the integral
sign, can be expressed in any convenient
Estimated value of CP~~,,:
Kok ( 1960) has reviewed the many laboratory determinations which, taken together,
indicate a maximum quantum yield of about
0.10 moles oxygen evolved per einstcin absorbed. This value is the approximate upper
limit for the yield in low light when the
wavelength of illumination
and the physiological state of the organisms are both optimized. Several factors can be expected to
lead .to a lower time-average value for the
maximum quantum yield of carbon incorporation in lakes. First, quantum yield and
action spectra (Emerson and Lewis 1942,
1943; IIaxo and Blinks 1950; Tanada 1951;
Haxo 1960) indicate that some phytoplankton accessory pigments ( e.g. care tenoids )
sensitize photosynthesis less efficiently than
dots chlorophyll; these studies indicate that
the average spectral yield is commonly 10 to
20% less than that at wavelengths absorbed
solely by chlorophyll.
Secondly, as already
mentioned, studies of synchronous algal
cultures show that the maximum quantum
yield is depressed during part of the dark
period (Wang 1968; Govindjec et al. 1968;
Senger and Bishop 1967) ; asynchrony in
lake phytoplankton
could lead to a timcaverage yield in lakes lo-20% less than that
characteristic of the light period. Thirdly,
as Ryther ( 1956h) pointed out, the yield for
carbon is likely to be about 85% of the yield
for oxygen, as a result of nitrate reduction
and the formation of some carbon compounds more reduced than carbohydrates.
Taking these reductions together, it is likely
that +,,,, will have a time-average value in
lakes of about 0.06 molts C cinst- ’
This estimate is admittedly a rough one,
and there may be some real variation in
lakes. On the other hand, with the exception of the claim of Oorschot ( 1955)) available evidence suggests a fairly narrow range
for +,,,.
The value cannot surpass 0.10
moles C cinst-’ absorbed, since the carbon
yield must generally be less than the highest
yield of oxygen evolution. Also, +,,,,, cannot fall much below 0.04 moles C einst-L
absorbed, at least in highly productive lakes
in which daily production can exceed 5 g C
m-2 daily. With a lower yield, Vollenweider’s production equation (24) predicts
a lower value of production than is actually
measured, despite the fact that the equation
neglects photoinhibition
and therefore overestimates production. In sum, I believe that
a value of +maXof 0.06 will be correct, to
within a factor smaller than 1.5, for most
if not all lakes.
Upper limit to production *
The form of the production equations
(24, 25, and ZS), expressed in terms of <P,~~~,~,
has a physical significance not apparent in
the original production equations of Vollenweider, Steele, and Fee. Each of the transformed equations contains the factor k,C/
(Ic,C + k,); this factor is easily shown to
be the fraction of the total light absorbed
due to phytoplankton.
[From the diffcrential form of Beer’s Law, the total light absorbed in a thin layer is I ( k,C + k,,) dx,
while the light absorbed by phytoplankton
only is Ik,C dx. Then the fractional absorption by phytoplankton is k,C/( k,C + kw ) .]
The relation bctwecn daily production
and an upper limit to production can be
deduced by considering a mixed layer of a
lake which is just barely totally absorbing
[i.e. 2’ = exp - (k,C + kw) d N 0.011, and
in which absorption by water and nonphytoplankton components is a significant contribution to the total absorption [e.g. k,C/
(k,C + k,) = 0.51. Daily production in the
layer will be given by equation 24. Now,
imagine that the phytoplankton
concentration were to increase until the value of
W/( W + kw ) b ccame unity, corresponding to all incident light being absorbed by
At this point, daily production would reach an unsurpassable upper
lirnit. Inspection of equation 24 shows that
this upper limit, defined as a, is given by
@(g C m-2 daily) =
&hn,x I 0.7h s.-1/L sinh-’ (Io/Io.T) dt’.
gross production
By defining 1~ in this way, equation 24 for
daily production can be rewritten in a much
simplified form:
n(g C mm2daily) = Qk,C/(k,C
+ k,).
\k is not a fmlction of the chlorophyll concentration, but rather only of incident illumination 10, daylength h, and the photosynthetic parameters +,:,, and Ion7. Actual
daily production Ri in the layer depends on
phytoplankton concentration solely through
the factor k,C/ ( k,C + k,) . Analogous cxpressions for @ can be obtained from the
equations of Steele and Fee
(equations 25 and ZS), provided these equations arc modified (by setting T = 0) so
that they apply to a totally absorbing layer.
@ defined in this way is identical to the
upper limit to production
discussed by
Ryther ( 1959). To calculate values of the
upper limit to production, he used a graphical procedure which, though correct, was
complicated and unsuited to taking account
of adaptive changes in the photosynthetic
parameters. In contrast, the upper limit is
easily calculated by equation 27, for any
parameter values.
For a partially absorbing layer ( T > 0 ) ,
one can formally define ekT as the limit to
production when k,C/( k,C + k,) is unity,
IIowever, @F has a diffcrcnt meaning from
that of @ for a totally absorbing layer. @kT
is the hypothetical upper limit to production
in a layer the transmission of which is constant and larger than 0.01, when phytoplankton account for all, and water and nonphytoplankton none, of the light absorption.
This situation is probably an unreal one
and, therefore, the concept of @\kT
as an upper limit is likely to be of little use, Furthcrmore, unlike @, ekT is dependent on the
transmission 2’ and, hence, on the chlorophyll concentration in the layer,
* and the maximum daily production
per unit chlorophyll
I?or lake layers which are totally absorbing and essentially homogeneous, experimental graphs of daily production (g C m-3
daily) versus depth commonly exhibit a
maximum at a depth x’ ( m) at which the
is about 10% of that at the
surface ( Rodhe 1965). Therefore,
x ’ = 2.3/( k,C + kw).
The ratio of the maximum daily production
at the depth x’ and the chlorophyll concentration C Megard (1972) termed the maximum specific daily production I’,,,, (g C
mg-l Chl daily).
(1957h) and
Rodhe ( 1965) showed that daily production
in a homogeneous, totally absorbing column
can often be quite accurately estimated as
n( g C rnd2 daily)
= I’,,,&
From equations 28, 29, and 30, it is easily
shown that
XP= 2.3 P,,,,/k,.
This simple relation between P,,, and the
upper limit to production a, in a totally absorbing layer, does not appear to have been
recognized previously. The relation should
be useful for estimating the upper limit
attainable in a given lake. Like ?~r,P,,,, is a
function of incident illumination, daylength,
and the parameters +,mR,and 10.7.
Final remarks
In simplest terms, what is accomplished
in the foregoing is to show how the best of
the published equations for daily production can be written as explicit functions of
and how the
widely variable parameter p,,, (or pllnax)
can be replaced by the more constant
parameter +,,,,,. The transformation is simple, and it is surprising that the transformed
equations have not been presented previously. It is also surprising that the simple
relation between daily production and the
upper limit to production, and also between
the upper limit and the maximum daily production per unit of chlorophyll,
have not
been pointed out heretofore. Apparently,
neither the relation between (brnnrand P,,~,,,
nor the relative constancy of +,,,, nor the
concept of fractional absorption has been
generally appreciated.
Or, perhaps, the
possibility of mathematical simplification of
a later dynamic theory has been a less pressing concern, up to now, than that the forms
of production equations bc directly applicable to commonly available field data.
The transformed production
cqua tions
are not as easily applied to field data as the
original production equations. The reason
is that p,,, and E are more commonly and
easily measured than +,,,,,, k,, and k,. Also
the transformed equations require measuremcnt of the chlorophyll
conccn tra tion.
( or
( or
or IK) are available (as required by the
original production equations ) , and since C
is easily measured, cbrnnscould be calculated
if only k, were available. It is really the
of determining
k, and k, that
makes the transformed equations more difficult to use.
The problem of measuring k, and k, in a
lake is not yet satisfactorily resolved. The
problem is exacerbated by the fact that, in
production equations, k, must refer specifically to light absorption by the pigments of
live, photosynthetically
competent phytoplankton, while k, must refer to light
absorption not only by water and its nonphytoplankton components, but also by any pigments of dead and decaying algae. Recent
efforts to distinguish between chlorophyll
and pheophytin have an obvious bearing in
this regard (Lorenzen 1967; Yentsch 1965;
Moss 1967). One approach to the problem
is to accept arguments (which I will state
elsewhere) that k, is approximately constant
and that its value is close to 0.016 m2 mg-”
Chl. [This is the approximate mean of the
estimates, ranging from 0.013 to 0.020, of
Mcgard ( 1972)) Talling ( 1970)) M. Lorenzen (1972), and C. J. Lorcnzen (1972) .]
If the mean value is accepted, and if values
of E and C are measured, then k, is calculablc. Another approach was that of Megard
(1972) who estimated k, and k, from production measurements in arcas of varying
concentration in Lake Minnetonka. His method required a large number
of measurements and assumed that the
values of k, and k, were ,the same in all
areas. The lack of good methods for k, and
k 20 will understandably
discourage USC of
the transformed production
equations in
some kinds of fieldwork. On the other hand,
a dynamic theory relating the properties of
a phytoplankton
crop to enviromnental
characteristics must take into account that
daily production is fundamentally
dcpcndent on the fractional absorption by phytoplankton-hence
on k, and k,. As seen by a
phytoplankton population, the light absorption coefficient k, is an environmental property no less important than incident illumination and nutrient supply. Thus, for theory,
the transformed equations are required.
Finally, it may be noted that the transformed production equations retain some of
the weaknesses of the equations from which
they were derived.
E’irst, the equations
apply to a homogeneous water column. In
principle, this is not a serious cleficiency
since vertical inhomogeneity can be treated
by subdividing
the column into shallow,
essentially homogeneous layers, and by
applying the production equations (with
appropriate new limits for the depth integral) to each layer separately. This possibility was rcalizcd by Ryther (1956a) and
was rcccntly restated by Fee ( 1969). Secondly, constancy of chlorophyll concentration over a day has been implicitly assumed.
In fact, during periods of rapicl net growth,
and even in a steady state de tcrmined by
balanced production and losses over a 24-hr
period, chlorophyll concentration may vary
appreciably during daylight hours (Yentsch
and Ryther 1957; Shimada 1958). One way
to overcome this difficulty
might be to
redefine C in the production equations as
the time-average chlorophyll concentration
during daylight hours, possibly wcightcd in
favor of the hours when production is grcatest. Thirdly, the often encountered asymmetry of production in morning and afternoon (Doty and Oguri 1957; Lorenzen 1963;
Newhousc et al. 1967; Vollenweider
Tilzer 1973), possibly related to synchrony
or to nutrient depletion, is not taken into
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Submitted: 12 January 1973
Accepted: 26 October 1973