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© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Anthea Middleton
Energy Skills Queensland
Director of Research, Strategy and Development
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
“It took humans four million years to evolve the hand axe, another two million
years to somewhat improve it. And then, within a mere 20,000 years, a
geological blink of the eye, they created art, agriculture, the wheel, computers
and spaceships”
– George Zarkadakis
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Technological drivers of change
Source: Future of Jobs Survey, World Economic Forum.
Note: Names of drivers have been abbreviated to ensure legibility
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Is digitalisation the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Navigating the next industrial revolution
Source: World Economic Forum
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Source: Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Source: Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
5 billion IoT objects are currently in use.
6.4 billion in 2016
and 20.8 billion by 2020.
This is anticipated to grow to
Source: Mobile Nation Driving Participation, AMTA/Deloittes, 2016
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Do you have ‘Future Fatigue’ yet?
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Source: Heather McGowan 2015
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Significant barriers to change
Source: Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum,
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Source: Australian Jobs 2016 Report , Department of Employment
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Technology and
workforce skilling
‘enabling’ policies that
are robust enough to
meet safety and
compliance needs and
flexible enough to
continue to adapt to
Understanding what
technology is right for
your business AND your
If there is a skill
shortage there is an
Keeping staff engaged
and motivated in times
of constant disruption
and change
Ability to embed
‘Enterprise Skills’ into
technical trade
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
Job Transformation, not obliteration of work…
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
55 Jobs of the Future – Futurist, Thomas Frey
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
First and foremost – embrace change
Build competitive advantage through product familiarisation
Invest in Training that may seem like ‘non-core’ activities
Sign up for training in social media – you know who you are…
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Digital Disruption and the Workforce
• Form relationships with manufacturers of new technology – they need your
help as much as you do
• Embrace and develop ‘Intelligent Resources’
• Listen – Collaborate – Share
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
Thank you
“We should regard the future as digital and human,
never digital versus human. Yet to achieve a graceful
balance, we must start by asking ourselves a simple
question: what is digital technology for and what do we
wish it to achieve on our behalf?”
- Richard Watson, Digital vs Human, 2016
© 2016 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
© 2015 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.
© 2015 Energy Skills Queensland Inc. Information contained in this presentation cannot be copied or distributed without the expressed written consent of Energy Skills Queensland Inc.